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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. @sallecc seems you might need to check with your immigration office unless an STV guy can advise of success re covid extension. Here is affidavit link. Take it along when you apply for extension. Can't imagine it will be an issue.
  2. @ubonjoe. He will confirm one way or the other. My understanding is no issue.
  3. Covid extensions available for folk previously on STV
  4. There have been other reports confirming the posts above. However I would check that non requirement of insurance also applies to new non O-A issued after the insurance requirement was introduced. I would check with immigration.
  5. Bit unrelated but another example...... We have restaurant with live music few doors up. The gf just now typing with their management to see if open tonight. Reply: No point untill hours are minimum 11pm and alcohol not need hide. IMO a tourist would need to be certified crazy to come to Thailand with current rules and regulations.
  6. There is no way that you could live in Thailand or even visit and not be aware of eateries with live music. No I'm not including bars such as Stumble Inn even though it has full kitchen
  7. There is a weekly target to be met. Friday is usual day for dump. Just mixing it up for variety.
  8. Give some examples. Skip national park entry. Which is more like 10 times anyway. Spare me Phuket taxi
  9. How many transfers do you do per month. Is this from pension or..? Clearly the io was not interested in source of income?
  10. Has to be sarcasm. Or words from holiday tourist. Even then hard to imagine.
  11. Toby next week. What's the tips....up from 3 games? My thinking he gets 5
  12. Geeez ...I would start up a GoFundMe. That's big bucks by any measure.
  13. Geeez.....surely that's all up. School uniforms, books etc included
  14. Question just out of nosy interest. What are the fees for random international school. I was passing big one in Soi 105 Bang Na. Apparently not cheap. Soooo many students and parents at start and end of day.
  15. Thats correct. Keep in mind that if time gets tight you could obtain a 30 day extension to your visa exempt entry. The other alternative would be to obtain a tourist visa in Oz and be stamped in for 60 days. Having the bank account with the dosh already has you in very straightforward situation.
  16. I suggest if you ever have a question then post a picture of your stamp/stickers and you will receive clear precise advise. Obviously blank out personal info. Same way I did in this thread.
  17. So a Thai friend is finally back at work today. Works at a flash Gym. Guessing most members are Thai. For members to enter the Gym they need show proof full vaccination (2 shots) and recent negative rapid test. Not questioning the rules, just wondering how busy that gym would be.
  18. I'm over the moon that I can go to restaurant/bar with some music. Catch 22....no booze.
  19. If I was Thai I would be happy he was charged more. I suggest he obtain health insurance next time or travel back to his own country for treatment.
  20. Slogan: Day the Music Died. (Don McLean) Flashback pic of Soi 4. Died.
  21. Examples (other than national parks etc) I read this often but seriously I don't buy it
  22. Stating the obvious.....you need to take this (printout) with you to departure along with all the rest.
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