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bert bloggs

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Everything posted by bert bloggs

  1. Many years ago before living here when i came on holiday ,i had a pre existing condition but i always got insurance even though it was 160 pounds for 3 weeks 20 yrs ago. It covered my pre existing condition, otherwise it would have been really quite cheap.
  2. Just watching the landscapers,is it meant to be a comedy, to be honest i thought it was a true story,still nice to see that the neighbours who lived next door were a black husband with a white wife,so rare on modern tv shows these days????
  3. Just a suggestion ,get a pink id card,i get quick tratment ,no problem getting the vacine, i certainly was not last in any q ,neither was a friend.
  4. Just saw season 2 was on chaos ,so downloaded s 1 to see if its ok ,will watch an episode today to see. Chaos is a great site .
  5. I found the vacine rollout very good after a slow start,as a falang i got great quick free jabs no problem and they were not the chinese ones, Also when ill have had good response and reasonable cost healthcare at a govt hospital.
  6. It was Oscar Wilde ,from Lady Windameers Fan . Sorry should have said.
  7. We are having new zealand lamb,the wife loves it almost as much as welsh lamb that is brought up on salt plains in s wales( can only get it there it is fantastic ) still tried one of those pre cooked turkeys one year ,not all that nice. So lamb it iz with roast parsnips ,sent by angels from heaven????
  8. We are all in the gutter,but some of us are looking up at the stars.
  9. They are good ,Chonburi govt hospital is also very good
  10. 3.1 % pension rise next year ,that is if you have a Brit address and bank account,wonder how many out herehave that ,lots i bet.
  11. Same here,when we arrived 16 yrs ago i bought a chevy optra,i have had it serviced every 6k ,very few problems,runs really well and looks about 3 yrs old its done 180000kms. We also have a nissan which our son drives.
  12. I dont know if this is the right place to ask ,but i was registered on line with mor prom through my pink card,well my line got deleted by accident and when i try to re register on mor prom ,it says that i am already registered,but i have had 2 az jabs and i was hoping a booster time would come through mor prom ,but as i no longer have it on line any ideas how to resolve it? Thanks in advance
  13. Damn i was saving the fact that she had a walking frame and was non binery for another post,mind you the way tv series are going these days it will be a normal set up .????
  14. Just downloaded and watched the first episode of a new series set in a coastal town in N Ireland( know it and have lived quite close) well its about a new muslim female detective who has just started working there,its a bit like a soap opera ,all the people in it act as if they have never been to Ireland but think thats how they talk and act and as for the new detective being there,well i have more chance of winning the lottery next week . But if you want to watch it for the lovely coastline give it a go its called HOPE STREET.
  15. Sorry if i dont know anyone who has had covid or died of it ,but then i dont know anyone who has had a traffic accident and been injured or died going back 16 yrs in one
  16. We live just outside Pattaya,i dont know anyone who has had covid or heard of anyone who has died,we are double jabbed
  17. When i do my marriage visa this year how long before my visit can i get our kor ror 22? Is it 2 weeks or can it be a bit longer,?
  18. Well the car the house everything is in my wifes or my sons name,we even have joint bank accounts in our UK bank ( used to live in uk) mind you after 26 yrs of marriage and 2 yrs together before that ,i dont think she will leave.
  19. Totally agree,same will happen to us as the billions and billions of humans,animals and plants before us we just become part of the soil, anyway to those who think they will see Jesus when they die,who did those before he was born see?
  20. Just binge watched a cop series set in Edinbourgh,its about a cop with problems looking for a serial killer,really enjoyed it ,its called Crime,got it off pb.
  21. I downloaded them from tvchaos uk. Mind you i did not realize that English villages had such a diverse culture in ep 6 an asin tarot reader,a black wizard a mixed race lesbian couple ,lord of the manor has a black wife and two adult offspring ,of course assorted black people in the background ,its now just getting silly,my daughter lives in a country town and if you ever see a black person there the locals would all comment on it lol
  22. Downloaded the lates 6 episodes of midsomer murders,not bad ,but not up to the originals i am afraid,of course they are nice and " woke" ticking all the right boxes,it really annoys me that they do it,as you know its only done as i said to tick boxes not as a part of the story.
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