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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. OP, your post lacks detail. Are you currently in Thailand. If so what is your status....
  2. Your friend sounds like a fool and many of your threads have similar theme. Basically nonsense.
  3. First up thanks for the info you posted. The issue for some is that their embassies do not provide the embassy letter that you refer to. UK,USA,AU to name some. This "letter" is alternative to providing certificate of residence from immigration. In Bangkok that's impossible as to obtain COR you need to have filed a TM47. That's not possible for folk on tourist visa
  4. Something missing here. What was the basis of your friends stay in Thailand. Did he have a non O. BTW it's not a letter from embassy confirming citizenship. It's a letter from embassy as an alternative to certificate of residence from immigration.
  5. Please stop misinformation. If farang has a Thai bank account a passport is sufficient for transactions. "Drivers License" required is a nonsense. You are looking foolish.
  6. So you don't even cover your own expenses? .. A real catch .... The guy I quoted stated he had ZERO income.
  7. With Zero income....surprised she didn't give you the flick sooner. You are supposed to take care of your own expenses and also some of hers.
  8. He is not Thai. If he cannot afford to have 400k in bank for 2 months then able to withdraw the funds and use it then suggest square peg round hole.
  9. Don't believe OP stated friend is over 50. Non O retirement perhaps not possible.
  10. OP, both your suggestions would work. As for entering visa exempt then obtain 60 day extension to visit wife then non O based on marriage would work. The 400k only needs to be in bank for 2 months for the extension, it can then be used. One wonders how he can support himself and wife if that financial requirement is difficult.
  11. I'm bit biased. For those that have not been to Saigon....the airport is shortish trip to district 1 (which is so much fun) $1usd bus ride which is located at airport. Folk can Google "Bui Vien street" to get an idea. That sort of mini holiday can get over the onward flight requirement flying visa exempt. The OP, being Oz would require an eVisa for Vietnam. Very simple process. You take picture of ID pp page, crop it and upload . Piece of cake. 25usd.
  12. OP, there are also some herbs and spices you can throw in. For example enter Thailand visa exempt with a flight ticket to Saigon with in the 30 days. Plan your return ticket to Oz to include the mini holiday to Saigon. When you fly Saigon back to Bangkok you have your return leg to Oz to cover the requirement for onward flight
  13. Some options have been outlined in the thread. Folk have the option of obtaining non O in own country prior to entering Thailand. Another option is use of an agent
  14. The OP is MAY. I'm pointing out to others that getting down to less than 6 months is plain crazy as countries have their own requirements as do airlines.
  15. METV would be over kill. Some will suggest SETV. Think as Oz eVisa is not available. Still an option obtaining SETV from consulate/embassy. I would lean towards enter visa exempt and obtain a 30 day extension twice per year. You won't have any issues with that pattern of visits visa exempt.
  16. And where to after that. Various countries have there own rules. For example my understanding is Thai immigration does not require the 6 month validity whereas Vietnam does. As posted earlier it's crazy to get that low. Only thing more crazy is the threads with ...."I have one and half pages left can I get a reentry permit and...." Gee Whiz
  17. Anyone letting pp run even close to 6 months validity is foolish. Many countries pp has 10 year validity. I have 2 years left on mine and will renew shortly.
  18. What if She identifies as a He. In any event the advice is generic doesn't really matter. He, She or It.
  19. It's actually verification of your Thai address by your embassy. Currently UK,USA,AU don't provide the "letter" (I'm not referring to income letter by same countries for extensions) An alternative is to obtain a certificate of residence from your immigration office. That would be impossible at CW as for COR they aso required a TM47 to have been made. For folk looking to transition to a Non O an agent is an option. If still in home country then obtaining a Non O prior to entering Thailand would enable you to open a Bank Account. Bangkok Bank and Kasikorn good option especially if you plan to use WISE.
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