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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. If I educated my kid in the US she'd be going to a private school, the same as I did before with the oldest. I have family who rented all their lives, never thought about retirement. And I have family that were very wise, bought houses for rent, much like me. I feel for those who sold their paid for US homes and squandered their money away in Thailand.
  2. Tips for the day - 1. No loud music. 2. Pay back loans promptly. More to follow.
  3. Me with my GED own 3 homes in US with rent coming in on 2 of them, paid for 2 homes in Thailand (cash) It's nice to have options. But I'd rather have my kid educated in Thailand
  4. I just checked out the MG vehicle lineup and I must admit it's impressive. You have to hand it to the Chinese, they are awesome at copying the design of others, tweaking it a bit, and selling it cheaper. Now I can see buying the 400K range car cause it's cheap but the higher end prices I don't see much savings from reputable brands like Toyota and Isuzu.
  5. Bangkok Bank, I use ATM card for funds. It's been said those with a US home residence registered with SS you can change banks online like I did and if you have overseas address registered you get what you got, a number to call.
  6. My SS gets DD into Thai Bank. just got mine this morning. When I travel to US I use those funds in US Credit Union and US Credit Cards. I can go online and change back to US bank anytime.
  7. If I didn't have a good health plan from my home country that covers me in Thailand I'd be shopping for a Thai plan regardless of Visa requirements.
  8. Very hi-so folding the clothes.
  9. I think the bigger issue is living so far from town and no reliable transportation. Yikes.....
  10. They (13) held back on the envelopes headed upstairs.
  11. Wondering how many victims of unpaid loans, cheated customers are reevaluating their options.
  12. Or how about those of us who already have a good health ins from our home country and don't need a BS policy from Thailand.
  13. Again I think there's a method to the madness of the new rules. We simply call them (Immigration) stupid but are they?? They know the more crazy they make getting a visa the more apt we are to use an "Agent"
  14. Has the reason been given why he decided to kill his exwife and her daughter?
  15. Whew, man oh man. A man with a plan. JHC that's some hardcore John Wick s#@t.
  16. Your Pit looks somewhat less lethal if you can understand that. There's a 20 baht store locally that has 2 large fearsome looking beasts that lounge about as you 're shopping.
  17. I only hope the families of dead and injured receive more Compensation than the police.
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