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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. Also have same agent obtain 12 month extension based on volunteering. Hence 3+12 months. No need to exit Thailand. No reason not to enter visa exempt. Mind you not cheap.
  2. Stand corrected. News to me. Since you mentioned "well known" then accept what your saying. Again never heard of it as a possibility. Agents can obtain a non O for someone that entered on a SETV however never heard of obtaining another setv. Ever.
  3. If you mean enter end November, then a SETV plus extension is 60+30. That only takes you till end of February.
  4. An agent cannot obtain a "2nd setv locally". If you were wanting to use agent you would just enter visa exempt and buy something like a non O volunteering with 12 month extension. However expensive and over kill if only wanting 6 months. Alternative would be to enter with setv and obtain 30 day extension and then if covid extension unavailable obtain non O volunteering (without the 12 month extension). Still not cheap but good for 6 months.
  5. The reason for little response is in the OP heading....4 to 5 months. Let's work on 5 months. Enter with a SETV. Plus extension. That's 90 days. For the next 2 months normally you could do border bounce for visa exempt entry + another extension. That's 60 days. So 5 months all up. Relies on exit from Thailand and reentry. Currently not possible via land. An STV is an option but better suited for longer stay. MTEV not currently available in most countries and even if was would also require exit from Thailand. Yes covid extensions are currently available and that would get someone to 5 months + without leaving Thailand (IF continue to be issued) Borders open when? Anyone's guess. What solution for 5 month stay would you suggest for under 50 not married to Thai?
  6. Dont see the point of a Rant. You state "HOLIDAYS". Personally think coming to Thailand for a holiday right now is not worth it. Bit different if coming back for family etc. Up to recently it involved much longer quarantine. Solution: don't come esp for a holiday.
  7. For extensions no need to show that money came from abroad. If you were obtaining the non O (retirement) inside Thailand then you would need to show money from abroad to obtain the non O. Regarding the opening of bank account you may need to shop around. When I wanted to open a fixed term account I had issues with some banks even though I was on 12 month extensions and had reentry permit. Bangkok Bank wanted something from my Oz embassy and also something from my Oz bank. Ridiculous. Kasikorn opened one on the spot. If you did not have the non O it would be even more difficult. In that situation an agent can assist. Some positive reports of using Siam Legal (many other companies available). They use Bangkok Bank.
  8. If someone had 8 months remaining on permit then they would receive a permission of stay stamp for that length of time when enter Thailand. Hence would require insurance for that period.
  9. Couple of added points to above posts. The enclosed copies required has been covered. Post EMS 37baht. I use two B4 envelopes. The return one folded in half to fit inside the mailed envelope. With this size CW (not sure about other offices) return all my photocopies and new TM47 form. On return envelope place a 10baht stamp. Personally I send photocopy of most recent report receipt (not the original) At CW you mail this 15 days prior to report. The EMS provides record that you sent it. Attached example.
  10. From end of previous extension. No loss of days by going early.
  11. What a damn nightmare this whole thing is. Glad your sorted.
  12. Canuck = Canadian? Go flames. Lucky you guys still have income letter.
  13. None. It's visa exempt and gives you 30 days. All you need is 800k in your Thai bank on day you apply for your non O. That gives you 90 day stamp and you can obtain 12 month extension once the 800k has been in your account for 2 months. Note the visa exempt entry can be extended by 30 days if required. The onward flight ticket required for airline has been covered earlier in this thread.
  14. Think I follow. When you apply for an extension the io will look at your bank account for the previous 12 months. He/She is checking that you maintained minimum 800k for 3 months post your last extension. Thereafter not below 400k and then back up to 800k+ two months prior to attending immigration for you next extension. Some offices have for some reason been asking for 12 month Bank Statements rather than just the record of balances as shown in your bank book. Of course you also need the bank letter from your bank which basically just verifies that the account is yours. CW as just one example does not require statements. Personally, I keep 800k+ all year round in a dedicated bank account. I don't use it apart for extension purposes. Think that's becoming popular option.
  15. Your correct in that you need "start over again" but it's easy. You already have money in the Thai bank etc. Just return visa exempt or setv and obtain non O (retirement) at immigration. You will need 800k on day of application. That gives you a 90 day permission of stay. Have the 800k in the bank for 2 months and obtain your 12 month extension. Small bit of mucking around but not difficult. Enjoy Oz.
  16. OP, You entered Sept 30. That means your current permission of stay ends end Nov. At that time you could obtain 30 day extension. After that if available you could obtain 60 day covid extension. During all that time you could get married and obtain a non O (marriage) at immigration. No need to leave Thailand. That would give you a 90 day POS. During that time apply for your 12 month extension. The 400k in bank for 2 months prior to applying for the 12 month extension is a simple option. Ha just noticed OP note. I'm sure many would support that. "As a personal aside Joe should set up a https://www.buymeacoffee.com/ link in his forum signature."
  17. I also have this issue in not receiving SMS OTP from my Westpac Oz bank. I use true and because I wished to pay a "new payee" it required a OTP and that would not come to my SMS. I will read all previous posts from helpful members later. Unrelated perhaps?.... I'm currently trying to use a site called "marketplace" in Oz. It's a buy/sell site. Runs through messenger. So my problem is that while I can view all the items I am unable to message an offer etc. I assume that's just that site blocking my messenger as it's coming from o/s country?? Frustrating. Any tips/advice appreciated. BTW I'm using my condo wifi.
  18. Just exit Thailand. No need for upcoming report When you return your 90 day click starts from date you reenter
  19. CW up to 45 days prior. You will receive extension same day you apply. Be aware of all the requirements such as bank letter, TM7 form with photo etc, etc. Photocopies of required pages of passport etc. Since your going to exit and return you will need to purchase a reentry permit. Can be obtained same visit at CW or at airport when your departing. 1000 single and 3800 multiple. Extension is 1900baht. Link to report of extension. Not appointments currently unavailable. https://aseannow.com/topic/1178531-2020-bkk-cw-retirement-extension-trip-report/
  20. You can give first hand example? BTW , what's the point of giving a laugh emoji at every post. I only went back 20 or more posts and you have given that emoji to every post. Your point?
  21. Sorry but I don't see point of posts such as this. Yes many folk have success with online reporting and MANY do do not. It's not about using chrome or incorrect data entry or having recently done an extension or using app vs net etc etc Some think it's down to one being done in person or mail when online has one of it's "unavailable" rests. After that the data is not uploaded to online system by some offices. Whatever the reason, once your booted your R.....ed. Welcome to world of "in person or mail in"
  22. That's correct. You can obtain a non O (retirement) in the USA. Since you already have money in Thai bank, you could enter visa exempt and obtain non O at immigration. Subsequently obtain the 12 month extension. If you actually can satisfy the money in bank requirements then you could do the process yourself. It's not difficult. Or you could have an agent assist with the organization side of things.
  23. Jetstar currently has very cheap flights to Phuket from Melbourne etc. From Feb 2022. 6000baht return direct.
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