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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. 60 is borderline for a diastole, IIRC 40 means the brain is not getting enough oxygenated blood, resulting in light-headedness and fainting. My BP is elevated when I go near any doctor, white coat syndrome.
  2. Most Asian cultures are acclimatized to wearing face masks, due to air pollution.
  3. No thanks, don't want to be bent over by some randy, shortsighted Thai.
  4. I agree sugar is difficult to avoid in most processed foods. It seems to be generally agreed the Mediterranean diet, with its accent on unsaturated olive oil, is one of the most healthy heart-wise. IMO cardiovascular disease in America comes down to a fairly simple metric - body mass. If one's heart has to lug around an extra 30 kg of body weight, it's pretty logical the strain on said heart is more than someone of normal weight for their height and age. The other factor is the size of meals in America. Every time I was there, the restaurants seemed to think anything less than a plate piled higher than a dumpster on garbage day was somehow defrauding the customer.
  5. I don't know how you can know that, unless you have access to Immigration records of the last 20 years. I do know of one American who had to decamp to Cambodia after a new broom arrived at Chiang Mai Immigration, he certainly did not have 800K on deposit. 20,000 baht, maybe.
  6. The metric is saturated fats, butter contains significant amounts of stearic and palmitic acid esters. Margarines made with vegetable oils, and that are not hydrogenated, are almost all unsaturated esters based on oleic, linoleic, and linolenic acids.
  7. I am on blood pressure medication. I did not know it either, until I started checking my BP. I usually only take Viagra once or twice a month. It was originally developed as a BP medication. Even if I skip taking my regular BP medication the day before and that day I take Viagra, the effect is still there. What disturbs me is the fact Viagra is supposed to eliminated by the body in about 4 hours in terms of sexual stimulation, but the BP effect lasts for 24 hours. I am experimenting with alternatives, as I like my humpy-rumpy. Not successful thus far.
  8. I think my GF's personal record was meeting a friend at Maya mall in Chiang Mai, and talking for six hours. I've accepted Thais are the most socially connected people on the planet, have at it. Doesn't affect me, I do my own thing, reading or surfing the internet.
  9. One of my friends in my age range once said he would rather have a good s##t. Looking at his wife, easy to understand why.
  10. At my age, I could think of nothing worse than fatherhood. She is barefoot most of the time.
  11. The four factors that attract women are physical attractiveness, intelligence, power and money, although it usually takes a woman of some intelligence herself to respond to that attribute. Henry Kissinger once remarked power is the ultimate aphrodisiac; Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Clinton and Trump are all proof he was right. French Presidents did OK too.
  12. That works very well until a new broom arrives at the immigration office, and proceeds to sweep out the established order of business. It's probably only a temporary problem for the agents and IO's, they are Thai. It's more serious for a foreigner who has his/her visa invalidated, and they can hardly complain to anybody.
  13. I buy imported margarines made from olive oil and canola, IMO much healthier than butter. Many people get their knickers in a twist about the additives used to make margarine, they don't seem to have harmed me. They'd be better off worrying about alcohol, which has been a Class 1 carcinogen since 1989.
  14. 430 baht/month, a 1 litre bottle of Sangsom. Don't drink in bars, don't drink beer.
  15. You may be right for most. Having said that, I've known a couple of women in their sixties who were as horny as two-peckered owls, in the Biblical sense. I was tapping out first. Here, I don't think physical shape is as important as cash, although I agree it helps. I know a quite wealthy guy who has advanced Parkinsons. He has three Thai women, not capable of having sex with them. BJ's maybe. He pays them to cavort around him stark naked.
  16. Yes, I know. And those drugs can suppress blood pressure readings to dangerously low levels, how does a systole/diastole of 80/40 sound?
  17. You know you are too old when you can't get it up anymore. The women know they are too old when nobody will buy a lady drink or barfine them.
  18. I'll be dead before I need bunkers or pedal power, and I do get out and enjoy myself in the time I have left. AFAIK the vast majority of subsidies in Australia go to the fossil fuel industry, the renewables industries get SFA. They are only supported by market forces. It doesn't make sense to you free energy from the sun results in lower costs? I suggest you check out the running cost of an EV vs. an ICE, per km. Or the electricity cost of a household that has solar panels, against one that hasn't. "Climate change is cyclical". Quite true, except this particular cycle is caused by anthropomorphic emissions of carbon dioxide. Your increased costs of electricity result from power companies who gold-plated their assets before renewables started encroaching on their customer base, they are now scrambling to recover their sunk capital cost. That impacts the poorest in society, the rich mostly have installed solar panels on their roofs. Religion is a matter of belief. Climate science is a matter of fact. You were probably asleep during thermodynamics class, assuming you even made it there. Albedo and clathrates are very probably unfamiliar terms to you, so it's fairly useless to explain their role. But hey, if you think you are smarter than the more than 95% of scientists who accept the reality of global warming and climate change, who am I to argue with the heir of Einstein?
  19. My implants years ago cost 55,000 baht each, including a bone graft. The Swiss material for bone grafts is rated the best. Failure rates for implants done properly over several months are less than 5%. If any dentist offers an implant over two weeks, walk out the door. The failure rate for those is more like 40%. Bumrungrad is probably the most expensive.
  20. They make it easy, I can top up my credit online in Thailand, and IIRC the credit last for a year before expiring. Thanks for reminding me it's time to check.
  21. I have two SIM's in my phone, Australian and Thai. The Australian one is an ALDI SIM, I've found they have the cheapest prepaid plans. With the DTAC SIM, I guess it's a matter of suck it and see.
  22. I am really surprised by the number of wealthy people posting on ASEAN, I have to admire their industry in imparting wisdom to the masses.
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