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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. Yes. They previously had an option of doing the paperwork. Service fee 200baht. Personally I prefer to have the the TM8 prepared prior to arriving at airport. Also 1000b single reentry and 3800 multiple.
  2. Read that. I don't buy it. Which immigration office? People have transferred stamps and visa information prior to extension as I outlined. I have never had an issue. Added to that is you used an agent. Find your account strange. Edit: just read follow your up post and you state that you use CW. Why has no one else had the problem you outline.
  3. Are the dots....."I miss his ATM too much" Ta BritManToo post has it covered.
  4. You made this statement.... "You don't get a ten year visa at all; you get a one year visa which you have to renew annually at your own cost. This is not made apparent to you and, as many people on this forum have discovered, you can end up with a massive overstay fine and exclusion from the Kingdom if you miss it". Yes there was ONE (not "many") report of this not long ago. So you also purchased a PE and didn't look into requirements, such as attending immigration every year. Seems rather lack of research to me.. Know the rules prior to purchase.
  5. Stop. The thread is about obtaining a reentry permit at the airport. Have you not been able to obtain one? Had trouble personally obtaining one. No. Good.
  6. Not sure exactly what your referring to. The reentry permit application is done in an office, yes zone 2. Has there every been a time when the reentry permit process has taken a long time.
  7. You can apply for your 30 day extension to a tourist visa or visa exempt entry.. You can do this couple of weeks prior to expiry on your permit. Is your wife Thai?
  8. Think you would be well advised to look at your 2 options. Non O-A and Non O retirement. If you wanted to stay couple of years then Non O-A is not a crazy option. For living in Thailand ongoing the better option is Non O. BTW re the criminal background check....Don't know how it works in UK, however in Oz you can apply online. Not expensive and could show clean slate even with previous transgressions.
  9. What for. I do the report via mail. As soon as I receive the receipt I place it an envelope for next report. If I did it online why would I bother to print it out and staple into pp.
  10. Pretty much. As for the appointment being compulsory, I can't advise re Pranchinburi however they certainly are not compulsory in most offices. Dont really follow your thread. If they are compulsory then make an appointment. You can select a time. After which turn up on time.
  11. Yep, I also had a look. Seem to have plenty of good looking joints 600-1000b per night. Personally I prefer close to the river. Guess for a visa run pretty much most joints would be ok. As for recent experience, I fully expect when I finally get back to Saigon (for visits) things may have changed in many places.
  12. I made inquiry with agent in Vietnam and yes can only apply using eVisa. My problem is that I would only be interested in obtaining a 3 month multiple entry. Seems that is currently not available.
  13. Waste of time imo. I never put a 90 day receipt in pp. Never had a need. Not even when doing my annual extensions.
  14. https://www.immigration.go.th/?page_id=20131 Appointment should not be mandatory Which immigration office? You don't be late for appointments.
  15. Think I would be kicking myself for not looking into it prior to purchase. Seems you purchased on a whim.
  16. You don't need to do a TM30 at all. Even if you stayed in a hotel and they made a TM30 it's irrelevant. You only need to do a TM30 if you change your address. Also if you enter Thailand with new visa or visa exempt. TM30 is not even required if you exit Thailand and subsequently reenter with a reentry permit.
  17. The guy you quoted is moving to Rayong. Not just a visit. He needs to file a TM30. He should do that prior to attending immigration.
  18. I've seen them advertised for sale....Here is post from ubonjoe. As usual he clears it up. https://aseannow.com/topic/1254046-should-i-buy-elite-visa/?do=findComment&comment=17258487
  19. I'm a whimp. Haven't tried the new online even though I registered and set to go. "Fear of rejection" Last couple still clinging to mail in option. Next one due in couple of weeks. Hope my current gf aka "mail option" will take me back if new online doesn't work. So far it seems to have universal praise so will give it a try.
  20. Yeah.....think I was referring to the 20 yr option. Actually also applies to the 5 year purchase. A mate of mine obtained the dreaded "jack dancer". He basically packed up and returned to Oz. Various reasons the most significant was health care. Think in that thread I suggested that you can possibly sell your PE. Think ubonjoe posted that only certain PE visas can be sold. If I was considering a PE, I would certainly include that in my decision.
  21. They do overlap the stamps @ThailandRyan. Stamp in your pp does look bigger.
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