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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. My money would be on Udon Thani. There is a solid farang community there and has all, the visiting and established westerner, could want. As for massages; depends on what you want. If you just need to get your tired body sorted, Udon is as good as anywhere. But if it's 'happy ending' you want then you best to consult the farangs in the bars around 'Nutty Park'. They will put you right. A sizable airport at Udon. Quite modern. But TBH, Udon has no draw for me nowdays. I prefer to be out in the sticks.
  2. You must be heavy-boned. You'll never make a top class swimmer. But pistol shooting could be your thing.
  3. They were after the best luggage space. Reckon by the time you got in there, the space had disappeared. There are a lot of Chinese; they know the score.
  4. Owls and magpies. Lot's of character there. No sign of the budgies since they were let go. i often wonder how they are faring. Always looking up at the fluttering in the trees.
  5. Good question! There are three biggies. Udon Thani, Khon Kaen and Khorat (Nakhon Ratchasima). Thaksin Shinawatra was going to make Udon the admin capitol of Thailand. So maybe it's that one. Udon is certainly the fastest growing. Nong Khai is quaint.
  6. Rotten sods. I'll never use their KTB Netbank Service again.
  7. Just tried the; https://www.ktbnetbank.com/ to see if they had changed their minds or forgotten. Gone!
  8. Thanks bro. That was her laughing with Mem, the dog lady. Yes, it's gradually grown over 15 years. Looking at one more bit to complete the farm 'jig-saw'. It's been an adventure alright. We have had buffaloes (US spelling) and pigs,. Ducks - twice - and dogs. As far as trees go; I planted 2,200 rubber trees and 192 oil palm that have all been ripped up. Also cassava; which was a loser. Tried my hand at a lot of stuff in the ponds too. Probably cost more for these ventures than what the farm is worth. Have 5 bore holes, and did have water towers with a total capacity of 20k litres. But it went a tad 'pear-shaped' when I went to England for 7 months in 2015. Long story. A walk around all four parts to the farm would be about 3k meters. Not done that for a few years though. I'm past it now!
  9. Watched it. Thanks fellow Owl. I'm just over 2 minutes and Mildred is about 30 seconds faster than me. But she has returned to her tippy-tappy and lost a bit of interest, so, if I continue my unrelenting improvement, I'll soon be house champ. The vast number of actual combinations got me thinking. I worked out that there are precisely 69 more combinations of a standard cube - that's 3x3x3 - than there are discarded face masks in Thailand.
  10. I'm sure Interpol are keeping an eye on things. Some of the posters on here are so obstropulous. Makes great reading.
  11. Thanks boss. We did have over 80 rai, but done a deal and lost 18 rai. But gained a tractor and another 4 rai closer to the farm house.. Looking to get the farm next to us. That'll be another 22 rai. Michael has done a grand job with the vid.
  12. I think the Germans are in big trouble in 2023.
  13. More advice on AN than you get by visiting a clinic, doctor or hospital. They just give you drugs. Runny nose! Perfectly natural. Get some sun. Drink lots of clean water.
  14. Very interesting. Keep us informed with progress please.
  15. Interesting post! About 15 years ago me and the Mrs went to the festival at Udon over the NY holiday. The Forestry had a big stand. I had a nosy round their presentation to see what was on offer. There were maps of land that could be taken over for 'development'. Most of this was to the north of the Udon to Sakon Nakon road. I was interested, but it was obviously not for farngs. The land was in 4 rai parcels. However it couldn't be cleared for rice growing - withour permission - and there could be no permanent dwellings built. This meant that all living buildings were to be in wood and bamboo. The exception to this was a toilet. Which could be concrete and blocks. There was the offer of free hardwood trees also. Each tenure was for 10 years.. Was this one of Thaksin;s projects? Much like the free ponds. being dug all over the place. right now. And is this what Bannork's post is about?
  16. 8 from 10. Not the story but the incident. I'd like to hear the outcome.
  17. And there was me thinking you thought Zelenskyy was doing a decent job.
  18. Found an interesting add for a www this morning. Can't make me mind up if it's a biblical or a flat-earther's add. I could put it in AN's joke section. Think I will. Took note of the www and will have a look later.
  19. Thanks for the inspiring words DJ. Give a Thai a new toy, and he just can't put it down.
  20. Mem and hubby visited us yesterday. They were so happy to see the dogs in good shape, and the dogs were overjoyed to see old friends. Michael took a couple of short vids around the farm. I reckon he will put them up on his channel.
  21. Do you think that all the leaders lead from the front? Most are behind the scenes.
  22. I reckon he could be the next leader of the WEF.
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