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Everything posted by Yellowtail

  1. You mean the people suffering are the same ones that are buying and burning the fossil fuels, yes? The same fossil fuels that are used to charge EVs, yes? How? I'm not crying, I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of the intelligentsia. No, do you? I know you pretend to.
  2. He took it in for a repair, not a service. The only time I check the oil is when I pick it up from from being serviced.
  3. Up to thirty minutes. Even it that is true, up to would mean new, cool engine, fresh synthetic oil, engine idling. Now compare that to older, poorly maintained engine with tar in the sump, heavy vehicle driven at speed. In any event, it made it through the test drive, from the dealership to the OP's home, and then the OPs drove it for something less than 20km. With no oil? I think not.
  4. Yes, it's great that EVs are so heavily subsidized in the US.
  5. We do not know that they did not check the oil. We don't know that the oil was low We don't know what was recommend We don't know what was actually done We don't know what was declined We do know the OP takes it to the dealer for a power issue, knowing it is overdue for service and does not have it serviced. If the the OP had ordered the car serviced, and the dealership drained the oil and either left the drain-plug out or did not refill the oil, the dealership would be 100% responsible for all damages. The OP claimed the vehicle was delivered to his home after the repairs. The vehicle would not make it one kilometer with no oil. The OP claims the oil-light never came on, and that there was no noise prior to catastrophic engine failure.
  6. Dude has a vehicle, knows it's way overdue for service, has a lack of power issue, takes it in for repair, but does not bother having it serviced. Even (apparently) has work done on the suspension, but still does not bother having it serviced. The OP did not say the parts were changed, only that that they were on the list.
  7. Yeah, I have a 2.8 Fortuner and find it underwhelming.
  8. When an engine runs out of oil, that is to say when the level in the sump is lower than the pick-up, engine failure comes quickly, it likely would not last 20km, and you would likely not see or hear anything before the actual failure. You claimed the oil light never came on, yes? Really nothing else to see, and nothing to hear until the actual failure. Perhaps a rod-knock for a minute or two, but not likely you would hear that with the windows up and the AC on. If Mitsu has accepted responsibility I would let them pay for the repair.
  9. So you were not able to get a yellow-book. Did they tell you why? I never said it did not require effort. I do not think it takes significantly more effort than opening a new bank account, but it is certainly more difficult than a 90-day report.
  10. So considering Bangkok uses over 2,000MW, would you say they are on track to meet that goal with the 30MW over ten years you mentioned?
  11. I agree, that's why I think it crazy that governments dump money into it on the backs of the poor.
  12. Better to spend the money subsidizing the rich. If you bring the people out of poverty they'll be thinking they deserve to own cars and air-conditioned homes.
  13. So have you tried unsuccessfully to get one, or are you just talking out your...uh...tailpipe? I had no difficulty getting a yellow-book, but then I have no difficulty opening bank accounts, extending my stay, doing my 90-day reports, renewing my driver license and doing any number of other things that seem so traumatic to so many people here.
  14. Yes, the intelligentsia generally believes this, or they believe that it soon will be. To them, electricity comes from a hole in the wall. In any event, the end game is to price ownership of private cars and single family homes such the they are unobtainable to the hoi polloi.
  15. But they stop checking when they find the issue.
  16. And with the windows up and the AC on even less likely someone would hear it. A rod-knock getting oil might last a while, but I don't think a rod-knock not getting oil will. Also, if the the engine was run dry, I would thin the heads would be toast as well, and the OP claims they're just doing a short-block swap.
  17. Probably a condo owner that fancies themself a general contractor paying a daily rate...
  18. If Mitsubishi admits fault, why would you not expect the repairs to be free?
  19. Roof paint will not seal your roof, it only changes/refreshes the color. Roof coatings/sealers are different from paint.
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