KK and UT are probably the richest 2 Isaan provinces, how about the rest like Yasothon for example.
Even people in UT work in small factories only earning 300 baht a day, 6 days a week, that's where the focus should be.
I sincerely hope that he is made to cough up 10s of thousands of baht in compensation especially for the 4 year old boy as well as the other innocent victims of his actions.
Unfortunately the tip of the iceberg, with a recent report saying the average household debt in Thailand was 500k or there abouts it's a national scourge.
Oh dear, it seems BJ is promoting his agenda to be on the short list and appears to be conforming to the well trodden path of collecting his dues.
After all the chinese actress did say on being whisked from the airport to her hotel with motorcycle outrider's, that everything is for sale in Thailand..
What an absurd statement.
With a long history of coups it won't be long before the next one is upon the nation.
The army are dinosaurs and only know one thing as we have continually witnessed.
They have zero credentials to run a country as we see time and again not only here but around the world.
It's merely a trough feeding exercise with absolutely no benefit to the citizens at large.
So much for Thailand's digital 4.0 policy,an absolutely disgraceful situation.
I would write letters to the Embassy and in particular the Ambassador showing him how disgraceful his country is being portrayed to potential tourists and the reputational damage this is having.
Another sad day for Thailand and democracy with 20m or so voters disenfranchised and the cronies steal their way back into power by dealing with the incompetent army Muppets who were kicked out by the electorate.
There is no such thing as reconciliation with the old dinosaurs, who by there very actions are stealing the election from the countries future who voted in huge numbers to get them out.
Dancing with military devil is not the way forward but is harking back to their illegitimate regime of 10 years.
Unfortunately the corrupt practices and past are all that really count.
I've done the walk through the park too. Not for money reasons but for exercise after 8 hours on a bus, unless of course it's raining and then I get a taxi to my hotel.
Paying 18k for a 1 year extension is I'm my opinion a very good deal.
I know people who pay over 20k.
Last week I met a Swiss guy, completely clueless about visas who told me he paid 23k for a 3 month TV...