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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. Disagree completely. The OP, now has clear understanding of his situation due to clear explanation. On the other hand your post adds nothing
  2. I was looking at this one. Fully vaccinated 62.7% (realize would be higher in different age groups). That seems a low vaccination rate for an advanced country. How does that compare with places such as UK etc.
  3. Reading article yesterday (can't find it) anyway was about the fact that when new cases are rising so quickly that the recording of them and notification to close contacts etc becomes almost not practical. In Victoria (state if Oz) they just dumped few days back cases as can't keep up. As result the numbers for that state were listed as 50k +. Queensland went from zero to 20k in a blink.. Keep in mind these numbers are from country with small population (25mil)
  4. What are the vaccination rates in USA. I realize it would vary from state to state. Oz states are in the main into the 90,s %. Much smaller population so would be easier in countries such as Oz. Curious about USA. Do they have a lot of anti vaccination folk. I mean more than other countries?
  5. Amazing Thailand. Should be in a marvel Netflix series. While in the real world Australia setting daily records off the charts.
  6. Please don't tell me you think Western Australia will remain that way. Not long ago QLD had zero cases or single figures. Now thousands per day. Keep up.
  7. Post you quoted was incorrect. Check post just prior. ~ March 10 correct date. "Your starting date is January 9, 2022 so that means that 60 days later would be March 10, 2022"
  8. Don't think for one moment that your experience is unique. My experience is exactly same apart from my 10 yrs and not 20. That all means nothing if you were in need of obtaining a covid extension. Currently most likely would need a TM30 if in situation as most on folk obtaining them. That is the topic of the thread.
  9. Keep in mind that you can have the stamps placed into your existing pp. Only mention in case there is hold up with new passport. You have all of next week.
  10. This has come up previously. Think the correct answer posted above.
  11. This is standard. For any entry on tourist visa or visa exempt you will be made to obtain standard 30 day extension PRIOR to being able to apply for a covid extension. Your dates work out well. Your 30 day extension expires Feb 13. That means you can apply for your covid extension now and the 60 days will commence from Feb 13. Best to do that prior to Jan 25.
  12. OP, what you outline is correct. Obtain your covid extension asap. Covid extensions due to end Jan 25 however will be extended imo. You will find this affidavit useful. Tick second box. https://aseannow.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=727659 Which immigration office will you attend. Good luck.
  13. No need to obtain any sort of reentry permit at immigration. If you need to exit you can obtain at airport. OP ,as ubonjoe has outlined...this is not a big deal. Just obtain new non O at immigration. As your familiar with your immigration office no doubt they will guide you through process.
  14. You were only given 30 days when entered Thailand. Seems you entered visa exempt? In your passport you will have stamp with "admitted till" date. If that's 7 Feb then you arrived visa exempt. Your first extension will be standard 30 day extension. You obtain that prior to any covid extension. That extension takes you till approx March 10. "Your starting date is January 9, 2019 so that means that 60 days later would be March 10, 2019." After that you can obtain covid extension if available. They are due to close January 25. Many think they will be available after Jan 25. Extensions are 1900 baht. You can only obtain an extension at immigration office where you have filed a TM30. Added catch with covid extension is that some/many offices give under consideration period. This can be an issue if plan is to travel about during stay.
  15. OP, thinking much of this is off topic. In first couple of replies it was stated that it depends on your imagination office. It may even depend on which io. If your that keen to have an account that does not provide a Bank Book then you would need to ask you immigration office. Don't think you even stated imm office. Thought that would be a start.
  16. There seems (as usual) to be no set rule regarding the need for TM30. I wouldn't read too much into the fact that it wasn't required for the standard 30 day extension. Just an opinion but thinking might be needed for covid extension. Hope you have plan B to obtain covid extension if TM30 is required.
  17. Forgot to mention more direct way. Just hit on username and mail option pops up along with members details, posts etc
  18. If you say so.... Certainly not agents I know regarding marriage. Anyway leave it there.
  19. Excellent. So just have the 400k+ in that account and your right to go. Obviously you would be aware of the docs required for marriage. As you would be aware, the non O stamps you in for 90 days then in the last 30 days you can obtain your extension. Happy wife Happy life.
  20. Thanks for info. Would be handy for folk living in Phuket. Certainly not the norm throughout Thailand using extensions marriage.
  21. The screen grab your landlord provided is enough. The 30 day extension is enough time to obtain your non O. You will be using money in the bank. The 400k needs to be in the account on day of application. I assume you already have Thai bank account in your name.
  22. This is off topic so I won't continue. Many agents don't touch marriage extensions apart from organization of docs etc. Certainly not covering money in the bank. For that reason every agent would push client to extension retirement (if 50+) even if client was married. BTW the op does not require that. He needs to buy time. He basically has the money in the bank. BTW you are aware of the process for using agent to circumvent money in bank. The process is done 'upcountry' Marriage has other requirements such as attending immigration etc etc
  23. Go to the 3 horizontal lines to right side of AseanNow at top of page. Hit that and you will see "notifications" and to the right an "envelop symbol" Hit that and then hit "compose new". You then need to type in a "heading" of message and recipient. Just follow the prompts.
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