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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. Will the Thai Government now sue the ThaiEnquirer for defamation and giving Thailand a bad name.? ????
  2. And yet time after time so many here are driving while on yabba, this guy was sacked for drug use, he would have been driving every day as cop. bus drivers, truck drivers, taxi drivers, and minibus drivers. we only hear about the ones that get caught.
  3. Should make him jump again in a re-enactment, the cops who have paracute wings can show him how to land ????
  4. I thought all Thais only paid 30baht so by saying free do they mean just not pay the 30 baht or are all these tests not covered by the 30 baht fee.
  5. I have no intension of keeping a kilo or dealing it, i don't understand your point at 30 baht a gram are you saying you pay 3b a gram online so you can buy 100gram for 300 baht online
  6. I was working on the car talking to the dog asking his opinion, then relized I was talking to myself, dog was long gone 100mt away he steals the nabghors kids toys and brings them to me. LOL
  7. And they also argued about her bad driving lets hope cctv got her 'bad driving' and maybe find evidance to fine her extra for traffic offences
  8. He also argued with her on how she drove from full story. Guess he won that argument.
  9. 3K a kilo ? that sounds like cr@p my 'friend' will continue with what he knows at 3k 100grams, it lasts 'him' more than 6 months he only smokes in the evening not all day, and is only 10min away from home.
  10. My 'friend' has been buying brick for years 3,000 for 100 grams its what has always been smoked here since forever, yes it may have insectiside for that extra buzz ???? but then almost all vegies here have been sprayed.
  11. I also used my pink ID to register at local hospitals. it is photo ID.
  12. That really only applies to foreign workers from neighboring countries , i have used my pink card to check in to hotels no problem. Not sure at what age it starts but mine is valid for life.
  13. A Proxy what, Git ? oops I need new glasses
  14. Sounds like a controlling A-hole, came down at 5-6 am for water everyday, First thing he said on seeing her "have you done your homework ? " Jeez poor mite give her a break, she want's to get away from YOU, keep treating her this way, and there is a big risk of her, becoming suicidal. Why is her Mum in China was she peed off too ?
  15. If you see Thais all wearing helmets then a road check, or a group of Thais waiting around, road check ahead. Just wear your helmet !
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