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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. Bob must feel humbled to know you've give the OK for him to return.
  2. Hey 88 my little blowhard buddy. You seem to think anyone who doesn't kiss your ass is a feeble old man. Is your present life so boring you feel the need to tell boring sea stories. By the way like the white Supremist logo.
  3. Just flew BKK. SFO Eva premium economy. $2000. RT First time flying premium economy. Made for a nicer flight.
  4. The demo are trying hard to increase the wealth gap. 4 10 hr days would be good. Hopefully it won't happen
  5. Are you saying you can't just walk away clean. Unless there's a kid involved. Problem is some go for marriage extension and don't have funds to start over. Ball and chain.
  6. Go to the public pools. Many times they have group traing sessions.
  7. My kid is 39.
  8. You should relish the fact that your posts drove a member to a severe mental collapse. Keep up the.good work.
  9. I had one tell me to climb in my coffin. Does that count. Laugh it off.
  10. Next thread titled. Forced to remain in Thailand till my Tuscany villa has been remodeled to my high specs.
  11. Will your gym membership be transferable to new hiso destination
  12. But they're all wanting the same
  13. Nobody likes a quitter. Grow a pair and have a beer.
  14. If you think my post was in defense, your reading comprehension is lacking
  15. I'm leaving town on a jet plane, going to go support my home country a bit.
  16. The invasion began when biden took office, his words encouraged a massive flow of people from all over the world to cross the border. For 3 yrs the American people watched the hordes pouring over, seemingly unchecked by current admin. Heck, biden just recently visited the border. Before he was to busy to care, now its election time and he starts to care. Now, it's all political. I don't know the bill...really. Was it good?
  17. When a Thai commits a crime they somehow always confess. Bet the police aren't used to dealing with a plea of innocent.
  18. What about the illegals shouldn't be here for any % of them to commit crimes. By entering illegally they have already admitted to committing a crime. Your argument is intended for the uneducated progressives.
  19. The main reason I book directly with airlines is if there is a glitch you have to deal with the "other people" The Airline won't help you, or that's been my experience.
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