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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. I have a small pair of scissors I use for just that dilemma. Just got to chop it up a bit, no worries. Love the fingernails by the way.
  2. I don't know what you're trying to say. My reference to illegals was they will be competing with citizens for affordable housing. Supply and demand and rents increase.
  3. A coke or soda can for a pipe works well. Can be made quickly and works well. Given the expensive 1 gram prices, rolling a joint with it is wasteful, well smoking a joint with expensive product is wasteful.
  4. Tools needed for rolling a joint is pretty funny. That has to be a windup. Papers and product is alls needed. Practice, practice. You'll learn the trick of wetting your fingertips.
  5. The housing situation will only get worse as the unregulated influx of illegals continues.
  6. I'm so confused, soon to be dazed.
  7. They are off Soi Buakhao, 500-700 gram
  8. Candyland in Pattaya, see facebook page. Looks pricey though.
  9. Coupons, what's up with that. So frustrating. Come on folks.
  10. Thank you for pointing out what the American people are worried about.
  11. There are numerous examples given but not one real good one. I'm planning a trip with my 10 yr old to the US for a short visit. She has both passports. She has my last name. I live with my daughter and her mother (we're not married) The only paperwork I have is her birth cert with me listed as father. Would the Amphur be the best place to start?
  12. I must live a blessed life because I pay cash for everything except at the movies I use my US credit card, same with lazada and plane tickets. I have wifi at the house why should I need it on my phone except for traveling and I use google map.
  13. I was right 2 dates were one yr old. I challenge you to post the first four links when you google "How the world sees biden"
  14. Did you even bother to open them? I did. All the dangerous things that he has saif off the cuff that his staffers have to clean up is a huge concern to America's safety. Then you have the clips of biden forgetting what he's saying in mid sentence. He's a very dangerous joke.
  15. Since Trump left office CNN can't compete, too funny. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/cnn-promises-to-dodge-extremes-under-new-leadership
  16. nah, 2 links were over 1 yr old, one I refused to access and the last one didn't say much. If you were to post the first five that pop up you'd be more honest. As I said before for a good laugh or cry, check out what the Saudis think
  17. Pretty funny you went back over a year to find anything favoring biden. For some laughs google Saudi snl biden skit
  18. Please post a link to anyone who thinks biden has done well on the world stage. You won't do it because it's not possible. You'll only come across stories of his blunders.
  19. So you think because fair minded people don't want biden and his far left agenda we automatically want Trump. That assumption is incorrect. We want Trump's agenda not his tweets, a secure border, decent gas prices. We want a proactive president who doesn't cater to the wokeness that's destroying the USA. Me for one doesn't want Mr Trump back as POTUS, I just want the lunatic democrats gone before they can cause more damage.
  20. Upon photo scrutiny I would say water, pepsi and plastic cups came from 7-11 across the street along with coffee cups.
  21. President Biden's approval rating for the 71st week of his term was 40%, down 1 percentage points from the week before. President Trump's approval rating at the same point in his term was 43.2%, up 0.3 percentage points from the week before. Everyone sees what they want to see.
  22. Biden wasn't aware of closure till months later. So either he's fibbing or he's not running a tight ship. Not sure which is worse. https://nypost.com/2022/06/01/formula-airlift-from-uk-australia-days-away-as-shortage-worsens/
  23. Me personally I would park on 2nd or beach rd and walk down to Immigration. I wouldn't even begin to try to find parking on Soi 5, 40thb or otherwise.
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