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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. I would not say it is battle weary quite yet, but I do choose my skirmishes carefully nowadays. Unless I was some kind of tech wiz-kid, I'd say at age 18 I would have been too impecunious to do much, even in Thailand.
  2. That comes under international money laundering, permit me to doubt the OP is engaged in that, or he would be transferring said amount. He is talking about 400K he is holding in a bank in Thailand. Nothing to do with transfers. I have 3 bank accounts in Thailand. If I did not report them to Centrelink in Australia, IMO they would not know they existed.
  3. That's only because you got to Thailand at a younger age than me, I got here at 66. Now, if I could have come here at 45, I would have given you a run for your money. More fool me, I was being a dutiful husband.
  4. Apparently I got more tail than 94% of males, I can only wonder at the guys who hit the 99% mark.
  5. If it has not been declared before, why should you declare it now? Do you think the Thai authorities share banking information with the French? That's as probable as the CIA sharing information with Putin. Unless you have major assets in France that can be frozen, I would not worry about it. You are overthinking the situation.
  6. There seemed to be a lot of Ja's and Oi's around in my time. I remember one called Ngoo, never did work out whether it meant mouse or snake. Probably the latter, mouse-like she was not.
  7. The three most common factors in traffic accidents are speed, alcohol, and fatigue. Courtesy of 60 years of driving experience, I deal with the fatigue factor by pulling over to a safe position, putting the seat back, and having a nap for 10-15 minutes. It's amazing how even that short time can refresh me. Can't say it was part of my training for a Thai driving license, all I had to do was look at a traffic light.
  8. I remember the memorable ones, my subconscious prefers to forget the starfishes. I don't really have to remember them, I can always consult my autobiography/diary if I want to refresh my memory. 12 that merited documenting on the basis of their skills. I still remember my first in Thailand, she was a stunner with plenty of enthusiasm to boot. Called herself Patty. I was putty in her hands. A revelation after Australian women.
  9. You're forgiven, but you should not be putting evil thoughts in my head. I have enough already. I know, I stole the line from Tyrion Lannister.
  10. Quite right, my memory is not what it was.
  11. Unless you submit a photo with a tape measure as a reference, I regret to inform you no-one on this thread is going to believe you, except perhaps wishful thinkers.
  12. Any hospital pharmacy will meet your needs, after a doctor's consultation, although those pharmacies are usually more expensive. When I was in CM, I used Peera Pharmacy on the road up from Thapae Gate in the Old City. Not expensive, and the lady there speaks very good English. You can inquire as to availability and pricing of the medications you want on her LINE account, Peera Pharmacy.
  13. I always enjoyed Latin, because the Romans could sum up a situation in a terse phrase, the language was rich with them. IMO my all-time favorite is " Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses." Loosely translated by Bernard Woolley of Yes Minister: " If you had kept your mouth shut, we might have thought you were clever."
  14. I don't read words or phrases, my eyes are scanning and absorbing whole sentences. Your point may be valid on comprehension, although I seem to remember the overall plot of a book quite well, and memorable passages. Now, if I could only type as fast as I can read. Probably just as well I can't, for the sanity of moderators.
  15. I'm always amused by the tag left-winger, translation socialist. Most Americans abhor socialism, while not realizing there is a very large socialist organization in their midst, and abroad representing them. It's called the US military.
  16. Fair enough. I can usually get through an average book in 2-3 hours, natural speed reader of 900 wpm. I used to be able to focus on tasks for 15 - 16 hours in a row, I take it a lot easier now. Not sure if that is hypomania, I'm just persistent. Definitely not bipolar.
  17. IIRC, the car was already 9 years old when I bought it. If the bike has only 300 clicks on it, and the OP has said it is in immaculate condition, you would only confirm that by inspection. Who knows, at your quote if the buyer is willing to sell, someone may be getting a bargain.
  18. Pfizer has been available in Chiang Rai for some time as a booster. I got mine at a village clinic in Phan province.
  19. You may be right. When trading, he would go for 40 hours staring at a laptop screen without sleep. I'd call that fairly manic.
  20. You may be right, polymers such as fuel tubes, brake cables, seals etc. do get old. OTOH, there is no metal wear going on. I bought a 2006 Toyota Vios because it only had 83,000 km on the odometer, and had obviously been cared for. In terms of year of manufacture, it was already an old vehicle. I still drive it, now at 175,000 km. Has never missed a beat. One of my better used car purchases. My Thai mechanic loves servicing it, because he says it is so simple. Same with an old Yamaha TTX I bought because it only had done 8000 km. Now at 27,000 km, I recently spent 4000 baht upgrading all the consumables on it. Again, trouble-free. My GF's daughter bought a 2018 Honda City with 220,000 km on the clock. It's been a money pit, blown one engine. You don't see low miles as a plus on a secondhand vehicle, I do.
  21. I am not on Facebook, I detest it. IMO posts on ASEAN get lost pretty soon as people die and are replaced. Who remembers Nyezhov, and what happened to Naam?
  22. Or they had a superfluous gear missing, quite a few achievers have been high-functioning Aspergers. Elon Musk now claims to be one. Beliefs do weird things to people. My Thai GF believes implicitly in ghosts, obviously I don't. She won't go out by herself around the house at night for that reason. However, if we both go out together, apparently my non-belief protects her from the manifestations that would otherwise occur. I have a friend who is bipolar, in his manic phases he made a lot of money day trading, apparently he could beat the automated trading systems.
  23. Most people can't cope with the concept of life having no purpose, that is why so many religions exist. The alternative, we are some cosmic accident, is unpalatable. I've always been motivated, it was called the Protestant work ethic. The corollary, that Catholics are lazy, is a logical absurdity. I have achieved a lot in my life. In two or three generations, no-one will remember any of it. That's OK, I have had my moments in the sun. Now, I have my memories.
  24. It is probably worth more with the very low mileage, my guess would be 70,000 baht.
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