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Everything posted by redsongthaew

  1. Depends where I am working. Sometimes I can go days without speaking to people.
  2. You haven't run a successful business before, have you?
  3. I'm a loner. How does that apply to me?
  4. I'll send you my female nut with free shipping if you want. I've tried it before, but she keeps being returned to sender.
  5. Wouldn't it be easier to get another 18-ish percent of the vote and elect politicians one third of the country do not want to take up arms against? Or am I really, really naive?
  6. I would like to bet bitcoin on one thing... None of the Zipmex company executives had any assets frozen. Be interesting to know when they and their families cashed out.
  7. For every debtor there is a creditor, so the money must exist somewhere.
  8. What was there first? Were the hospitals built after you moved there, or did you decide to live in an area with existing hospitals?
  9. Uber doesn't operate in Thailand any more. Grab, however does...
  10. The lack of new vehicles is a global issue, and has nothing to do with inflation. It is all to do with a lack of computer chips. Car makers can't get the chips they need, so they cannot build cars. During the pandemic car makers were not selling many cars, so they stopped ordering computer chips. Chip manufacturers started putting other customers first in the queue, and now car manufacturers want chips to build cars they can't get them so easily. Car manufacturers don't keep any stock. Everything they do is a just in time process, and they make their suppliers conform to this process. Great idea until you can't get computer chips, and you don't have any stock in hand. Which is why you can't buy the car you want. If you want to read more, then this article explains the situation well: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.techrepublic.com/article/global-chip-shortage-cheat-sheet/amp/
  11. You have been given numerous solutions but you choose to ignore them. Instead you continue to talk about ATM fees in a country where you are not present. Have you seen the prices of food in places like Villa Market?
  12. The root cause of all this is that Thailand is a developing country and not a highly developed country. Not that long ago Thailand didn't have widespread distribution of electricity, surfaced roads or mass transport. NFC payments are just starting to emerge, which is a key driver in terms of the adoption of electronic payments and micro payments. It's not about laziness at all.
  13. The nice thing is that you have options if you do not want to pay the ATM fee. 1. You can set up your own international card processing and ATM network. 2. You can get a bank account with a bank that does not charge ATM fees of this kind, such as this one that has no foreign transaction fees and unlimited ATM fee rebates. 3. You can bring cash with you and exchange it at a very competitive rate. Many people do this. 4. You can use fintech. You said that you, "Can't wait for day fintech is gonna disrupted all this". Come to Thailand and convert some crypto directly to cash with a local user. However if you do this you know as well as I do that you will be paying 5-10% of the trade to do this, which is going to be massively more than 220 baht. So much for crypto and fintech at this time. 5. You can design your vacation in a way that only requires card payments, so that you can avail yourself of the standard mastercard/visa rate. Lots of choices, from the almost impossible to the highly possible. The most important thing is that you can take action and solve your problems with the advice given in this topic, instead of being victimized for 220 baht by very bad corporations.
  14. I don't know how fintech is going to disrupt ATM networks in Thailand in the near future. Someone, somewhere has to pay for the ATM network and that someone will always be the customer. Fintech will undoubtedly kill off ATMs that dispense cash eventually, but not just yet. Thailand is heavily cash dependent, with a considerable percentage of people with no bank account. NFC payments in Bangkok are still in their genesis.
  15. Banks have to buy ATMs. Pay rent to locate the ATMs in non-bank venues. Repair, replace and service their ATMs. Replenish them with cash. While the cash sits in the ATMs the bank cannot earn any interest from the money. For most large banks they have to provide hundreds of millions of baht of cash on a continuous basis to cover their ATM cash requirements. None of this is free. It all costs the bank money. But as a non-bank customer you expect to use this service fee free. Pre-covid Thailand had one of the highest numbers of tourists in the world, a great number of whom would also be non-bank customers who would prefer to withdraw their cash fee free. The banks are not stupid, and when they calculated how much this type of parasitic behaviour cost them they added a fee to cover their costs and to make a bit of profit. After all, nothing is really free in this world.
  16. Perhaps you were in the women's toilets. You were definitely taking photos.
  17. I sincerely doubt it. Entrance is for members and guests only. Your best bet would be to find a member and ask for an invite. Are you a member of any clubs in Australia? There are a few clubs that have reciprocal membership. Details on the RBSC website.
  18. Get a new girlfriend, and next time make a better choice. As for the kid, stop coaching him. Why are you wasting your life dealing with negative people?
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