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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. The OP is obtaining non O based on retirement.
  2. For those that arrive visa exempt with plan to obtain non O they require 800k in the bank asap. One transfer of 800k+ would be best. In addition as I mentioned larger transfers are sometimes needed for things such as real estate purchases. To me a bank is a bank. Best to have one without 50k limit for WISE. If you don't use Wise then maybe not important.
  3. It works. Alternative is to book cheapest throw away. I booked a trip yesterday to Saigon one way 1500baht. Not ideal but an option. Rare to be asked for ticket at arrival it's more for the airline. I have shown flight screenshot when asked by Jetstar out of Oz.
  4. Yes. Already corrected. For those dealing with CW be aware SCB does not have a branch there.
  5. Single entry tourist visa. A non O can be obtained in Thailand with an entry from setv or visa exempt entry.
  6. Whatever.... 3 years ago not long prior to covid there was over the top questioning at DMK and to lesser extent at BKK. Thanks for up to date post! Did you have onward flight. Guessing not. However you were admitted. Excellent result.
  7. Your report is very unusual. I can't recall many folk being asked for onward flight as arrival Thai airport. Why were you questioned. How long ago did this occur?
  8. Recent reports of no issue using "rent a ticket" sites. Just as added info I just today booked flight to Saigon. 1500baht. Not cheap but an option. You could try obtain boarding pass and if an issues step away and book onward flight. Onward ticket not required at landing Thai immigration.
  9. You state "extension of stay" Is your non O-A that is valid for 12 months expired..? Do you have a reentry permit?
  10. Yes ...Google "onward flight". Many companies provide ticket to satisfy airline requirement. Or book cheap throw away ticket
  11. Stop. There is one fact....Thai government have for quite some time been continuing with making covid extensions available. I have no interest in why. The fact is they have and clearly has nothing with not being able to exit Thailand. If the government subsequently decides to scrap visa fees and extend visa exempt to 45 days.. As being recommended by TAT etc.... I won't ask WHY. Good saying in Thailand... "Not your business" Take another read of ubonjoe reply to your earlier thread. In what way have they abused them? They must of qualified for them under the written rules or they would not of been issued.
  12. Airline may require onward flight within 30 days. Throw away ticket or rent a ticket from companies such as onwardflight will cover you. Regarding obtaining non O in Thailand yes no problem. Do you have Thai bank account
  13. It was just one example. You may not have needed one. I did one year ago at MTT for residence certificate. That's not the point. They have described it as "temporary suspension". I got burnt with the "temporary suspension" of 90 day reporting 2020. Only to have Bangkok immigration insist that anyone who skipped reports needed to apply in person to MTT in Aug 2020.
  14. Yes you can obtain a reentry permit at an immigration office. Some obtain one at the same time as they are obtaining annual extension. If that was not done I cannot for the life of me imagine why someone would make trip to immigration when the painless alternative of obtaining permit at airport is available. It's a no brainer.
  15. What don't you understand. Covid extensions are available because the Thai government has made them available. Clearly it is not due to inability to exit Thailand. You can fly most places tomorrow or exit via land. Is that a difficult concept? The reason is irrelevant. Their country their rules.
  16. Don't see your point.... There are numerous things that previously TM6 was required for. You mention residence certificate...... "To apply for a Residence Certificate , you will require the following documents: Your passport (as proof of ID) A copy of your passport's photo page. A copy of the last entry stamp from your passport. Copy of your visa (if applicable) A copy of your TM6 Departure Card. A photocopy of a TM. Immigration have a history of doing stupid things. I can easily imagine that at some point in future the tm6 will be required and if you don't have one you trot off to immigration.
  17. Do I need to spell it out... Availability of flights have nothing to do with it. A simple example. My friends (tourists) came to Thailand visa exempt Xmas last year. Then obtained 30 day extension followed by covid extension. There were flight back to USA at that time. Since then covid extensions have been made available again and again. Even now land borders are open. Covid extensions have ZERO to do with ability to exit Thailand. What don't people understand..
  18. That's where yourself and many others are wrong. Clearly the covid extensions have not been made available for the reason you imagine. If "unable to get a flight back to home country" was the reason for CE they would have been stopped LONG ago. To the contrary they have just been extended yet again.
  19. You are referring to income method. Many that are obtaining a non O retirement in Thailand need to transfer 800k into Thai bank account. Apart for immigration purposes it makes sense to have bank account that Wise can transfer a larger sum. For 2 real estate purchases I had to use 2 transfers for each as maximum transfer is 2 million baht. I would find a 50k limit pretty useless.
  20. At BKK office is Zone 2 after security check and prior to passport control. At DMK the office is just past passport control.
  21. What's your point. The OP was very brief. His friend has ONE overstay stamp of 7 days. That in itself will not cause an issue. The immigration officer may be interested in several back to back tourist visas along with visa exempt entries. The OP did not mention friends history of stays. He did not mention if friend plans to return visa exempt or with SETV. The overstay is not an issue.
  22. The OP asked a specific question regarding the 7 day overstay stamp. He did not mention concern or ask questions about eg back to back visa exempt entries etc. The overstay stamp has nothing to do with the op,s friend being admitted to thailand.
  23. Yes. Tourist Visa is overnight. Drop off application AM and pick up next day PM. Don't have recent report on non O single entry timeframe. Should be same
  24. Yes. Lower level. Regarding updating bankbook...A good option is to make small deposit (100baht) at same time as obtaining letter. Also ask for photography of this last page of bankbook entry.
  25. No Also you mention this....... "I wouldn't want to leave it to the time of my departure and have something go wrong."... Nothing will go wrong. Zero issue with obtaining reentry permit at airport.
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