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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. An academic, intelligent discussion on the topic of tattoos is a paradox and oxymoron combined. It's like having a MAGA supporter as a fact checker.
  2. You are confusing calories with carbohydrates. Calories are a unit of energy. Carbohydrates are macronutrients, measured by mass present. Beer and whisky both contain calories. Whisky contains zero carbohydrates, because it is impossible to distill carbohydrates.
  3. Both beers are high in carbohydrate. Hence the term "beer gut". The OP would be better off drinking spirits, which have zero carbs, to retain a svelte figure. Given his purported nationality, to make America great again, he should imbibe bourbon.
  4. Nice to know that's how you use it.
  5. Opinions differ. I once knew a guy who claimed Japanese women were ugly. I am not particularly fussed by which ethnicity women come from, although I prefer slim and feminine. Ball-busting entitled fat slugs are not my cup of tea.
  6. Perhaps I omitted to mention I usually have my Thai GF with me as well, if directions get as complicated as you describe. I could probably cope with leo qua, leo sy, drong bai, ran hardware, ran ahan, baan ber see. Forks and bends would be a bit beyond me. I do have the advantage of being able to read maps, and most Thai highways have the signs in English as well as Thai.
  7. At 23 C, the OP is breathing dehumidified air all night. It's no wonder he is waking up feeling terrible. He is dehydrating his lungs, and the mucous membranes of the nose and throat. Dryness makes one more vulnerable to infections, as well as coughing and congestion. I have the aircon set at 28 C. I sleep with only a sheet. I rarely use the aircon unless it is really hot, a fan is sufficient most of the time. The OP's answer is in his own post: "Couple of times i've slept at mates in cooler temperature with just a fan and it's great".
  8. My statistic is based on speaking to them in Thai.
  9. He will probably end up in Mae Sai. IME asking directions of a Thai has about a 33.333% chance of getting a correct answer.
  10. It won't be taxed in Australia. While it is part of taxable income, it is below the threshold at which income is taxed. As yet, there is no indication the 32.5% tax rate for non-residents will apply to those whose sole income is the OAP. It MAY be taxed after transfer to Thailand. Again, there is no indication the TRD intends to tax pensions from any country. They do intend to tax earnings. Due to double tax agreements, it's highly doubtful a pension could be taxed in both Australia and Thailand. I guess the first person to have their pension taxed will let us know quite speedily.
  11. If the OP has a smartphone, he can download the Google maps app and key in a destination.
  12. I don't think I said that. I am arguing for reasonable fees, not ones that take decades to pay off. In any case, my tertiary education was paid for by what used to be known as a Commonwealth scholarship. The basic principle is to foster talent. Your attitude is probably why America lags behind countries such as Canada, Japan and South Korea in terms of education. It's also why Trump thrives on the ignorance of his followers. You should be grateful to science. Without it, your average life expectancy would be 50 years.
  13. Regular exercise will help control BP. I have morning and afternoon routines I follow every day. I do have a bit of pharmaceutical assistance, 25 mg of Losartan, 1.25 mg Concor ( beta blocker ) . That is about minimum dose. My BP is averaging 115/60, my heart rate is 55 bpm. As others have said, see a cardiologist.
  14. I agree. Nothing wrong with taking out credit to buy an appreciating asset. However, the dearth of financial education for the average person means many can't tell the difference between that and a depreciating asset.
  15. It's even more stupid to have people denied a better education because they can't afford to mortgage their future for years. If you think getting a degree in the sciences is not hard work, you've got rocks in your head.
  16. If I really wanted to mess with bureaucratic heads, I could bring across just enough non - exempt funds to result in a tax bill of 5 baht. As you say, getting the entire structure in place will take years.
  17. You really think Trump will improve any of those parameters? A "concept of a plan" won't cut the mustard. I don't see Trump offering student loan relief. He's on record as hoping the economy would crash, so the Fed's 0.5% cut in interest rates must really be p!ssing him off. IIRC you were in the military. I wonder how you can look at yourself in the mirror, given Captain Bonespur's repeated disrespect of people who serve. Trump's only goal in running for president is to stay out of jail. It's game over if he loses. IMO he does not give a sh!t about conservative values.
  18. Part of the ATO's tax structure is the fact one can opt out of submitting a tax return if one's income is below the threshold, using a non-lodgment advice form. I submitted the form three years ago. I have not heard from the ATO since. I have not filed a tax return for three years. I assume someone in the ATO looked at my returns for a few years prior to submitting the form, and concluded there would be no tax payable in future years. I would have to be reinstated in the tax system before I could be taxed again. IMO I would be too small a fish to fry. As far as Thailand goes, I have enough non-taxable pre-2024 savings to last for 5-6 years.
  19. You have been known to post a few of your own. As for rational thinking, spare me.
  20. The age pension can only be taxed if it is transferred to Thailand. If it is left to accumulate in a Australian bank account, there's nothing Thailand can do.
  21. I get it, Trump is not a hypocrite. Straight arrow, won't pander to any voting bloc. A Christian who can't quote a single verse from the Bibles he flogs. Appears at Arlington for a photo-op with families of dead people he calls suckers and losers. Blocks a bipartisan bill to control immigration, for political advantage. You can't answer my question as to why Trump's addition to the national debt is somehow better than Harris, so you resort to the same tired name-calling as Trump does. I guess expecting honesty from your posts is a bridge too far.
  22. I do have to marvel at your talents, that you can use your organ to blow up condoms like a balloon.
  23. Quite right. I am an outlier, and happy to be so.
  24. We are not all grown up. 46% of Americans owe money on their credit cards. $1.14 trillion. The average American is in debt to the tune of $104,000, including mortgages, student loans, cars etc. If you think you got those card points free without someone paying for it, there's a bridge in Sydney Harbor I'd like to sell you. I bet there are quite a few that would like to be in my financial position.

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