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Everything posted by Sigma6

  1. What car is it? This 'only working with iPhone' sounds a bit strange - maybe its Magsafe compatible? If you just need an iPhone that has wireless charging just for car media and using Carplay, then an iPhone 8 with 256gb would do the job. If you are gonna use as your regular phone then obviously a 12 or 13 will be better.
  2. Why would she get a message about the facial recognition requirement if she has already done it?
  3. Yeah I wasnt disputing it, just adding detail from the app from a farang standpoint. Also, my (Thai) missus' Kasikorn shows the screen you posted - allowing her to add the face scan in the app, without a branch visit it would seem. So it confirms that with Kasikorn the system is in place for Thais.
  4. Yes, and as a foreigner banking with Kasikorn, this is what you will see: Try it: more / settings / facial verification with bank I'm sure once they figure how how, it will be put in place for us.
  5. I don't know about his phone story, but this may be the reason for his bad mood.
  6. Jeez, reality bites... I wish you well on your journey Toast1. Peace to you, brother `
  7. So were all the dodgy volunteer visas that now prevent people from getting an Elite visa
  8. For 5000b you are looking at which smartphone is least sh!t. Good smartphones start at the 10-15k range. Work issued me with a Samsung A12; it was slow, but screen, battery and camera was meh, but ok - usable I assume the A14 is the latest version of that. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/samsung-galaxy-a14-4128gb-by-banana-it-i4431862290-s17751496885.html?c=&channelLpJumpArgs=&clickTrackInfo=query%3Asamsung%2Ba14%3Bnid%3A4431862290%3Bsrc%3ALazadaMainSrp%3Brn%3A006acfa96b9d131f8b6773447b776213%3Bregion%3Ath%3Bsku%3A4431862290_TH%3Bprice%3A5699%3Bclient%3Adesktop%3Bsupplier_id%3A4283%3Bpromotion_biz%3A%3Basc_category_id%3A3973%3Bitem_id%3A4431862290%3Bsku_id%3A17751496885%3Bshop_id%3A4935&fastshipping=0&freeshipping=1&fs_ab=2&fuse_fs=1&lang=en&location=Samut Prakan&price=5699&priceCompare=&ratingscore=5.0&request_id=006acfa96b9d131f8b6773447b776213&review=5&sale=22&search=1&source=search&spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.i40.3fdd14c5UAl08W&stock=1
  9. @abaganov2 Put us out of our misery please, what happened?! ????????
  10. you should mention your passport, as most westerners will get a 30 day visa exempt entry, even via a land border.
  11. Exactly. Which is why I cant understand why he, and his army of advisors/lawyers didnt have the foresight to deal with this issue.
  12. I just cannot comprehend why he did not deal these shares years ago... Even more so after seeing how they brought down Thanathorn. ????‍♂️
  13. A few parts could be used, like the screen, speakers, mics etc. Nothing on the motherboard. Its worth a fraction of its value bricked. It may be possible now to unbrick an iPhone, but I think its technically pretty hard, and the phone is severely hobbled - like you need to re-jailbreak it to reboot the phone - so most people wouldnt buy into this. Thats the worst part of having your 40k phone nicked; knowing they gonna make maybe 3k from it.... Which is why i suggested he buys is back from the shop - its possible the shop is involved in the theft, at the minimum he knowingly buys stolen goods - but if he did actually pay for the stolen goods, he won't want to lose that money. For me its worth 2k to get all my pics and data back with my phone.
  14. Find my iphone requires a data connection. If a phone is stolen normally the first thing the thief does is remove the sim card. To join a new wifi network the phone needs to be unlocked - so its unlikely that at the shop the phone had a data connection, hence my asking - unless; The phone was using an esim which would then need unlocking to disable it The phone auto logged in to a known public WiFi. Turning the phone off would prevent these 2 possibilities. Find my iphone is very good, but precise location is hard in people dense areas, especially indoors such as a shopping mall, in which case you would know which mall, but it would be quite tricky to identify which floor, which shop.
  15. I think the shop will take 2k. How did you track it down to a shop level? The shop is on a street, rather than a Mall? Its strange that the thief didnt remove the sim after stealing your phone, and nor did the shop owner - E-sim maybe?
  16. I'd like to know if this whole Phuket 'red/yellow card system', under which they are able to deport people, with no appeal possible, was made law in the royal gazette - I don't think it was..??
  17. It should also be noted that each year 1000s of thai girls seek to get a massage job in the middle east, knowing full well what is expected of them. The prospect of free room and board, with a relatively high salary (and the potential 'tips') is tempting to the girls, and also to their families.... These entrapment stories with dodgy pimps adding debts, and taking their passports are pretty rare.
  18. Plastic cheese is available all all supermarkets for a similar price to the US version. Real cheese, on the other hand, is expensive. Imported and relatively low demand. That Lazada advert has no reviews for a reason. This is from Lotusss'ss's
  19. Are you sure you have done all the account verification steps? If you can't add dollars to your Wise dollar account then it would seem the problem is with your Wise account itself. How did you try add dollars; - manual bank transfer? linking your bank account? using a visa card? credit card? Visa debit card should be straight forward enough, just put in your card details. If this isnt possible then you need to push support to solve it.
  20. Yes, I think it should for terminal conditions.
  21. Quite why the BOT insists on forcing banks and their app developers to implement a highly technical security measure, which will obviously have lots of problems until they perfect it, when all the big tech phone manufacturers already have biometric security built in to their phones. You can guarantee that the fingerprint scanners/faceID systems are way more secure, and reliable than what a thai bank will implement - based off a photo. Couldnt they just force the app to require biometrics for any transfer - in fact my Kplus already does to open the app, and then also asks for a PIN for any transfer. ????‍♂️
  22. Great article; doesnt mention what happened to the sickle psychopath ????‍♂️ Anyone? how many years?
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