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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. It's from your reentry date. Extensions have nothing to do with your due date 90 report. The OP in a different situation.
  2. In the case of the OP it would be his first 90 report after obtaining his 12 month extension. First report can be done in person or via mail, however not online..
  3. Pretty big call to marry if main reason is to obtain means to remain in Thailand. However you wouldn't be the first. You can forget non O volunteering. You could obtain a non-ED through one of the formal schools. Your age comes into it as PE visa would be good option but of course not cheap.
  4. Are you married to a Thai national? BTW don't know why you laughed at first reply. It's accurate and good advice. Since you entered visa exempt you can obtain another covid extension. That buys another couple of months and could be possible that a land border is opened. Think you will find that non O volunteering is not currently available..
  5. Depends how close you are to immigration. The OP had his answer instantly from forum.
  6. Thanks. Had a chat with Mr Google and Soi 94 has the new "Wonderland'". Seems interesting. Bit sad as I liked the bar area down near the Hilton. Progress. Hate it.
  7. Yep. Apart from starting your clock on your first extension. In reality 90 report has nothing to do with annual extensions.
  8. So long time since I've been to Hua Hin. Previously used to stay in the guest houses built out onto the ocean. I'm guessing that the bar area that runs from Hilton toward Murphy's bar etc, is still running or dead as door nail? Someone mentioned new bar area, think around Soi 90? Can anyone update info re bar scene Hua Hin. Much appreciated.
  9. OP, so your first report due 90 days after you obtain your annual extension. Be aware that report can be done in person up to 15 days prior to your due date and 7 days post due date. Your first report must be done in person or via mail. Subsequent reports can be done online. Note online report window is 15 days prior and up to due date. If you ever exit and re-enter Thailand then your 90 report clock is reset and starts from date of reentry.
  10. Sounds like you came on a non O marriage. If you only need extra 60 days you can obtain an extension based on visit wife. Your not extending your non O visa. You would not require 400k in bank. That would only be required if you were applying for 12 month extension
  11. You can transit at another country. Many folk have done that. If you provide more details of carrier etc then perhaps others have done similar route and can post first hand experience. Good luck with family reunion.
  12. Wasn't a scandal. For any agent check out their reviews. They have many good reviews. You will always find few horror reviews for any businesses such as hotels etc.
  13. You could try ThaiVisaCentre or Bangkok Buddy in Bangkok. Also read current thread with same question asked for Pattaya. Few good agents in Pattaya folk from BKK use them also.
  14. Have you travelled from Bangkok to Koh Chang. You won't do that trip in 5 hours.
  15. Spend first night in Bangkok. Ridiculous to travel to Koh Chang same day as arrival..
  16. Think he entered on visa exempt or tourist visa. I'm confused with the new wording of covid extensions. It seems that the immigration offices are interested in how you entered Thailand. I'm also surprised of recent lack of reports for covid extensions.. Think many are waiting on reports. Personally I find the new restrictions unreasonable. Borders open = No more covid extensions. Problem is they are not open.
  17. OP, your under 50. You have exhausted your options. Even a trip to Phnom Penh to obtain tourist visa would only buy you 60+30 days. I suggest time to exit Thailand.
  18. Your covid extension was granted Jan 7 and currently that extension is valid till March 8. Your under consideration period was irrelevant. Normally you would apply coupe of weeks prior to expiry. Something like Feb 22 would be fine.
  19. Would appreciate a report. I assume Dave's Sports Bar is open. So much change over last couple of years ...I think of the song something along the lines .."I'm still standing..." Sadly many businesses have gone down the s.shoot.
  20. You can do change of address now using TM30. File a TM30 with CR immigration..
  21. Cambodia seems obvious choice for someone looking for a visa. Did these flight for friend so it's ~ 4k return.
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