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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. You state that and then have each way bet with covid extensions being tied to land borders being closed. Which one is it. Personally my guess is that covid extensions will continue until some land borders are open. That won't be November 27 and hence their issue will continue till end of January..... minimum.
  2. Perhaps a stock standard period would be step in right direction. 30 days has a nice ring to it.
  3. Correct. Sort of ridiculous. I just renewed my extension and would like to visit Oz briefly early next year. Will mean that I will be stamped in with ~ 10 months on my entry stamp. Insurance required for that period. Stupid.
  4. Think it's not duration of intended stay but rather duration of stamp that you will receive. Your permission of stay. Example for SETV that would be 60, for non O 90 and for reentry permit the date remaining on that permit.
  5. That is correct. Non O volunteering along with their extensions via agent currently are off the table.
  6. OP, sometimes there are few options to choose from.....in your case it's a no brainer. Ubonjoe's advice above is by far best option. Forget the STV and other options.
  7. Just to add that immigration can make possible an earlier extension if provided with supporting evidence such as flight out of Thailand. Thinking perhaps up to 60 early at CW might be feasible.
  8. Non O-X. Buy a PE instead. "In any case, is there a way to get 10 year visa for Thailand so I dont have to worry about visas for a while?" I don't worry about visas. This week obtained my 12 month extension. Money in bank method. Absolute breeze.
  9. Yes Kasikorn bank was shut for couple of weeks. It has been open for few weeks now.
  10. Yes. I use 800k and maintain that for the entire year. Some reports I have read where people update their bankbook every month. I do not do that.
  11. It's many years ago, when I first started living in Thailand. I used to fly to Saigon and obtain tourist visa. My experience then was to provide hard copy of flight INTO Thailand. On onward flight was not required. Perhaps my experience is out of date. I was under the impression that onward flight not required for tourist visa application. Happily stand corrected.
  12. Indeed. The main reason for doing the report was because I had different experience to couple of recent reports at CW. Of significance was that .. I did not have or provide a TM30. I did not provide a receipt of 90 day report. Only photocopies of bankbook pages required along with letter. I did not provide "hand drawn map" One set of copies ie passport photocopies.
  13. Immigration in Thailand will not require an onward flight. Folk with a visa or reentry permit do not require an onward flight both for obtaining boarding pass at departure and at passport control upon arrival in Thailand.
  14. Jomtien rules. Don't be confused with how 95%+ immigration offices do things. Which is NOT to return post 3 months with bankbook. Very much doubt that the OP deals with Jomtien.
  15. Jomtien? VERY few immigration offices require the non existent come back in 3 months rule with bankbook. Edit: just saw you mentioned Jomtien. One of very few out of 75+ offices that made up that rule.
  16. You don't have an ATM card from home country to grab a few bucks for a day? What next. My take is money kept till 5th November. Withdraw 6th to be safe. Not 4th.
  17. Thats always the catch 22 for visa exempt entry. It's only an issue for obtaining boarding pass at departure. On arrival immigration not interested in your onward flight. An onward ticket maybe/likely required by airline. Options of cheapest throw away ticket or sites such as "rent a flight" are cheap and satisfy the requirements. Just looking at the TP threads I would want to keep visa side of things as simple as possible. As you point out both options (visa exempt or obtain non O) will work. When land borders open it's a no brainer. Exit to kill off the non O-A and reenter visa exempt.
  18. I realize clearly your aware of your options. Given that you have been doing extensions and bank account and financials all in place, I'm curious as to why you wouldn't just enter visa exempt. You could basically obtain your non O shortly after arrival.
  19. Might help if you outline exactly what you need from agent.
  20. Well that's interesting. So it would seem those issuing the TP have no idea. Immigration stamped you in till your current extension (and reentry permit) until date. IMO your insurance should have covered untill May 22.
  21. I'm sure that you have looked into it carefully. I was under impression that covid insurance was readily available for older folk..
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