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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. That should be #1 advice to all expats. Have a dedicated bank account for immigration purposes.
  2. What you describe is exactly what is required at CW. Unfortunately there are many immigration offices that insist upon creating hurdles.
  3. They must leave Thailand as that's the only way to kill off a non O-A as step 1 to obtaining a non O. An agent cannot do that. Please post contradiction to that fact with name of agent that can. 10+ years ago there were scam agents that did border bounce with clients passport. Not now.
  4. Your post also was off topic.. The OP asked nothing about use of agent. BTW outline how an agent can kill off a non O-A and obtain a non O in country. ... Your post re agents stated this .... "Or see an agent, friend of mine said the agent sorted it for him without leaving, no other reports though".... I pay no attention to "friend of mine..." Posts. Which agent can do what what you outline.
  5. Nothing risky about it in the slightest. The process takes about 10 minutes at the airport.
  6. Thanks for clear report. My experience is the same apart from receipt of 90 day report. I did not provide.
  7. There are MANY MANY people obtaining extensions from a non O-A based on marriage. Of course no insurance requirement.
  8. Thinking best option is to obtain a tourist visa and arrive with that. That gives you 60 day stamp. (don't understand your statement about 6 months). You then obtain 30 day extension. After that you could go to Vientiane (or similar) and obtain another setv reenter and obtain extension = 6 months. OR ..... You could do two consecutive border bounces which would give you 3+2+2= 7months approx
  9. Planning an overstay is never a good idea. If you come on a tourist visa be aware that it can be extended by 30 days so 90 days in total. To stay longer than then you would do a border bounce.. You could do it same day.
  10. Covid extensions are available till July 25. The OP did not indicate intention to stay for a period that would require a non O retirement. Nor state he was 50+ Simply asked if an exit and reentry via visa exempt is possible.
  11. I understand your plan but my guess is the flights will be a concern. It's not helping your question but going bit left field I can recommend Saigon as a great place to visit and good Thai consulate a bonus. You could consider a side trip there for R&R and a Thai visa. Bonus is UK do not require visa for Vietnam.
  12. So yes to begin with a non O retirement you would need to use money in the bank method assuming your embassy does not provide income letter. If you started your 65k transfers at the same time as obtaining your extension and maintained that until your next extension then you could switch to income method showing immigration 12 months of transfers. After that the 800k is not required in the bank.
  13. I will bump your thread as no replies. I'm of no assistance as have not been through the e-visa process. I assume the flight into Thailand would be part of that process. One issue could be that the flight is not originating from the UK. Hopefully better advice will follow.
  14. Thinking what you outline is where it has been first extension from the non O-A. If had already had extensions to the non O-A based on retirement there is no reason why immigration would not allow change to based on marriage. Clearly they may not like it as it involves more work.
  15. You are not alone. Without the insurance requirement the non O-A visa was a ripper It would be my go to without the insurance, especially for folk that return to home country every couple of years. It no longer has appeal for many.
  16. That's correct. The person I quoted started with this comment.... "not sure why one wants to change OA to O ???" The main reason to switch from non O-A to non O based on retirement is to avoid the mandatory insurance. In order to do that then to exit Thailand having been on extensions to a non O-A without a reentry permit will kill off the non O-A. Being done very often now. Edit: @flexomike I made error in my post that uj kindly fixed.
  17. I think it's very straightforward. Exit without reentry permit in order to kill off your non OA reenter visa exempt and obtain a non O. Walk in the park.
  18. That will be fine Aside did you even consider a border bounce The visa exempt entry via land gives you 30 days and can be extended by 30. In addition the onward flight often required by airline for visa exempt flight to thailand would not be required.
  19. Are you considering a land border bounce of exit and return via air?
  20. What will you be doing in Thailand that requires a TM6? Extension or...... Recently arrival cards in some cases have not been issued or taken by io at airport
  21. You will be fine. Especially with the 3-4 months since previous visit
  22. If anyone originally had a non O-A and was also married why would they just not obtain extensions from the non O-A based on marriage. In that case insurance is not required. Simple financials option of 400k in bank for 2 months + under consideration period. Walk in the park. Clearly extensions to a non O based on retirement has very simple requirements and paperwork compared to extentions based on marriage.
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