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Everything posted by Mavideol

  1. it's the way it is in Thailand.... one of my good friends own some condo units and has exactly the same problem, builder/ developer/management and juristic all by the same person and they always have enough votes to do as they please and yet they told my friend not to rent on a daily basis but they do
  2. Police chief says family can have complete faith in "scrupulously fair RTP" did he kept a straight face while saying it 555
  3. is it not the timing to say "" I told you so"" 555
  4. hope it all works out to get rid of this "good for nothing" gang.... they are good at manipulating numbers, thus shouldn't allow them to repeat what they did in prior elections
  5. Anutin latest: Praises himself to the skies for saving Thailand and I really though we had heard enough garbage out of this guy's mouth.... I guess not, always there to surprise us 555
  6. wonder what he's talking about, nothing else to damage, does he know it's all down the pipes
  7. the wheelbarrow better be well (over)loaded as the local muslim mafia has the last word and always the bigger cut
  8. maybe don't have (can't afford) other options/alternatives
  9. that sounds too much like BJ excuse about the covid parties..... but they have videos and voice recordings
  10. agree, this has nothing to do with ethics but more like "money" talks louder, they don't give a damn about ethics as they have none
  11. this type of accident has been happening for quite sometime and the RTP has been ignoring it or closing their eyes..... now all of a sudden, because "sleeping gold watch papi" woke up it becames big news, RTP hasn't been doing their job why would they start to work now....
  12. and the speeders?? let's not mix up apples and oranges, one thing at the time.... 555
  13. maybe, potentially elections will be happening so these "wannabe" politicians start to come up with some BS ideas, this guy hasn't proposed anything for the past 8 years and all of a sudden here he is with the "bright" idea 555
  14. some years ago had similar question about the Kardashian's..... and many suckers are still giving them money
  15. how many minutes did he play and how many balls did he touch..... MUTV vote 555
  16. usually they post this type of non sense BS on Monday's..... nothing but wishfull thinking
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