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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. Good post , but the link provides the usual blabla only like : " Depositors shall neither have concerns in, nor take part in, any process pertinent to insured deposits when an insured financial institution’s license is revoked. Reimbursement shall be made within a certain period of time. " Of course ... but , as you said , they have ( hopefully ) learned a lot from the last big crisis ... SCB , for example , is partially owned ( 25% ) by the one who's name cannot be mentioned ... and therefore well protected against bankruptcy ...
  2. If want to open up , open up completely . Limit the number of visitors to 1000 is just ridiculous .
  3. Alcoholics are people who have no problem with alcohol . But they have a problem without it .
  4. Most bars have a pool/snooker table . So , can they reopen ? Strange regulations ... the virus represents no danger anymore if a pool table is near ?
  5. Corruption everywhere . Clear sign of a third world country where the elite in power does not want even a discussion about their position and policies ... Many SEA countries seem to have a population that is easily manipulated . May be because of an education system that keeps the from criticising , as that might cause a loss of face to their leaders ...? Brainwashed from the beginning , they are educated to serve ...
  6. Electric energy can be converted to hydrogen . Hydrogen is the best possible fuel for fuel cell powered trucks , as they can do the ' fill up ' at ( " petrol stations " ) that sell hydrogen ( in the future ) . Battery powered electric cars with a limited range are better for cities ...
  7. Adopt one . It will make you live longer and happier ... Allow a poor dog having a good time with a loving owner . You . They suffer in captivity as they will suffer when you die ... but , may be , you will not ... A dog's life often only means suffering , especially here in Thailand . Help and you get a reward ... by a loyal dog that loves you really and ' a long time ' . Help , even if it is for a short time only ...
  8. If you like to help and adopt a very poor dog , here are some adresses in Chiang Mai : https://www.carefordogs.org/en/ ( copy and paste ... ) https://www.carefordogs.org/en/adopt/ Check it out ... https://web.facebook.com/street.dog.rescue/?_rdc=1&_rdr ------ Facebook ----- And you have the " Santisook Dogs And Cats Rescue " as well ... Or this : https://web.facebook.com/groups/741491489278593/?_rdc=1&_rdr
  9. If that is true , there is no reason to not allow alcohol consumption in Pattaya ... Just imagine that they find out that drunken people will not become infected so easily by Covid .... everybody has to be drunk all the times then ... 55 Anyway , I do not see any direct relation between alcohol consumption and Covid infections yet . It is just the gathering and talking together that favors the spread ... but is that any different from having a meal together in a restaurant ? That is pure hypocrisy . Having a drink in a bar is prohibited , but having one together with a meal in a restaurant is allowed ?
  10. Thailand once had a reputation for being the ' Land of smiles ' . That is long gone ... May be time to teach them how to smile and be honest and friendly again ...?
  11. The Virus comes in handy for the government to finish with the anti-government protests . 5 The Virus greatly helps ( military ) governments with autocratic tendencies to impose new regulations that help to oppress and control the masses . Just look at China . What will be the future ? Brainwashed and remote controlled ...? Personal infos incl. financials all accessed by government hackers and used to blackmail people ?
  12. They are probably referring to the anti-government demonstrations ...
  13. 21% is realistic it seems ... A fact is , that , if they want more short - term tourists , they need to make Thailand more attractive to them . Only families with kids who come from a country not far from Thailand ( China Russia , the middle east ) , will come for a short holiday . Tourists from other , far away destinations , will consider a short trip to Thailand as too expensive , dangerous and difficult ... There still is Greece , Portugal , Turkey , Egypt etc ... Better than focusing on farang short term tourists , it would be to favor the long term stayers as a reliable source of income . It is time for a new type of an easy visa for those people , no more annoying 90 day reporting ( that can be surveilled by the Morchana phone app ) . But they are all soooo scared about foreigners staying here ... they probably think , that foreigners will do some business here without the Thais profiting from it . A nightmare for them . Btw ... Winter is coming in Europe , Russia and the US , and with this a rise in Covid cases is to be expected ( and already happening ) . Not a time to travel any more ... at least not for a short stay only ...
  14. They did not register your new passport number in their system . Ask them to do that the next time you go there . After that , it should be ok ...
  15. Don't worry , AI and face recognition software is coming fast by now . In the future , your face becomes your ID , and you'll pay with a fingerprint ...
  16. will Bangkok’s nightlife scene recover even if Thailand’s tourism industry picks up? It depends entirely upon the regulations imposed by the government . Thailand once was fun , easy women , parties , not really dangerous ... In the early years , I slept all day , spend all night out . Now , the government needs to realize that a lot of tourists came to Thailand not only for the beaches , but for ' entertainment ' as well ... It was a place to spend a good time . If they kill the entertainment industry , they remove an important attraction that Thailand was famous for . If they want tourist money , they need to make the country more attractive , not less . But the old men in power here do not seem to realize this . They want Thailand to become a clean and boring country for HI-SO visitors . 55 . There are better places around for this clientele . But , up to them ... but they better not complain if not a lot want to come anymore ... ( Sorry for the big , bold print , no way to adjust ...)
  17. That is right and just shows how open minded foreign governments are . Thai government appears narrow minded and xenophobic by sticking to quasi racist rules regarding foreigners who , after all , financially benefit the country .
  18. Some people ask if there is a life after death ... Some people even have not got one before ...
  19. There is a fine line to be drawn ... What is still ' appropriate ' and what is not anymore ...? A father spending time with his daughter and playing with her should be ok , and necessary even for the development of a healthy relationship , but when does this ' playing ' becomes sexually motivated ? Up to every specific situation and the intentions of the male player ... but hard to judge ... When the child feels harassed and starts to cry or complain , the limit is reached for sure .
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