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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. It will. Just checked and yes still down. Back to your initial question ... Pretty sure appointments can be made up to 30 days prior. Definitely try and make an appointment. System runs like clockwork. Make sure that make hard copy of confirmation email as that is required.
  2. No time frame requirement to transfer stamps and visa information. Needs to be done prior to any immigration matters. Eg for extension can be done on same visit. Obviously transfer prior to extension. At CW can be done at same L desk. Other immigration offices may be different If you need to exit Thailand and reenter then travel with both pp. Don't forget to update bank account information. DTL not so important.
  3. For sure I will post back in couple of weeks. Sounds ridiculous but I'm not sure how a multi entry 90 day eVisa will work for Vietnam. I do not want to apply too early in case it works same way as eg non O-A to Thailand. All my visas to Vietnam were using visa companies providing "visa approval letter" At that time eVisa was not available. Anyway will give full report in future. Or perhaps someone with recent first hand experience can reply.
  4. As usual with Thai immigration.. It depends on your immigration office. In your situation 100% a trip to imm office would be excellent idea. If you have Thai partner/friend that would be helpful to avoid "lost in translation" syndrome on your visit to immigration
  5. You can enter Thailand visa exempt being Oz and be given 30 day permission of stay. Prior to expiry you can obtain a 30 day extension. 1900baht. Many prefer that over exit reenter as per your trip to Singapore. That also works. Given your very naive OP and first post ....just appreciate replies. If flying Jetstar (or other low cost) from Oz flying visa exempt I suggest that you look at threads re airline requirement for onward flight flying visa exempt. Must be your first trip.
  6. What new rule. Don't believe all the rubbish you read. Unfounded Scaremongering
  7. Some sanity i agree to an extent.. Even if it's "real fast" it is illegal. Suggest expats have good look at access to your funds (banking) for your Thai gf. Less complicated for Thai wife.
  8. Run Forest Run. It's a scam ..... BTW you do not have a "3 months SETV" That visa grants 60 day permission of stay and you can obtain 30 day extension at immigration. Clearly under 50?
  9. That won't work. When you obtain extension using money in bank method for your next extension after that they check retrospectively. They will want to see the requirements (financials) for money in bank were satisfied.
  10. No. Needs to enter with non O (not 100% sure) @BritTim might clarify. Some info here.... https://aseannow.com/topic/1245491-dependant-spouse-with-extension-to-stay-based-on-retirement/
  11. Prior to covid I used to go to Saigon every month. I did that for 7 years (reason irrelevant) I used to obtain 4 x multi entry each year zero issues. With those visas I would milk out 4 visits per visa. However I was only staying for 4-5 days each visit. As I understand it there were changes (perhaps 2019?) were they stopped back to back visas for certain applications. Some folk were living in Vietnam ongoing. Can't recall the exact details as my stays were few only few days each month.
  12. I plan to use this one. https://evisa.xuatnhapcanh.gov.vn/khai-thi-thuc-dien-tu/cap-thi-thuc-dien-tu
  13. Thanks......so seems hasn't changed from my last one taking 5 business days in February.
  14. When she departs USA the airline will not require onward flight. Arriving at Thailand immigration will not be interested in any departure. The 30 extension with have zero issues. Obtain TM30 for her as immigration may require that to process her extension.
  15. Very important word in your post is ....." WIFE" Many of us have relationship without the W word.
  16. The topic of "what happens to funds in Thai bank after death" without a Thai will in place has many opinions. Threads in "Finance Forum" debate options
  17. I don't think your plan will work. My guess is that you need to show 12 months of transfers AND comply with money in bank rules for the 12 months. So next week when I do my extension (money in the bank) , I will start the monthly transfers. Run the 2 methods in parallel for the next 12 months. Will then use income method when apply for extension 2024..
  18. Bit off topic but my guess is that many folk here (myself included) have not included in their thinking ......what happens to the 800k if hit by a bus. Access to those funds for Thai partner (if not married) would be difficult/impossible. Or repatriated to family home country Very little consequences if using income method. At most few baht would be tied up.
  19. May I ask. Does your embassy provide "income letter" I'm from Oz and embassy does not provide letter. Next week doing extension money in bank method. At same time will start 100k transfers. Maintain the funds in bank for the next 12 months along with transfer every month. Then will try switch to using income method for extension in 2024.
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