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Everything posted by flyingtlger

  1. Good job! In the US, they would have shot the guy...
  2. Wait, he's in the UK. Things will blow over ๐Ÿ˜œ......
  3. I bet ff they tried this in Bangkok, not targeting foreigners, the police will be overwhelmed ๐Ÿคช......
  4. Russian President of Russia vows to punish those behind the recent attack in Moscow. Calling the attack "barbaric, terrorist acts". Really? What about all the innocent civilians, women and children that are being killed in Ukraine by his land grab and war. He gets a taste of his own medicine and he cries foul?
  5. Maybe they're preparing for the coastline to sink as it's been predicted in 30-50 years ๐Ÿ˜....
  6. I like the way you do your math. I got some land in Florida for 20K if you're interested. You can pay me in 100.00 bills using your same calculations........
  7. With AI on the loose, me thinks they'll be much, much more cyber criminals ......
  8. Need me one of dem golf carts......
  9. Too bad Songkran wasn't every weekend.....
  10. Thailand aims to reduce tuberculosis rate by 5% annually "Aims" is the key word. I don't think it's achievable at the rate the air pollution is proliferating and getting worse by the day.....
  11. He looks like he's miraculously cured of his ailments!? Miracles do happen.....if you have enough $$$!
  12. Gilling won't do anything coz Thaksin is the Teflon Don, nothing sticks on him.....
  13. And he admitted that he was a YouTuber. The tax man cometh.....
  14. Before Thailand becomes anything "Global", DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE POLLUTION!!! Otherwise, all the effort with be for naught.....
  15. Why risk the hassle of carrying 20K and God forbid, risk losing it. Just wire it. Even if it might cost a little more, it'll be worth the peace of mind.....
  16. Different strokes for different folks.....
  17. From the frying pan into the fire......
  18. Yup, way too many cruise ships on the river....
  19. Compounded with the extreme pollution and the current volatile weather, Thailand is becoming less and less desirable to retire in๐Ÿ˜”.
  20. I seriously doubt it unless they are part Thai.
  21. I wonder how many Thai locals got busted in the 3 days?
  22. The rate all these illegal workers are getting busted, there won't be anyone left that's willing to jobs, let alone the low pay, that no regular Thai folks are willing to do.....
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