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Everything posted by JBChiangRai

  1. Only if the land owner agrees at extension time, even if contractually bound to, the land owner can change his mind without penalty because a promised extension has no legal standing as it is viewed as illegal, the law provides for a maximum of a 30 year lease.
  2. First, I think you would be an idiot to pay to help develop a feature that isn’t yet ready and secondly, Elon Musk is wrong, you cannot safely have self driving without LIDAR, he’s gone down a blind alley with camera technology, even his own experts think so. It’s just a matter of tine before legislation shuts him down.
  3. This is for cars that are coming from a lower tax area. Cars are not cheaper in Malaysia.
  4. So let's be accurate, we're talking about Russians, the number of Ukrainians is statistically insignificant (circa 2% compared to Russians)
  5. I really wish posts would not mention Russians and Ukrainians in the same sentence as if they are the same. Further, if numbers are being quoted, I prefer to see separate numbers for R’s and U’s, it’s impossible to get a real picture without it, we’re just getting propaganda.
  6. It's incredibly easy to stop farmers burning their fields by using AI on satellite images to identify the fields, and the army subsequently destroying any crops grown on any field that was burned earlier that year. It just takes sufficient warning notice to the farmers and the will to carry it through.
  7. If a landlord has 5 or more properties, it is illegal for them to mark up the electric rate.
  8. *Deleted post removed* Minsk2 point 10 was referring to The Donbas when it said "Withdrawal of all foreign armed formations, military equipment and mercenaries". The only foreigners in the Donbas were Russian soldiers whether Wagner or without insignia. Russia claimed (a) it had no personnel there which was clearly a lie and (b) that it wasn't a signatory to the agreement. The problem negotiating with Russia, is that they rarely do it in good faith, it's completely pointless. Regarding your point about "The Former Colonies", I totally agree with you. I think if my neighbour wants to get a guard dog for his protection, as long as it is fenced in safely, it's none of my business. If Cuba want to host Russia's nuclear missiles, it's nobody's business but them and Russia.
  9. Great BTD Atto 3 review here BYD Atto 3 review: the latest Chinese electric car is credible enough to worry the establishment (msn.com)
  10. I just checked, you can set the left shortcut button to bring up a shortcut menu and from there you can turn LKA off, you have to confirm it afterwards and you have to be wearing your seatbelt first. Other options for that shortcut button are toggle android auto/apple car play, and bring up the 360 degree cameras.
  11. Oh dear… I was answering a specific question which I quoted, as you well know. Are you trolling me?
  12. I read that on mgevs.com the forum in the UK, but I can't find it on the car. A manual for the car in English would be nice, it's on the infotainment but I like a proper book I can read (preferably with a glass of wine).
  13. It was 1 million for 20 years. It's priceless for the peace of mind. I don't have to worry about the overdue increase from the 65k/800k retirement method, or the turning up at immigration to find the rules have changed and I don't have the right papers or hadn't buried them in peat and recycled them as firelighters.
  14. I went to the GWM showroom today, I still can't order a Grand Cat.
  15. From the Thai Immigration Government website 22. Visa Extension in the case of retirement etc etc etc I was previously on a non-immigrant visa issued by the Royal Thai Embassy in Hull (UK). Actually, I went the Elite route (20 yr) almost 5 years ago because.
  16. Not with the MG4 alas, you have to do it every time you start the car.
  17. The problem with Minsk 2 was point 10, specifically written and referring to Russia... 10. Withdrawal of all foreign armed formations, military equipment and mercenaries. Russia claimed it had no people, military equipment or mercenaries there, actually Russians were practically the only foreigners there.
  18. I applied on the Friday, my 50th birthday was on the Saturday. I got my extension and a couple of hours later got a call from immigration telling me to come back for it to be canceled, they kept the money of course. This was Jomtien, a good few years ago.
  19. I think there will be no better time to have an EV in Thailand than now. 2 to 4 charging points at most large highway services is ok now but it's going to have to grow exponentially. If there are 6 petrol pumps each taking 2 minutes to fill a car, then we are going to need to replace them with 50 to 100 charging points to keep par. Right now we're in the golden point of owning an EV, I am sure there is pain coming. The US & UK is going through that growing pain now.
  20. The first thing I noticed getting into the EP+ from the MG4, is how much higher the seating position is, acceleration is very similar, opening the tailgate the floor is much lower. It feels a larger car, also subjectively it may be quieter at speed but I can't be sure. It has a really taut chassis and is a joy to drive. I like that the regen mode is on a physical switch, likewise ECO, Sport, Normal driving modes and I also like the lack of LKPITA (Lane keeping PITA). After nearly 50 years of driving, if I want to straddle or cross a white line, there's a reason and I don't want to fight with a computer that things it knows better. The main thing is the price, 771k baht for a large, quality car with that performance is laughably ridiculous. I don't have any experience of MG ICE cars, but their EV's are incredibly high quality machines.
  21. New version EP+ is called the ES. The ES does have all the fancy tech which if it's anything like the MG4 is a PITA.
  22. I think it's more that the old model was underpriced, I just took my daughter's EP+ out to dinner, it's a fantastic car.
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