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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. You would think that, but I predict the radical left won't let a chance of looting and burning go to waste. Hopefully the troops will squash the riots before they begin.
  2. I couldn't imagine letting my 17 yr old take a gun to a protest, but then again I couldn't see myself going to a protest to cause chaos. But, the fact remains the kid was legal to carry a legal gun, protestors chased him down to assault him and he defended himself.
  3. I used Royal Vacation to get my TP, man they were slow doing the hotel and Ins. got my QR code but if you're thinking of using this service because they are fast. They're not. 10 days start to finish.
  4. That one lived and testified in court that he did point his gun at Rittenhouse.
  5. Which is the path of least resistance? I've only ever used Pattaya but Rayong is closer.
  6. I sincerely hope you don't believe that, but the sad truth is many do.
  7. My kid goes to an EP school nearby and their opening rule is 50% online and 50% in class learning and they alternate weekly to keep SD at 2 meters. In my kids class only 4 out of the 11 kids scheduled for classroom learning showed up, the rest stayed with online. So, my point here is parents are fearful of kids going back to the classroom yet they will eat in packed indoor restaurants in crowded malls, no problem.
  8. I've had a pizza delivered a few times, I guess if you're unable to walk or use a motorbike or drive a car using Grab or such is a help. Personally I've never used one of those Grab apps.
  9. I started having my SS deposited into US bank and simply went on SS website and changed to Bangkok Bank. It went smoothly.
  10. Riots will happen regardless the outcome. The nutters from both sides will show up, including the ones ready for a good old fashioned night of looting and destruction.
  11. Just an opinion - it would seem ticket only needs to be valid for the flight to Thailand. I believe it can show any departure date you like.
  12. Bridgestone for my Isuzu runs around 22,000 all in. It's what it came with.
  13. You need a degree these days just to buy a light bulb. For f^*k sake there are so many choices.
  14. Machines for washing clothes is so hi-so, I got the old lady a new rock and she was delighted.
  15. I see the ladies with the foreigners, I doubt the Thai guys are too jealous. ????
  16. I have Blue Cross/Blue Shield (overseas) from fed job, if this ins requirement wasn't just a money grab they would accept my insurance without setting unrealistic rules to prove it. I'll continue using agents as this is probably what IO really want us to do.
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