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The Theory

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Everything posted by The Theory

  1. The problem is many men just get married to an "unknown" woman for whatever the reason is. Women get married to a man that they believe he is a good provider or at least he can pay for what she needs. The rest, who cares. That's not enough to keep 2 together for long.
  2. In Thailand "white" only. You pick any color you want, but it does not mean that it won't get hot like hell (all colors get hot, but white less than others) or wont be a night shadow to many blind drivers, because it's just your favorite color. However white color could be less visible in some conditions in daytime.
  3. You don't need photos, not a good idea. you just need the card number, Exp date and security code. Send numbers not all together. Use different messengers. Some by Line, some fb, and some by emails.
  4. Right, many "think" they have a healthy life, but they don't. And polluted work environment is one of important factors that will become a killer in long term. We don't know for certain what could affect our life in long term that we were exposed to it. One important thing is life style. Change you habits. Such as food and other things that you eat, even your living location. Change your beer brand, never drink the same beer for long time. I wished if I could change my woman as well πŸ€”πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ that is a soul health.
  5. He was definitely waiting all those years to come back to Thailand for his surgery and treatment !!!!! Hell yaaaaaaaaaaaa πŸ€¨πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚πŸ€£
  6. I'm a 3BB user as well, but I use my phone data for SS, not WiFi. I turn off the WiFi. Even I can not be connected to Macys (app) by WiFi.
  7. A good apartment cleaner.!!!! πŸ€”
  8. It seems they just tried to kill anyone, no matter who he/she is or where comes from. This attack was against humanity, not only Israelis.
  9. Nobody cares about face since nothing is wrong, in fact never been better. This circus was already planed to happen the way it is since Taksin was in news for his return long ago.
  10. I've never been to Italy, but if it's all that good what are we doing here.!!! How about visa ?
  11. you definitely need to stop grease (need a box for cleaning grease) from kitchen to that well (drain hole), no wonder water won't be sucked in the ground after 2 years and getting worse. If you have space (if possible) it would be better to dig one more well. don't forget adding bacteria to the toilet tank periodically.
  12. We had a steel old fence between. Recently we build 10m, 2m high wall. Then I added 1.5m fence on the top of wall for blocking sound and smokers from next apartment. I used 4m, 1" insulated steel roof sheets for sound the rest not insulated. I did all steel work by myself.
  13. The server is down during no business hours. I recently applied for my retirement online (US SS website). The site phone number does not have to be a US number. It took 4 weeks and it was approved hassle free.
  14. The truck was taking over on the curve beyond the line. No motorcycle at fault.
  15. Perhaps you got a fixed one, not all others. There too many people who wish to become homeowners. They would rather to go with "variable" rates and save (or be able to buy what is hard to afford with a fixed rate) that was the reason people lost their homes (just like last time).
  16. Why they took them ? ???? they will be used for prisoners exchange.
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