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Everything posted by tweedledee2

  1. Here's the IP address on HomePro for the same AC unit at a lower price. https://www.homepro.co.th/p/1190587
  2. There are 2 flights a day on AirAsia from DMK to Buriram. They depart at 0755 and 1300. Approximately a 1-hour flight.
  3. I booked an AirAsia flight on 3/31 for Buriram to DMK departing on Sept 5 and returning on the 8th. The cost without the payment processing fee was 2,284.62 baht. I just checked the price on Kiwi for the same flight times and seat selection. Here is the Price breakdown. Your final price may consist of multiple one-way journeys purchased in different currencies. Exact prices may vary according to exchange rates. Passengers 1,899.03 Base fare 1,728.80 Kiwi.com service fee 171.01 Seating 1,456.90 Seating 335.01 Kiwi.com service fee 1,121.89 Total (THB) 3,355.93 Including all taxes, fees, surcharges and Kiwi.com service fees. No payment processing fee but a 1,121.89 fee for seat selection.
  4. I used my BB debit card 3 weeks ago for a flight from Buriram to DMK.
  5. Another option is Advice. You can go online and compare prices from each store for the Asus model you want to buy. Advice stores sometimes give free gifts with a computer purchase. I bought an Asus laptop last year and received a laptop backpack, a set of external speakers, a wireless mouse and a mouse-pad.
  6. I have opened accounts at KTB (02/14), BB and KBank (10/14), SCB and Krungsri, on the same day (10/22). With all the requirements that foreigners now need to open an account of the latter two, Krungsri was the easiest and quickest for me on a marriage extension.
  7. I renewed my marriage extension in Nov at Surin Immigration. I took the bank statement, letter, my SSA yearly statement and the monthly money transfer details downloaded from Wise. They would not accept the Wise printouts as they had the previous 2 years. They wanted all 12 monthly transfer details printed on one sheet showing the dates and transfer amounts. They manually did this for me but told me if I didn't provide one next year, my application would not be accepted.
  8. I drive a 2015 Fiesta and have refilled with E20 since new.
  9. I take 10mg of Lipostat a day and buy Lipostat 20mg. that costs me 320 baht a box and I break the pills in half. You could buy 40mg tablets and do the same. You want to buy locally but don't say where you live.
  10. I'm currently visiting Bangkok and I was in Power Buy at Central World today. They had a display of Sony PS5 disc models on sale for 15,490 baht for the console with one controller and the sign also listed console game bundles for 17,690, but there weren't any on display. When I returned to my hotel room, I checked Power Buy's website and compared their prices to Walmart in the US. The COD MW bundle I ordered cost about $4 more and an extra controller was almost $5 cheaper. The shipping fee was 20 baht after a 79 baht shipping credit with an estimated 4-day delivery.
  11. tweedledee2

    Portable PS5

    The release date in the US was supposed to be last Nov 15, but currently unavailable per Sony's website. The price was advertised at $199. A PS5 console is required and both devices have to be connected to the same wifi source.
  12. At 300 baht a box, you paid at least 120 baht too much.
  13. There are resin filters that use ion exchange to soften hard water. Google "big blue 20 inch resin.
  14. I bought pork loin at Makro Surin 10 days ago for 115 baht kg. It's still 115 baht on their current web page ad.
  15. I have been buying JMP Thai sausages at the Makro in Surin. There are 3 varieties in different colored packaging. I've tried 2 of the 3. These are in the packaged meat coolers. They also have a new selection made by "ARO" in the frozen packaged meat section in 2 varieties "Smoked Farmer" and "Spicey Italian". I stock my freezer with both brands now and either grilled or microwaved they are very good.
  16. tweedledee2


    I don't mean to hijack this topic. As a recently diagnosed type 2 diabetic, I am interested in buying a bread-maker to bake whole grain and multi-grain breads. If anyone reading has personal experience using one and recommendations for which brands to consider, it would be appreciated. You can send me a PM, if you want.
  17. Yours would swing like that too, if you were naked and running on all fours.
  18. The last time I entered Thailand through Swampy was prior to the Covid shutdown. At that time, there were two officers with Beagles on leash, checking the luggage on the arrival carousels.
  19. No, the rate you received was correct 35.345, only your math is wrong.
  20. No, the rate you received was correct 35.345, only your math is wrong.
  21. I've never seen beef hotdogs for sale in Thailand. It's either pork or chicken or a combination of both, here in Surin Province. My favorite hotdog brand is JPM and their "Premium Select" is what I buy.
  22. The Lazada link price is only for replacement cups with lid, not the "blender".
  23. I have used "Tros" brand since 2015. Just bought six at Lotus buy 1 get 1 for 95 baht.
  24. Read Khun's post again. Key word "applied".
  25. My grandmother bought me my first watch with a Roy Rogers dial, when I was 7 years old. I've worn one most of my life. I never owned a mobile phone before I came to Thailand. Never had the need for one in my work or day to day life. I had a landline at in my home with caller ID, if someone I wanted to talk too called. My life has never centered around me needing to be available 24/7, so someone can talk to me. The main reason I have a mobile phone now, is if I'm out and about the wife and I can stay in touch.
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