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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. Perfect. So it's just you that require extension. Thinking best you just obtain 30 day extension to your 30 day exempt. Be aware that you are also able to obtain a 60 day extension to visit wife one per entry to Thailand. Just an option for future trips.n
  2. Understandable. However most of the threads about this are not down to reset renewal date. Most just overlook it.
  3. Thai nationals do not require the 10k covid insurance "How do you extend the 30 day entry stamp? No border runs required now?". You can extend the 30 day entry by 30 days at immigration. 1900baht. All you need is some basic photocopies of passport. Photo page, entry stamp, TM6 etc. You can also do border runs for a 30 day visa exempt entry and also extend that. You don't need any of that for 6 week stay. Will your family be entering on Thai passports. Regarding your onward flight within 30 days you could consider "rent a flight". Just Google "onward flights" and you will find information.
  4. I did look to see if this had been covered. Any suggestions how to stop these. I tried the little ? icon and blocked one ...then others kept occuring. Any help appreciated. Pic attached
  5. That was a misunderstanding. For extensions based on retirement it is 800k 2 months prior to application and 3 months post application. Not below 400k at other times. Simple.
  6. Visa exempt entry provides 30 day permission of stay enter via land or air. Each entry can be extended by 30 days. The 30 day throw away flight within 30 days is for airline at departure. Currently to enter Thailand you require a Thailand Pass. Very simple to obtain online. You require 10k covid insurance with a 30 day coved. Cheapest approx 650 baht. If vaccinated provide details of 2 shots of vaccine..
  7. Why didn't you renew your pp. Seems this thread is often repeated. Why don't folk organize new pp in advance
  8. The online can be done up till due date. Previously it was up til 7 days prior.
  9. It states 7 days after, however I have read where the 7 count started on due date. Take it as 6 days after to be safe.
  10. Finally! You currently have a "12 month extension based on marriage" (not a visa) You will require a reentry permit prior to exit from Thailand. Can purchase multiple reentry permit or single reentry. 3800 and 1000baht respectively. Can be obtained at immigration or airport
  11. Think you must have a ME Non O based on marriage. The ME standing for multiple entry. At the same time you ask about reentry permit? Just to be clear.....you didn't obtain a 12 month extension to a non O marriage visa?. Where did you obtain your "1 year spouse visa"
  12. Its not checked at airport. You could just leave. If you do your reports online you could make a report as simple process.
  13. https://tqm-app.com/static/thailandpass/index.html. Reentry permit can be obtained at airport. 1000baht single reentry and 3800 multiple I'm not clear what visa you have. You mention "one year visa" Do you have a multiple entry non O? That visa is valid for one year and allows 90 day permission of stay per entry. Each of those entries can be extended by 60 days to visit wife. A reentry permit is not required with this visa.
  14. For return you can purchase cheap 10k covid cover for 30 days for as little as 650baht. Your visa based on marriage you state is a one year multi entry non O? You do not require a reentry permit.
  15. If he is going to Savannakhet to obtain a visa be aware that he would not obtain a reentry permit prior to exit from Thailand.
  16. In your situation I would suggest that you chat with your immigration office (don't normally suggest that). If the funds have been seasoned for 2 months they may allow application for extension. Would your change of address be to another province? You could change address (same province) as long as you apply for extension at same immigration office as where you obtained your non O. Expert will correct that info if incorrect.
  17. OP which immigration office. Reason i ask is that you entered visa exempt and if your extension will be obtained in Bangkok you would deal with Laski IT mall. Personally, I would go today.
  18. OP, ditto to what uj stated. I previously had zero faith using online with 'old system'. The new system works a treat. Might be worth having a try. https://tm47.immigration.go.th/tm47/#/register/add
  19. You mention this in many threads. Verbatim. I cannot see where the OP has even asked for advice of agent option. OP, use of an agent is an option. Be aware that obtaining a non O in USA or here in Thailand is a very simple process, as is the 12 month extension using money in the bank method.
  20. Depending on distance etc to your immigration office you could obtain the pp renewal and wait to have stamps and visa information transferred when you attend immigration for your extension. Don't forget to update your new pp # with your bank.
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