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Everything posted by HighPriority

  1. And you don’t think they would’ve thought of checking such critical infrastructure as an ev battery… 🙄 Just give it a rest. If the ev’s battery doesn’t self diagnose a critical incident already, then it won’t be long before they do, I agree with you that battery protection is important but let’s keep it real huh ?
  2. Is a visa/mastercard debit card an option ? Maintain a low balance (in case of fraud)and top up as required. Or are you thinking more a PayPal type of account ?
  3. Yeah, I get that. But we are (mostly) all closer to the end than the beginning… The ev market is currently young and still developing but bear in mind that we have only had ICE vehicles for what, 140 years ? The level of ICE infrastructure today is enormous compared to even only 50 years ago.
  4. That’s not really pertinent to the rest of us… 😎🤣
  5. If that’s a serious question then you really do need to step away from any and all ev threads. Go somewhere and spend 10 minutes reading about what and how these vehicles work and what can be done.
  6. What a daft comment. Give it 10 years and the second hand market will be more mature and you’ll have a selection of second hand evs
  7. RANGE ANXIETY !! RANGE ANXIETY !! https://thedriven.io/2023/12/15/record-broken-as-ev-enthusiast-rocks-around-australia-in-just-10-days/amp/?fbclid=IwAR3rh7VQ9tu9hRtdLZByZSxv7XN5Q5QLdNwJABfYKeVYUaXeL6Wt1I7BZT8_aem_AZsr3qVzvJenwiaGIqgGlOdTeFocJRkMjg4L_p8sf69ZjxrbhUXMay6pKYFUBRHRiaY Umm, what’s range anxiety ?
  8. It’s amazing the lengths people will go to in order to make an argument that suits whatever their agenda is. Often that agenda is the status quo which in their eyes is some sort of Nirvana…
  9. Let me know when, I love toasted marshmallows… 👍🏼
  10. Is it ol mate from this place who was asking about living in his tent on one of the smaller Thai islands ?
  11. With friends like your mutt, who needs a Thai wife ??
  12. She obviously wasn’t hot …
  13. But who’s going to deliver the teddy bears to the sick kids in hospital…? 😢
  14. Sound advice about the boys @chickenslegs though MrsHP uses a different technique… she encourages them to find a boyfriend “…so then I not have to pay for you anymore…” “Up to you”
  15. I know what I wrote and intended.
  16. And sometimes it just posts dribble adnauseum…
  17. Pattaya wasn’t previously on my visit list either…
  18. What a bunch of turnips.
  19. Yes, you're correct so I I edited
  20. Indonesia is muslim, Bali itself is hindu.
  21. Its great to have aseannow back so we can thrash out the big issues
  22. It’s a burner, why would you need to try it ?
  23. It may be slow but at least there seems to be fewer adds… 😇
  24. Ahh, yes. Need to get rid of that pesky plastic somehow, and strips of rubber make such excellent fire starters to boot !
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