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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Anybody who has any dealings with IT Departs can see precisely the kind of thinking that concludes remote control of other people’s cars is a good idea.
  2. Can we see your evidence that each and all of Taylor Swift’s relationships was sexual? If you put as much effort into that as you do into your slurs and innuendo you might start building a factual basis for your claims. I say might.
  3. No it’s just the latest slur from a bunch of guys posting from their mum’s spare bedroom.
  4. Getting desperate or is that just your receiving the latest talking point?
  5. Dean, I see you’ve started answering your own posts. Which might explain your username.
  6. If the U.S. and NATO allies had not provided weapons and other military aid to Ukraine, your tyrant Putin would have already taken over Ukraine. Strengthened with the riches and resources that would bring he’d start his next venture. And you would be hear offering appeasement.
  7. That’s not ‘a fact’ it’s a point of view from someone with a history of arguing in favor of appeasing tyrants and denigrating those who stood up to tyrants.
  8. I know I don’t like Hitler. Your posting history leaves a bit of a question on your own position.
  9. So let’s sit back while Putin marches across Europe and while China, North Korea, Iran watch the U.S. abandon its allies. One thing has never changed, appeasement signals weakness and weakness invites attack. You need to take a lot bless Chamberlain and a lot more Churchill.
  10. Putting aside the question of whether or not Musk, or anyone else, remotely disabled the Tesla truck, then two questions that do deserve an answer are: ”Is the remote disabling and/or modification of a Tesla vehicle’s controls a built in feature, either deliberately built in or inadvertently built in?” “If this is a built in feature, then under what circumstances is remote modification of the vehicle controls possible”
  11. Appeasement didn’t work with that other murderous tyrant you offer apologies for, is isn’t going to work with your Putin thug. Harris’ commitment to America’s allies is one of her vote winning policy statements, thank you for doing your bit to get the message out.
  12. He’s a Nazi apologist and Holocaust obfuscater. You’ll not get through his warped view if history.
  13. When did the British pioneer rounding up Jews, Roma, Slavs, gays, the disabled and murdering them in gas chambers?
  14. Perhaps go after the big numbers first: https://hansard.parliament.uk/commons/2024-07-25/debates/A07FA97A-AE40-4698-9AE1-B92F280D27D5/Covid-19PandemicCostToPublicPurseOfPublicProcurementFraud#:~:text=Latest estimates show £10.5,in the covid-19 schemes.
  15. So you don’t like working people collectively negotiating for better pay and conditions. I look forward to the budget addressing structural inequalities within the tax laws.
  16. Labour have made very clear that they are going to tackle the tax injustices that the very wealthy enjoy. They are worrying some powerful people. The rightwing client press are responding accordingly. With 5 years until the next election ‘popularity’ is not an issue, fixing the mess Labour inherited is.
  17. Do you think the fraud involving £billions of tax payers money perpetrated under the previous Government should or should not be pursued or are you simply indulging in negativity?
  18. He hasn’t taken any money from ‘defenseless vulnerable pensioners’, the winter fuel allowance is now means tested. Former and now retired colleagues of mine retired on pensions that put them in the 40% tax bracket will no longer get the winter fuel allowance, I expect t they are gutted. All pensioners will still receive triple locked increases to their state pension, a guaranteed annual increase most working people can only dream of. I do however look forward to the budget.
  19. The election got rid of the vast majority of corruption. The CPS can now get on with the job of investigating and prosecuting those who’ve had their noses in the trough of the chumocracy, £Billions syphoned off need to be chased down.
  20. What pressure is he under Jonny, it’s five years to the next election. Plenty of time to make inroads into the mess left by the past 14 years of mismanagement and corruption.
  21. The Hamptons, a drive through is recommended to put that feeling of ‘having done well in life’ into perspective.
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