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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. I hear what you're saying but you just don't know the qualifications, the skill set of an unknown driver and the drivers around you driving the streets. Click, clack front and back. If she had of worn her belt she may still be here.
  2. It baffles me why people refuse to put on their seat belts. Is it not cool or its too much of an effort. The vehicle manufacturers fit out their cars with safety equipment and people refuse to wear them. Now she's dead, family and friends no longer have this young woman in their lives, sad for all.
  3. bus driver who ingested a large amount of "lao khao and lamyai" (Thai spirits and longans) before being found dead in his vehicle https://aseannow.com/topic/1242207-bus-driver-who-drank-thai-spirits-and-longans-found-dead-at-wheel/
  4. From the op: The doors were wide open and Samruay, aged about 40-45, was dead inside dressed just in shorts I've read all the amazing comments regarding the poor man's death and I reckon Sherlock would be proud to have you all on his team. Here's my hypothesis, I reckon it was the Thai whiskey and LomYai as I mentioned earlier but it could have been: 1. Drowning, heavy rain suddenly flooded the area drowning the man, then the water receded. 2. Solar flair, the sun had a sudden burst and the radiation killed him 3. The surrounding trees in the area removing oxygen (night) he suffocated. 4. Alien abduction, a space ship full of aliens uses his body for experimentation. The most likely is 5. Putin, victim of lethal polonium-210-induced acute radiation syndrome.
  5. Get an evisa before you go. I've read there's too much corruption with visa on arrival.
  6. I've been told no Cambodia land boarder crossings open. You'd have to fly.
  7. Wow, it's a dangerous place to rest. There was another death from a driver resting in luggage compartment not too long ago. I'd like to know if Thai whiskey and LomYai were involved with this death, it was reported that these items were the cause of the previous death.
  8. Wow, that's a very nice gesture. I hope she's doing well.
  9. Why did your money run out. How did that happen? Is that important? It's an interesting statement. Where I come from, money doesn't run out. At times we run out of petrol, beer or cigarettes, never money.
  10. If you read my comment, I said it would be a waste of time reporting anything to the Pattaya police and gave an example. This issue really annoys me, when I see a mate of mine with cuts and bruises from a foreigner. Anyway, you've got a lot to say. Tell what you would do if you had trespassers come on to your property, assaulted you and steal your property, then you report the offence to the police and several months later the cops have done nothing.
  11. Yep bad guy, he should be put in jail and throw away the key, then deported, never to return. OK, we got that out of the way. Let's focus on the issue. 1. Cops help Thai girl instantly, no delay, the cops drop everything to help the poor abused girl after getting harassed by sms messages. 2. Cops ignore foreigner, after foreigners assault and battery, theft, unauthorized entry.
  12. I'll keep it simple. 1. Cops help Thai girl instantly, no delay and drop everything after getting harassed by sms messages. 2. Cops ignore foreigners assault and battery, theft, unauthorized entry.
  13. He treated her very well. It was a 18 month relationship. My description was very brief, just wanted for you to get the gist. The point I'm making....in spite of everything, at all costs, avoid confrontation, the cops won't be there to help you.
  14. My neighbor, Dutch guy who had a Thai girlfriend for around 18 months. She decided she wanted to end their relationship and get back with her previous bf. She started an argument and stormed out. They had never argued, only had a disagreement once or twice but it was sorted out with no hostility. Anyway, he let it go for a month, didn't contact her, he was hoping she would message him saying sorry. He didn't receive any messages so he started to sms her (she blocked their Line account), he sent her 17 messages over 3 months, nothing nasty, just asking her out for a drink, beach, bars and restaurants. He told me the only negative comment was that her bottom was getting bigger and she should go to the gym. They live near each other and cross paths occasionally but she is rude and ignores my friend. After 17 messages (3 months) were sent his ex-gf went to the police, the police came to his house that morning of the complaint saying my mate needed to go to the police station to talk, at the police station the cops told him to stop with the messages or he would be in big trouble. A few weeks later, my friend had to return a scooter he hired from the local rental shop (foreign owner). The foreigner (shop owner) came to my mates house to pick up the motorbike and return the deposit, my friend let him in the front yard for inspection but wouldn't allow the bike to leave his front yard until his deposit was returned. The rental shop owner phoned a Thai woman, she entered my friends property and took the bike with force. The shop owner and the Thai woman beat up my friend, lots of cuts and bruises (he had several cameras to capture the video). My friend went to the police station to report the crime, gave the cops details and address of the shop owner and video footage, the cops made a report and were given clear video of the assault, they told my friend to go to hospital and the police would be in touch. It's been several months since the assault, the cops have done nothing. I told my friend to go to the media/newspaper and make them aware of the situation. My friend replied saying, they won't be interested. My friend is the most peaceful, respectful human. I'm really p i s s ed off with this disrespectful attitude by the cops. I feel like going to my lawyer and asking my lawyer to help my mate.
  15. Waste of time reporting anything to the Pattaya police. Best to enjoy yourself, don't get drunk and stay under the radar, Too many foolish people, trouble makers. If you have common sense it's quite easy to stay safe and have a good time.
  16. I would go further and say stupid as can be very dangerous for the rider if he was aiming straight in her face especially as he is so close Yep bloody stupid and dangerous. Lots of that sort of stupid stuff by foreigners on Soi Buakhao over the years at Songkran. In Pattaya it's the foreigners that destroy the experience. They think it's funny to attack you with those high pressure water pipes in recent years. Thank God high pressure guns have been outlawed.
  17. Quality parenting Quality training. OMG, people in this world, it's a bloody joke.
  18. Thai Immigration will accept any quality, even black and white. Australian government are pedantic regarding passport photos, the bitch behind window 1 at Oz embassy Bangkok made me retake my Kodak shop taken photos. I'd leave your photos until the day you submit your application. Choose a photo shop near your embassy, they will know exactly what you need.
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