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Everything posted by scorecard

  1. And sadly don't be surprsed if he finds a way, unfortunately he has a lot of power to 'order' things to happen.
  2. Never mind, his wife can console him by teaching him English, ready for his next life? (She's highly qualified to teach English, she's been doing it for many years.)
  3. "...are not the same genuine smile as we know it in the west, ..." But of course us westerners are all so perfect. What total rubbish. Talk to some new yorkers or parisians and some from any big western city, plenty are unfriendly and unhelpful and if you do get a smile it has no genuine intent at all. Some will tell you to fxxx off. And there's some Thais who have been treated poorly by westerners, they've lost their desire to smile at westerners, and with some stories around not surprising. One: farang lady and husband rented house in Pattaya, company organized a driver for the lady to take her shopping, lady pay to pay. She didn't, always 'no cash, I'll pay you next time, bye'. Company withdrew it's offer to organize a driver. Word got around, no taxi or song tao drivers would work for her. It happens.
  4. 'expats' . . . . . is that a new visa category?
  5. Further.. why would there be any regulation/need for 2 Thai nationals to witness...??? In fact as people move along the path to getting PR, then name in Tabien Baan book, usually with original passport as a proof of identity... why would there be any need for 2 Thai folks to be involved? What for?
  6. My pink ID card was issued at the big Chiang Mai Muang main amphur office, about 5 years ago. My name was already in our family dark blue Tabien Baan book. My Thai son came with me to the big Chiang Mai muang amohur office in case he needed to sign something because he's the house master for the TB book (just my son trying to be proactive, we had no actual knowledge his signature might/might not be needed. It wasn't, and nothing was mentioned about 2 Thai nationals.
  7. Can I add a little more info regarding "... if you are a foreigner who lives and has residency in Thailand, but you will get a Blue House Registration book when you are a permanent resident." Folks with Permanent Residency (PR) can be added to the existing dark blue book for the address where they live. E.g. My Thai adult son is the 'house master' for the blue book for our address. Listed in the book (we call it 'our family Tabien Baan book'); - Thai son - Son's Thai wife - Son's three children - Me
  8. Banks accept the pink ID card as proof of identity. In fact they prefer to use your pink card because the number is for life. Banks prefer the pink card rather than your passport number because passport numbers change when you get a new passport (every 5 / 10 years) you should inform the bank that your passport number has changed.
  9. Along with the teachers who encourage them to fight and carry weapons.
  10. I wouldn't employ graduates from either of these schools for obvious reasons plus it's well known some of the lecturers push these kids to fight and to continue the fight if they ever come across even one of the opposite school graduates later in life, for the honour of their school. No job from me.
  11. "I just updated my pink ID" Please share what you mean by updated. Thanks.
  12. 'Can make scrambled eggs (under supervision).'
  13. And ensure that the artcles of association of the company state clearly who can/can't make decisions for the company and who can/can't sign any document on behalf of the company. When mine was set up it also stated, 'the compny has one director only who is Mr. xxxx xxxx, and the registered director is the only person who can sign any document on behalf of the company regardless of other shareholdings in the company, and the registered director is the only person who can change any of these matters/authorities.
  14. This is how it was explained to me by a snr Immigration officer who speaks fluent English; 'there's several classifications: - Citizen from birth for life. - Resident for lifetime (PR, also recorded as a 'Certificate of Residency' when issued, never needs renewal. (Residency is not a visa.) - Visa (many types), giving the holder permission to be in Thailand for a stated period of time and has an expiry date. Needs renewal, and for most visas renewal if not automatic and some visas it cannot be extended. Holder needs to apply and wait and see if renewal is appropriate / granted according to many / various regulations, per visa type.' The Imm. snr. guy went on; Citizens and residents are, for many purposes in a 'combined' group. He also emphasised that Tabien Baan books come under quite different laws / quite different areas of national administration and the admin. of Tabien Baan books is not within the responsibilities of immigration. I have PR (for 25 years), when my initial PR book was issued I was also recorded in a Thai friends dark blue Tabien Baan book at a local amphur office. Also note, pink Thai ID plastic cards are also issued by larger amphur offices and the 'anchor' or authority to issue the pink ID card is the entry in a Tabien Baan book. Nothing whatever to do with immigration.
  15. Maybe the infection needs both antibiotics and a very strong disinfectant cream. e,g,
  16. Sure, but I somehow doubt that every 7/11 employee is fully knowledgeable about this subject.
  17. Listen to your wife, she knows best. It could be that other Thais might see this very differently than in a typical western country. She may have concerns that people will think she/you are broke? Neignbors might not be happy at people coming and going and taking notice of their property/the level of secutity on their houses etc. Perhaps you could quietly seek out a local villager who has abilities but no funds to buy equipment, and quietly give everything/most of it to that villager. WIN - WIN!
  18. I wonder if the former PM even knows/understands the end result re the weed discussions legislations?
  19. Those who want to commmit real crimes should adjust their schedules so they don't clash with official motorcade needs.
  20. Me too, and 30 days only is logical and as a max is standard appraoch to medical cert. validity. More than 30 would seem inappropriate.
  21. Not that simple, There's the appointed senate, 80/90 snr military guys, none of these guys would ever step out of line to take a stand on anything. Mr. Thai Joe Average isn't going to challenge the military stacked senate. Unfortunately there's the big challenge. However we all need to continue to support the protests in terms of the lower house.
  22. Possibly no need for brown envelopes. Just 'do as your told' would be enough for many to toe the line.
  23. But not a problem, just get your toyboy to lift that corner of the car and turn the wheel half turn now flat part is on the top, all solved.
  24. And there's many more 'configurations'. Like; wealthy man pays big money for his hi-so ignorant naive, rude daughter to get her Ph.D. She submitted her disitation and it passed on the first round. Disitation was about a new never seen before method of changing the A4 size plastic slides, by hand, on an old style overhead projector. This was about 30 years after this technology was totally shelved, the world already well converted to using PowerPoint and other computer based technologies to make and to display lectures etc., etc. No further comment needed.
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