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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. I would put the first sentence of your post up as the most egregious nonsense I have seen in a long time. You think Putin would stop and play nice? I suggest you check out what happened when Chamberlain got "peace in our time" with Hitler. Putin is no different.
  2. Putin has stated repeatedly the fall of the Soviet Union was the worst thing that has happened to Russia, and that he wants to create the SU all over again. That's not a buffer zone, that's subjugating other nations. Russia was doing quite well before Putin's brain fart. He was probably close to the richest man in the world, thanks to Russian exports of oil and gas to an energy-hungry Europe. That is all gone now. Like all kleptomaniacs, there cannot be enough money and land for Putin.
  3. One plausible solution is to place a reward of 1 billion US dollars on Putin's head. All it takes is one Russian general to lead a column of tanks to the Kremlin. That level of reward would stimulate quite a lot of thought among the military. Putin is getting rid of quite a few oligarchs, for all the generals know they could be next.
  4. He has no thoughts for his own nation either. Sending young untrained conscripts to be cannon fodder shows how desperate Putin has become to ensure his own survival. What has he got to show for 8 months of war? A ruined economy, a pariah nation, a discredited army. The nations who bought military equipment from Russia are watching it get slaughtered in battle. Although Putin may give the order to use a nuke, it still has to be executed by the military. I suspect those responsible for actual use will be thinking hard about their survival too.
  5. Charoen Prathet Road and Lamphun road at Nong Hoi are flooded.
  6. Are you familiar with the term "Dorothy Dixer"? That's how significant Question Time in most parliaments has become. When you say there's very little debate or communication between the two sides, what proof do you have? My impression is one of constant wheeling and dealing to pass legislation.
  7. Trump won't shut up and fade away. Not even if he gets locked up. There is a simple reason for that, his contributions from the mouth-breathers and knuckle-draggers would dry up if he did. Nobody knows whether Trump is the billionaire he claims to be, or flat broke. He certainly needs money to pay the platoons of lawyers defending him on several criminal and civil fronts.
  8. Many Western countries are wasting a pool of skilled people because of age discrimination. I'm not saying I could work full time; however, I'd be quite happy to put in a couple of days a week in the scientific field I always enjoyed. I can accept jobs such as airline pilots and police are stressful, and have a use-by date. I don't accept the same for teaching, any stress is created by the bureaucratic BS they have to endure.
  9. I am not a politician, so I can't say whether I would be competent at taking on a Presidency. That has nothing to do with my age. I think I can claim to be physically and mentally in much better shape than many of the 60-something foreigners I see here occupying a bar stool. Do you have some real data showing Biden is in cognitive decline, or is that the line trotted out by talking heads on Fox News? Personally, if I had a media that was waiting to pounce on the slightest slip I made in office, I'd be limiting their access to me too. They are known as reptiles of the press for a reason.
  10. I'll ask my GF. My smartphone is used for reading books, playing music and taking photos. It's also used to make YouTube videos. I occasionally use it to make LINE or DUO calls. As Thais are probably the most socially connected nationality on the planet, it's not surprising they would regard smartphones as manna from heaven.
  11. It can get quite chilly in Chiang Rai in December and January. All we need is a thick doona on the bed for sleeping, and a couple of small electric heaters I bought on Lazada. The heaters only get used for a week or two, in the evening.
  12. I suggest you check out the speeches Biden has made when dealing with crises such as Ukraine, he came across as cogent and focused. Reagan and Eisenhower both were known to be nodding off in their second terms, no-one cared particularly because they had professional support staff. Trump is 76, his only talent as a politician is dog-whistling the fears and prejudices of a support base that is too dumb to realize he is just using them. I am 79 too, and I am getting tired of this ageist garbage.
  13. My memory is good enough to recall I put you on ignore for lacking good manners, and I see nothing has changed.
  14. I guess you have never had a lapse of memory, to be so strident about it. Biden haters will jump all over unimportant gaffes to distract attention away from the fact he is getting America back on the rails after 4 years of Trump chaos. He has a team of professionals helping him, unlike the toadies Trump preferred.
  15. No, possibly because of his connection to the then Vice-President. Hunter Biden joined the board of Burisma in 2014, and left in 2019 when his term as a director expired. Other Americans on the board have been Joseph Black and Devon Archer. There is nothing sinister about having well-connected people on boards, if one was to disqualify people on the basis of their political connections most companies would lose half their directors. Again ironically, it was Trump's attempted blackmail of the Ukrainian president to dig up dirt on the Bidens that triggered his first impeachment.
  16. Get it right, the "dealings" were a letter from an energy executive in Ukraine thanking Hunter for an introduction to his father. The only suggestion of criminal activity has come from Trump, a bit ironic given how fervently Trump has been kissing Putin's backside.
  17. I agree. I've found I can get some products cheaper on Lazada, no membership fees there. I don't mind paying for a Netflix membership or a golf club, but when a food supermarket is charging for a membership and making an undisclosed profit on what they are selling, IMO that's getting pretty dumb.
  18. I'd say an increase of nearly 8 million jobs and 473,000 of them in manufacturing is a pretty good outcome, but it is impossible to please some people. As for impeachment, dream on. Everybody except Trump fanboys is relieved there is an adult back in charge.
  19. IIRC I ran into this snag myself, the solution is to delete whatever is in the fields and re-enter the email and password.
  20. The passwords given out by Immigration are complex and tricky, easy to enter them incorrectly. I keep a separate file with all my passwords. When it comes to the 90 day report, I delete whatever is in the password field, then copy and paste the password from the file. Successful on the two reports I have made thus far.
  21. It's someone else's property. Again, a rationalization, and an attempt at deflection. I still fail to understand why you would not simply move the cones.
  22. I think you are trying to rationalize your action by passing it off as good fun or humor, then shooting the messenger. I don't get my kicks out of deliberately damaging the property of others, but I suppose we all are different. What do you think?
  23. What's to explain? Reversing over traffic cones ( and risking damage to your own vehicle ) seems to be an extreme reaction when you could just move them out of the way.
  24. Do you have anger management issues? Why not just move the cones, yours seems to be an overreaction.
  25. Move them without damaging them, drive off. If that is too hard, I'd suggest weight training.
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