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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. Everything was fine until Thaksin returned . Jail him , that is where he belongs . And his political muppet cabaret of incompetent wanna be politicians , the international laughing stock , as well . Thailand is scared to lose it's ' face ' , it's reputation ? Lost a long time ago already , and now it is definitely too late to ever find it again .
  2. bla bla ... one day , they will all be replaced with AI that will make their job much better than them .
  3. For someone who wants to govern Thailand , it is important to fraternize with the military . And prepare for a coup if the " wrong " party wins the next elections ...
  4. Srettha wants to see the world at taxpayer's expenses , reside in 5 star hotels only , have the best food possible and be worshipped as a PM . Understandable . Better he does that now , he won't be able to continue after the next elections . Hopefully .
  5. Thailand is safe . Or not ? The safest thing to do to avoid injure or accidents in Thailand is NOT to come here at all .
  6. Just turn off all the electricity to your house ... go and check the meter ... if it still turns ...?
  7. All that outrage because a little girl could not hold it until the next public toilet ... What damage was done ? Is Thailand's reputation now tarnished ? Public outcry ? Ridiculous . Buddha himself would have been more tolerant , I'm sure ...
  8. They do not know what the people want . So why not hold a referendum ? Let the Thai people decide . There are good points and bad ones , but , as long as alcohol is allowed , and meth is tolerated in small quantities , criminalizing Cannabis again would be pure hypocrisy . In Switzerland , they use to hold referendums and ask the population what they want ... Why not in the Thailand ?
  9. It is ( was ) tolerated , never legal . The ' company way " is nothing but a mousetrap .
  10. I only hope that the thai voters remember what these incompetent and arrogant " Politicians " from the Toxin side , did to them . And vote them out . Never to return . Until then , they will try their best to turn Thailand into an Autocracy . Toxin is back pulling the strings , and with that , his " war on drugs " as well . That failed miserably already . Thailand needs a new , trustworthy , progressive government , not the always same ridiculous bull<deleted>ters . Let's hope the political party that will " rise from the ashes " of the MFP , will win big again to get Thailand out of that politcal circus that is presently run by incompetent clowns .
  11. Hi , Just google Koh Kho Khao ... plenty of info ... Single houses for rent are rare here , but maybe ... Land prices vary greatly on location , near the beach it will be about 2 or 3 mio per rai now inland much cheaper ... Come and check it out ... 1 other german on the island already ...
  12. Consuming a small part of his brain killed the parasite . Vote for him as POTUS .
  13. The world's climate is rapidly changing now . Warmer ocean temperatures have huge implications on the global ecosystem . Humans will need to adapt , them ' point of no return ' has passed . Will the human race adapt in time ? Some certainly not .
  14. Violence when they look at movies , violence when play computer games , violence in the news , wars everywhere , people kill people all the time ... When someone grows up with this , how can this not lead to certain mental defects ...?
  15. I live on Koh Kho Khao island , 130 km north of Phuket . Not really an island , only 800m from the mainland , it has pure clean air , ( no industry or plantations near ) , but still is very quiet and land is still cheap . Healthy living if you prefer Nature to people ... VID_20230129_091428.mp4
  16. Elon will give us brain implants , so we do not need to use phones anymore ... The future looks bright ... and you can turn it off , too .
  17. Strange ... one can only assume that the Van company pays regular bribes to the cops for protection ...? Death of a pedestrian ( ? ) ( The powerful impact reportedly flung her 20 meters down the road,) , is not enough to be considered serious ? They did not test for DUI on the Van driver ? Did they do this on the cops who " handled " the case ?
  18. Greed and naivete leads to a loss ... nothing new here . Before transferring the cash , a little background research would have been better ...
  19. Still a ridiculous amount for an 8 hour work day . They want the economy to grow and progress , but they won't give the working people money to spend ... Thai way of thinking ...
  20. King Bhumiphol ( RIP ) invented this philosophy . Good and sustainable , it was more or less ignored after his death . The present government clearly has different goals .
  21. Before returning to Thailand he said that he only wants to take care of his grandchildren not of politics ... Just another lie ... A fool is who expected something different . Oh , he must feel soo good now , after being ignored for 15 years , now he takes the center stage again .
  22. Not very cleverly ...? Experienced and more clever than him ...
  23. Trump is a dangerous man . Not only for the US , but for the rest of the world , should he win the next election . Biden and his team should stop making big political mistakes that will only help Trump . Only a few month left now , and the DEMs are losing ground ...
  24. With all safety standards successfully ignored , the victim should sue the government or the city . But that would require the help of a lawyer , and she would not have the money for that ... At least make it public , put it on facebook , youtube etc ...
  25. Paetongtarn and her complice , Srettha , do not want the Bank of Thailand to stay independent . https://news.yahoo.com/thai-central-bank-seen-defying-210000416.html They want to control it for their own benefit , not for the people . The BoT has an important role in the Thai economy : The Bank of Thailand's mission is to provide a stable financial environment for sustainable economic growth in order to achieve continuous improvement in the standard of living of the people of Thailand. After Thaksin's return things already changed for the worse , and this is another serious step towards an authoritarian State where democratic processes are slowly but steadily replaced with nepotism . Move foreward party ( last election's winner ) , will be disbanded and the pheu Thai clique will do everything they can to prevent fair competition for the next election . Poor Thailand , only a blind man does not see what is going on ...
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