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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Trump is a cult. Cults have characteristics in common. The cult leader screws the followers for everything he/she wants. The followers believe everything the leader says. If Trump was to say the sun rises in the west, there would be a number of followers who would accept the statement as gospel, even when it contradicts what they see. Classic doublethink. If you expect me to respect people with the brains of a gnat, and refrain from insulting them, dream on. As far as swamps go, Trump removed all the alligators, and restocked it with crocodiles.
  2. Kinzinger has said people should wear a gas mask around Trump, due to his pronounced body odor. That is a defamatory statement. Although if true, it is not considered to be so, except in Thailand.
  3. They need to hold their noses, according to former GOP rep Adam Kinzinger. It's noticeable the Trump camp seems to be unable to come up with anything in rebuttal. I would have expected a lawsuit for defamation by now.
  4. I am wondering when Trump acolytes will give up on the bullsh!t 91 indictments are all politically motivated and controlled by the Dems. It's double think when a lot of the witnesses in the various trials are Republicans.
  5. The Indians give them a run for their money.
  6. Most countries are proud of their culture. The greatness of a country depends on the lens which is used to view it. Back in the sixties, Australia was the greatest country on earth in terms of opportunity for the average citizen. China has a very long history, not all of it has been savory. IMO there is little difference between the aspects of Chinese culture the OP admires, and what I have encountered in Thailand.
  7. You have everybody's votes 10 months before it happens? Can I buy your crystal ball? I do have 2 baht to pay for it.
  8. A successful businessman with a $250 million or more fine looming, loss-making golf courses, six or seven company bankruptcies, a failed airline, failed university, social platform losing money hand over fist. Trying to raise campaign money ( read: paying the few lawyers still left who will work for him ) with trading cards. Yeah right. The party occupying the White House doesn't have primaries, keep up please.
  9. Republicans vote Republican, Democrats vote Democrat. 72% of Republicans means nothing, it's the swing voters. Approval ratings almost a year before an election also mean nothing.
  10. Trump is popular with 50.9% of Republican voters in a Republican state. That means 49% of Republicans preferred someone else. IMO the chances of Republican voters abstaining are quite good. Anyone else - Haley, DeSantis or even Christie could win against Biden. Trump will lose even worse than he did in 2020, with the stench of 91 indictments still on trial.
  11. I am fascinated by mentalities so twisted they believe the Trump indictments are not about exposing national secrets to all and sundry, defrauding banks, and inciting insurrection. Claiming 91 indictments are ALL political is a bridge too far for anyone capable of rational thought.
  12. I would anticipate Biden is going to demolish Trump in debates, he has so much material to work with. This is a clip of Biden responding to someone in his audience who had a fall, IMO he has his wits about him. Given you only get his name spelled right 50% of the time, it doesn't say much about your own brain cells. Biden: “You ok? I want the press to know that wasn't me.” #joebiden #usa #trump #biden #president.webm
  13. Perhaps it would be simpler for the OP to buy his vitamins from iHerb in America, all I need with them is a debit card. https://th.iherb.com/
  14. I am fascinated by people who are so gullible they actually send Trump money. A billionaire needs money? I am also fascinated by his proposition he has presidential immunity from prosecution, because if that were true, Biden could order Trump's assassination tomorrow. People slow down to gawk at traffic accidents, Trump and his 91 indictments are no different. Trump embracing the American flag reminds me of Samuel Johnson's aphorism about patriotism being the last refuge of a scoundrel.
  15. I don't really see much difference between Thais donating to Buddhist temples, and Catholics tithing their wages to the Church. For organizations which profess to embrace the spiritual, they do seem to accumulate a big share of worldly assets.
  16. Here's me thinking you only posted lame jokes on the AAP thread.
  17. There's another Latin expression you should take on board. Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses.
  18. Your white cell count is normal. It would be elevated if you had leukemia. With chronic leukemia, patients can go for years without any ill effects. Once a month is excessive, once a year is normal unless a health condition indicates a higher frequency of testing.
  19. IMO the mainland Chinese are learning quite a lot from the Russia-Ukraine war, and it is giving them pause.
  20. Not on the west coast of Taiwan, either. I am told on good authority there is so much sulphur dioxide coming across from mainland China all metal fittings on buildings are corroded.
  21. It's a sign of chronic infection of some kind. I doubt it is leukemia, there would be other parameters affected, and the rest of the readings are in the normal range.
  22. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monocytosis
  23. When EV's start getting more than 50% of the market, I will start sitting up and taking notice. I will take even more notice when legislators decree any vehicle older than 15 0r 20 years must be taken off the road. Thailand's EV market penetration is predicted to be nearly 9% by the end of the year, Japan seems to be stuck on 3%. Possibly that is due to the difference in public transport infrastructure.

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