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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. That's because there isn't anything new about filing taxes, that's according to the Minister of Finance. https://thethaiger.com/guides/best-of/top-5-tax-firms-in-thailand Lister contributed the above thread for tax experts. But, he was just giving advice to help.
  2. Jealousy? Of what exactly? If you're a tax refugee, I can see concern. But the huge majority of guys here live off of funds already taxed in their home country. Along comes Lister and stirs the pot. I gave a link to Ministry of Finance saying absolutely nothing has been decided and if it is it will takes years. There's a certain group of paper pushing retirees who can't let go of their old life.
  3. For expatriates in Thailand, the implications of a potential NIT system remain entirely speculative. The "crunch time," when such policies may come into effect, is still several years off, and any impacts on expats, if they occur, are yet to be determined. Deputy Finance Minister Julapun Amornvivat's words here. I know who I would believe and it's not a scaremonger.
  4. Check out Royal English Program in Ban Chang. Tuition runs about 140K/yr
  5. 57th president of what country?
  6. Ring a bell.....
  7. Quite the guesser you are.
  8. You're fired.
  9. Now, don't you feel better.
  10. All for the best. Now you can get back to being a spelling Nazi.
  11. That's just plain funny...........555555
  12. Group hug..............
  13. C'mon Peanut, this is why you were put down.
  14. Can't we all just get along, c'mon group hug.......
  15. Same here. I worked with many men and women from PI.
  16. Great News, America has spoken.
  17. Can we agree no matter how this election turns out, we can all have an emotional Group Hug......... No harm, no foul for all the awful things that has been said here. There are fine people on both sides.
  18. Democracy may have a chance after all.
  19. Are you being paid to post drivel?
  20. Old school liberal and new school liberal not same same.
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