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Everything posted by yankyoakum

  1. wifes girlfriend just bought one for 400+ baht at homepro
  2. were you born stupid or do you take pills? Go away in short jerky motions....
  3. yep happened to me this week, 3 copiesPP detail page and 2 of visa as well as fill out the TM47, I used to bring a prefilled one always but they said don't need it. Well now they do and if you need a pen for filling out TM 47 you have to go to bldg on the left not the one for 90 day reporting and of 3 pen spots one was MIA, one worked and other had no ink... But I did not have to sign the 3 copies. For last 3 years we've been in Sattahip only show up hand PP get number wait and they call number and hand back PP. Oh yea after all that found a pen in bottom of passport bag.. Also think they pushing for on line reporting but who knows what lies in the minds of those running the show..
  4. I always do in person as it's my time to get out, listen to music and drive to Jontien alone, hand over PP and in 20 minutes leave and have breakfast..This week arrived and was handed a TM-47 form, fill this out and bring copies of PP page, latest visa, ..where is a pen? over there.. (FYI Over there is next building).. and 3 pens and only one had ink..Then to the photo copy place and back to 90 day desk...Yea looks like online will be the future... and I've been doing this and living in same place for 3 years....I was ok sitting under tent and not having to supply more paperwork....one step forward and 3 steps back
  5. FYI...Had all the sagging seat springs replaced years ago in USA, Old guy came to house to bid, his comment (which stuck) is only do it if the piece has good bones.. Mine were 25 yr old Natuzzi leather and heavy. Much of todays furniture is made from Particle board and not worth spending money on. Just a thought...
  6. Well 50 years ago up country they were all bamboo, there was an old man in Warin across the river from Ubon who made a bunch of them, his the stem that held the bowl was thinner bamboo and looked like a water buffalo head with 2 shoots (one out out either side) that looked like horns..they were offshoot stems. Back in the day Paw's bongs were pretty famous amount the US GI's stationed here. He made bowls for them from some very hard local wood that would sink in a glass of water. But those bamboo bongs were really great and suspect the design was centuries old...
  7. I buy mine from Lazada and get the charcoal impregnated one. My Trailblazer I change it myself as the Chevy guys didn't seem to know where/what it was (behind glove box) and owners manual doesn't mention it. Also as stated by others my Lazada replacement was much better/sturdier than the OEM one I took out. The charcoal ones can be vac'd and set in sun for a few hrs and put back but I keep a spare and they cheap. OEM ones are not charcoal just white pleated..
  8. prior to retiring here did some checks and found Schwab Amex and Costco Visa do not charge foreign transaction fees, always use them and request all sales in Thai Baht, works well so far.
  9. Looks like place was used as indoor pot farm..
  10. We just went through this in Chonburi, but from USA. Married in 70's in USA, wifes Thai ID still maiden name....does it matter???... naw... Retired here and want her US pension going to Thai Bank. Easy to do as long as her Thai Bank account has EXACT same name as her pension account in US. Her Thai ID card # stayed the same, got name changed, opened her a new bank account here with married name and no problems. Otherwise not possible. Got name change done at office in Sattahip after trip to US embassy. The USA 1976 marriage cert from rural area had no identifier # and didn't say USA. It was cute one page fill in the blank form signed by church minister. Hence the trip to Embassy, was and interesting exercise.
  11. I am in the same situation, got 3 frames I really like that are comfortable but need new lenses. Going to try looking around Sattahip. My new glasses bought beside Big C were 30K Baht and lenses are great, frames hurt my nose. In USA could have got 3 pairs from Costco or Sams for that price..
  12. No mention of Lagos, Malabo or the other real risky spots in West Africa, think as others stated this is garbage journalism...
  13. Just me but been a rum drinker for a while and found SangSom to be a really decent rum. Will have to buy the Special Rum and try it but like someone else said it has never gave me a hang over..
  14. Think they call it comfort food... But OP I understand where your coming from......Nilla wafers, Cream of Wheat, Saltines, Ginger Ale and Grits hard to find... Canadian Whiskey as well. But was my choice to retire here and they have a lot more now than they did 50 yrs ago...
  15. In states the salt chlorinator went into winter mode at 60F and didn't work, above that it came back on and made chlorine. You didn't mention what brand chlorinator but suspect there may be a switch in the chlorinator panel that needs toggled... Yellow algae is really tough and copper sulfate may be needed to get rid of it along with good cleaning and change the filter if you have a pleated one.
  16. Retired here and had this issue, Plan A we stay in CM so thats where we opened accounts Plan B was too hot up there.... moved to Sattahip, to get the retirement letter and copy of bank statement local branch had to send to CM branch and took a week. BKKBK Not cool....Just opened a new account in Sattahip, thats now the retirement acc. and the CM account is for spending money.. I think all branches in a Provence are connected but different Provences seem to be their own worlds..
  17. I would also consider traveling in coolest time of year if pup is too big to fly under the seat in carrier.
  18. Wong at IT Smart does very good work, find him on FB, he is in Chonburi.......someone hit our automatic gate, and broke the motor controller, they replaced with a better one that includes battery back up. Then they installed a 7 camera system around the house and inside lounge and dining room. Pricing was decent and after install, adjustments and help was FOC.. Worth looking at. They do good work.
  19. RIP Ubon Joe, you were great help when we needed advice..
  20. I do mine in Jomtien office, give PP to IO sitting outside under tent, get a number, sit outside and usually 15-20 minutes they bring PP back call yr number and bye bye...,40 bt for parking across street... guess I could do on line but would screw it up...also my big trip out every 90 days...
  21. WE just set wifes up, we have my social security accounts on line we set up in states before retiring here. She just went to her account, clicked on change bank, put in routing number and her savings account # and supposedly starting June her checks will come to her BKK BK account here. Didn't take 5 minutes....We will see how this works. As for what fees get charged we'll find out.
  22. get a Thai will for her, it only cost 5K Baht in Pattaya at most all law firms, (we used Magna Carta) we have wills each of us for USA and another here for Thailand. Husband US citizen, wife dual Thai/with US PP as well) and we will finish our journey here...
  23. best not let my wife hear that blasphemy, you know when old Thai ladies burp they say Katote Kow... Thai rice is sacred....
  24. our wheels bought in CM 2019, been in Chonburi since early 2020, every year we just go pay the yearly tax in Chonburi, still got CM plates but wife says not changing it..
  25. I'm kinda far away in Bang Saray but went to get a haircut at shop on corner 332 and Sukumvit.. I have a goatee and mustache, They don't speak much English and I speak enough Thai to get in jail..not enough to get out.. Anyhow the guy cuts my hair and via me excellent Thai and sign language I ask him to trim my stash and goat.. Smoothest darn shave I ever had, and by the time I figured out "he ain't trimming" was too late.. Hot towel and everything.... The wife went into hysterics when I got home....No worries that stuff grows back, its the stuff on top thats thinning'...
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