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Everything posted by Purdey

  1. Some people blame the manufacturers for waste. But no one blames the manufacturers for car accidents.
  2. I hope no one asks him the time. Everyone will get sidetracked.
  3. There are Khmer temples all along the border. The border issues happened because Thailand never used to draw maps while the former French colonists did, making arguments of who is right rather one sided.
  4. Usually, if Pakistan cannot make money from the airport, ownership will be taken by China, the creditor.
  5. How do people talk about an agency they never worked in about corruption they can't prove without evidence?
  6. Will Apple commit to hiring Americans thrown out of a job by President Musk?
  7. I once read the diesel engines are clean if well maintained. I like diesel powered vehicles as they are cheap and easy to maintain. Royal Enfield Taurus Diesel Motorbike
  8. I have noticed that more and more people are not reporting crime to the police as a first option because the response is less than stellar. Get it into social media first elicits a faster response.
  9. He could take her to court for defamation. Seems to work here.
  10. American politics is money politics, no matter which party. The missing part was the clear policies that voters find attractive. Like, "I will lower the price of groceries on day one."
  11. They are just paintings, and they will live on. Changes in paintings is not something to get upset about. Churchill knew about the British treatment of Africans and Indians and felt proud. The so-called fuzzy wuzzies were trying to kill invaders.
  12. AP banned from the White House? Munich 2025 J.D. Vance "accused European leaders of suppressing free speech and censorship." "In Britain, and across Europe, free speech, I fear, is in retreat." Hypocrisy much?
  13. How can you clean up Bangkok's air without cleaning up the rest of Thailand? Rather short-sighted.
  14. I wonder how many years before it breaks even and will the ticket price match airline or conventional train prices?
  15. Great if you want to hitchhike somewhere fast.
  16. To the NGOs who are complaining: tell the government exactly what they should have cut instead then sit back and watch the fireworks
  17. I hope he gets better with no long term effects.
  18. Soft power in action. Next up: skeleton takes questions from journalists.
  19. How on earth was he "unsuspecting"?
  20. I will expect to see Ivanka getting management control of those mineral rights as she has an East European accent and is thus eminently qualified.
  21. Of course, we have to keep in mind the brilliant successes instituted by the Conservatives over 14 years, the surges in the economy, the NHS and tremendous acknowledgement this got them at the last election.
  22. Since when did teens listen to parents?
  23. Always threaten, never do. - Ancient Thai Proverb
  24. Fat people eat too much. Thats all. They can take drugs to lose weight then put it all on again when they stop.
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