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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Not as funny as those who have wasted hours queuing up at their local tax office to get a TIN , only to be sent home empty handed. There may well be some tax "experts" on this forum, but their expertise expired the day they left their home country. They should not be advising anybody to do anything regarding taxation here, one might as well take advice from a taxi driver
  2. She can appeal as much as she likes, Unless new evidence emerges nothing will change, Presonally I am delighted that justice has been served. One in the face for the jumped up wannabe elites, and one in the face for the sanctimonious virtue signallers who frequent this forum. Happy days indeed
  3. I believe he started off using exhaust gas, until one of his scientists discovered that Zyclon B was faster acting
  4. He could achieve that better by simply putting up a few signs and enforcing the rules, and he would not look as ridiculous
  5. Oh dear are you offended / triggered ...... so typically western
  6. And exactly the place one would expect to find senior medical and military personal loitering, When they are not on Tik Tok of course. Pathetic
  7. Indeed , and if the truth be told I am envious of them. So refreshing to turn on the news here and not be bombarded with cr@p about Ukraine, European Union, LGBGT. Global warming and all the other propaganda aimed at us daily back in the west
  8. I didn't realise it was as bad in the US, Jesus where did it all go so wrong?
  9. Is he just trying to brag about his indepth knowledge of world history ? Pointless really as 99.9999% of Thais have never heard of Hitler or the holocaust.
  10. sounds like he has other issues, forcing teenage boys to strip is hardly a traditional punishment for breaking a no smoking rule. In my not so humble opinion
  11. Why would any doctor ? Anyway the oath doesn't seem to have stopped them going on strike in the UK . or reducing the number of appintments they accept , both of which are hardly beneficial to patients. But they are seem to be happy now that hey have had a wage increase , albeit at the expense of pensioners who have lost their winter fuel allowance, I guess hypothermia doesn't count
  12. And clearly no shortage of "karens" on here who won't let it go either.
  13. Not unheard of for people to admit to things they have not done , normally under pressure from the police, who will have told him that they have him "bang to rights" and its the only way to reduce the inevitable sentence
  14. So you would have the court convict him on the basis of an unexplained sound despite there being zero evidence of an assault ? Unbeleiveable, !!
  15. You seriously need to get over yourself, and consider accepting the decision of the court.
  16. You can check out the conviction rate yourself if you don't believe me. The court decided that there was insufficient evidence of an assault, No need for any sort of "superior intelligence" on my part , just the ability to read, Your personal dislike of the swiss guy is totally irrelevant. He was not on trial for being arrogant or having a superiority complex, which in case you didn't realise are not criminal offences Now you can return to virtue signalling to the other intellectually challenged members of the TVF "hang em high" lynch mob and wait for the next expat to step out of line
  17. Its the presence of the sleeping police man in most of them that puts me off
  18. Another global assault on peoples freedoms , and we can probably expect a lot more in the coming years. More hoops to jump through yet we will still be subject to immigration officers' "discretion" Just anorther version of the ridiculous Thailand Pass that appeared during covid
  19. but he is also a foreigner ! Do you not think that the "Dr" or her father have access to money and high powered friends? There was no evidence of any assault on that video, He was rightly aquitted, end of story.
  20. Well in a country that that has a conviction rate in the courts of around 98% and has a healthy dislike of foreigners , and where doctors and other elites enjoy an almost god like status , It is, in my opinion, conclusive proof of his innocence due to lack of eveidence. If they could have convicted him they would have done without hesitation,, the fact that they did not is very telling (to all but those of limited intelligence)
  21. Winter / summer / all seaon tyres is what my father used to discuss with his mates back in the days of "cross ply" tyres this is the first time I have heard it mentioned for 50+ years,
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