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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. "What ever happened to education in Primary schools being about teaching kids to read write and Arithmetic." It's sad to watch a kid in 7/11 trying to comprehend what I am doing when I am paying for an item that costs 119 baht, and I give them a 1000 baht note and a 20 baht note. Had to use a calculator, then called for help with the calculator.
  2. Maybe it has not occurred to you it was because the Russians would not let them.
  3. One of the restaurants I go to parks a can of dry ginger ale next to my glass of beer. Unopened. I wonder how many times it has been re-used.
  4. This sign is on any massage shop in Thailand. Perhaps if the OP used his eyes.......... นวด
  5. I think you are missing the 4 million Ukrainian civilians who are refugees, perhaps that may explain the comparatively low number. The Russians are using missiles and bombs, but at some point ground troops have to go in to take and hold a city. Trying to clear a city full of armed Ukrainians with untrained conscripts is not a recipe for success. It takes highly trained urban warfare specialists, which the Russians don't seem to have. Where are the Spetznaz? Perhaps that's why the purported death toll is so high.
  6. My only morals/ethics nowadays are to be fair in my dealings, and to avoid hurting anyone. I don't think about whether I am high or low quality, I tread my own path. I was a member of a very prestigious golf club in Australia. I found there were very wealthy people there, some had class. It showed in the way they treated people of lesser standing. OTOH, there were members who I regarded as total scumbags. I've had sex with many women here who would be regarded as low class, so I guess that makes me low quality too, as if I care. They were giving me what I wanted, I saw no reason to treat them badly. IMO some women who regard themselves as high quality are more likely to be high maintenance.
  7. The explanation I have heard is the Russian advances have been so stymied generals are going up to the front line to try and sort out the mess. They have to wear their rank insignia, otherwise who is going to obey them? That makes them a sitting duck and priority target for snipers and shoulder-fired missiles.
  8. I'd suggest it's a lot higher than the Russians will ever admit. Killing 7 Russian generals is unprecedented, if true. I found this article interesting, probably the US knows better than anyone else what the true state of play is. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-03-31/us-intelligence-services-know-a-lot-about-putin-and-ukraine/100949892
  9. If I tried that, I'd be in traction. As Dirty Harry said, "Man's got to know his limitations."
  10. I was going to suggest carrier pigeons, but then I realized the rubles would weigh too much.
  11. I have a Thai will, and an Australian will. Both specify what my executors are required to do. My Thai GF has a joint account with me. There is enough money in it for her to live on until probate is declared on the assets she will inherit in Thailand, which is usually about 6 months. I assume from the OP's post his wife is not Thai, in which case the easiest course for her is to engage a reputable agent.
  12. Fortunately, my meds are available at any pharmacy. While I know opioids are prohibited in Thailand, it does seem to be remarkably cruel to be giving terminal cancer patients nothing but Tylenol for pain relief. Given the Golden Triangle has produced so much opium in days of yore.
  13. That's the deal here, you take care of them, they will take care of you. Beats the hell out of being shoved into some aged care facility in the West, and being fed pig slop. I don't know where they get the idea they are civilized.
  14. Let's assume what you say is true, which I seriously doubt, given what you have posted previously. Please show me where publishing reports favorable to Russia, or displaying the symbol "Z" , will get you 15 years in jail. Government gazetted orders please, not your BS disinformation links.
  15. I believe banks here will still cash them, IIRC the last time I had any was over 30 years ago. Kind of like top hats, bustles and button-up boots. If you want a bit of extra security, have an Aussie bank account and an Aussie debit card, plus a Thai bank account and a Thai debit card. I would only use the Aussie debit card in an emergency, any ATM in Thailand will accept them and dispense baht. No idea what the exchange rate would be. Pro tip: Always use cards when drawing cash from an ATM at a bank during business hours. Less stress if the ATM swallows the card.
  16. Sorry, all mangoes look the same to me. What is so special about a Mahachanok mango?
  17. I ride a scooter at age 78, just renewed my 5 year driving license. IMO driving in Thai traffic on a scooter is a great way to stay mentally alert, and ward off Alzheimer's.
  18. Pro tip: You don't actually need to marry them. The majority are very happy if you just "take care."
  19. Well, let's see: Russia has yet to update its casualties from March 3, when it claimed 500 - odd. Their chief of staff has stated the invasion ( slip of the tongue there ) is going to plan, when a five-year-old could tell it is not. Referring to the conflict with Ukraine as an invasion or war gets anyone in Russia a 15 year jail sentence. Facebook and Twitter have been shut down in Russia. No doubt there is exaggeration on the Ukrainian side, but not this industrial-strength BS. AFAIK social media is still alive and well in most other countries.
  20. I moved from Chiang Mai to Chiang Rai in 2020. While I still visit Chiang Mai, I do prefer Chiang Rai. Now here for the duration. When I traveled to Chiang Mai from Australia pre-COVID, I could always feel myself relaxing as the plane touched down in Chiang Mai.
  21. "I am full of wisdom, such as this" You are certainly full of something, I don't know that I would call it wisdom.
  22. A doctor at a clinic or private hospital normally gets between 400 and 800 baht for a consultation, depending on how long it is, and its complexity. No-one is suggesting doctors should be free. They are suggesting 10,000 baht for a COVID diagnosis with a 100 baht ATK kit is a totally unreasonable charge under the circumstances, where the people involved did not take up a hospital bed for a single minute. Would you be happy to be slugged that amount of money for a 15 minute diagnosis?
  23. Twitter bot network amplifying Russian disinformation about Ukraine war, researcher says https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2022-03-30/ukraine-war-twitter-bot-network-amplifies-russian-disinformation/100944970
  24. IIRC, it was a Buk missile from the Donbass region that shot down MH17, when it was used by pro-Russian separatists in 2014. You expect sympathy for people who occupied a region after Stalin starved the original Ukrainian inhabitants to death? Who would deliberately shoot down a civilian aircraft in pursuit of their illegitimate aims? You've come to the wrong address. Those leaders you refer to are Russian stooges, and they are not leaders of republics.
  25. Myself and my Thai GF tested positive at Phan Hospital, placed in quarantine there ( October 21 ). I was vaccinated, she was not. Her illness was a lot worse than mine. We both got free medication during our stay; I was even given free meds for another fortnight. It seems to me it is like Immigration, it depends on which province you are in, and who is making up the rules as they go along.
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