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Everything posted by Purdey

  1. Not sure but I now assume that Sretta has run out of ideas and is scraping the bottom of the barrel. How is the worlds tallest building going to grow the economy in the next five years? Why isn't he planning to improve the education of the majority of people here so that they can all participate in the economy (again, down the road)? It is so disappointing to see a real estate tycoon as PM thinking of projects that concern real estate tycoons only.
  2. Can't blame her for respecting ancient Thai culture. Even the Ministry of Culture used to have two topless angels on its front page (since removed).
  3. How much revenue will come off this? Seems expensive to put on. Can't compare with Singapore, which plans everything well. I expect people will come for the horrific crashes.
  4. Just waiting for the Vietnamese government to cry "cultural appropriation."
  5. Had no idea Sretta was a military strategist. So, he views people who have crossed the border and... Did what?
  6. I had to take a subject called religious studies at school. However, no one gave us a clue about satanism. I felt ever so marginalized.
  7. Tipping here is a personal act. I tip waiting staff at restaurants because of their smiles and helpful demeanor. Taxis (with whatever change is left) and any guys that deliver furniture to my house and carry them upstairs. One of the reasons I hate tipping in the USA is that they expect it, no matter what the quality of service. Been chased into the street because of a small tip to a useless waitress. 😦
  8. Most ministries here arrange for end-of-budget period overseas studies trips. I remember when one group planned to visit London (especially Harrods) by requesting the UK Department of Education issue an official invitation (which is required for the trip to be approved. The Department was accustomed to these requests and decided "enough is enough." Request denied.
  9. America has serious mental health problems that should be a focus of attention for any president
  10. I can't complain as it is free.
  11. Once, I suggested that waste plastic be sent from Phuket for recycling by train instead of truck. Much cheaper. People were shocked. Never crossed their minds.
  12. Most people complain about the queues. If they sort that out they could jump further up the table.
  13. That says a lot more than the writer meant. I suppose the defence portfolio should be in the hands of a military man but why always the army?
  14. Not sure what end result these watchdogs are looking for. A complete ban on alcohol a la Saudi Arabia? If not, why do they assume that people will stop drinking alcohol if there is no marketing? The fact alcohol is on sale is incentive enough to drink. Shouldn't the anti-alcohol brigade focus instead on education and strict laws on underage drinking?
  15. There are a lot of Iranian people who are against the theocracy there. Nuclear weapons would not discriminate. Iranians are not Arabic, so the Arab nations are hardly sympathetic, but I don't think anyone would appreciate a nuclear attack in the region. Israel would be better off specifically targeting the Iranian government and military leaders.
  16. Perhaps a bit more analysis about why migrants pass through most of the EU to cross over into the UK is justified. Why are countries like France not the first choice? Why is it the UK is soo attractive?
  17. Thanks. But I guess there is no supreme court that is elected by the people?
  18. As most on here use a pseudonym, I wouldn't be surprised if there are some females who have their own reasons for not declaring themselves.
  19. If I remember correctly, talking to someone from Thai Union several years ago, they put policies in place to avoid negative publicity and their major overseas investors asking them some serious questions. I don't think they expected to go to prison however.
  20. Maybe someone else knows the answer but I can't think of a country that elects their Supreme Court, as in the whole country voting for the judges. Please explain what she means.
  21. A kid with a gun would have killed/injured many more. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_laws_of_Australia
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