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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. The 510 kilos was spread over 28 suitcases thats just over 18 kilos per suitcase , easily acheivable , Like wise the spanish guy had 158 kilos in 8 suitcases which is just under 20 kilos per case . I never pay any attention to the reported values, its always inflated for dramatic effect, either that or it just goes to show that police and customs officials are generally paying a lot more for their weed than the rest of us Anyway I doubt those concerned were too bothered about any excess baggage charges,
  2. nobody likes a smart a$$ or a pedant , especially when they are wrong, what were you saying about Specsavers ? here is a cut and paste from the OP, read it slowly this time , with your s.pectacles on , looks like my mother was right, it does damage the eyesight . "One significant case happened in May, when Fernando Mayans Fuster, a 51-year-old Spaniard was caught at Manchester Airport. He had 158 kilogrammes of cannabis in eight suitcases, coming from Los Angeles. He was sentenced to a term of three years and four months." If was that so difficult for you to understand, maybe you need more than spectacles Any decent person would now apologise
  3. Why would anybody bother ? The Uk is awash with weed, the majority of which is grown there. Anybody bringing in 8 suitcases filled with 150 kg of weed through an airport must be an idiot. There would be no need for sniffer dogs, the smell must have been overpowering. Simply legalising it in the UK would end this "problem" immediately , saving a fortune, and freeing up customs & police who would then be able to concentrate their attentions on real issues,
  4. Perhaps you should consider applying for a job with the highways department , you would save them a fortune on road construction costs
  5. That has more to do with the ground below than the stone sprinkled on top of it , Also your driveway does appear to be slightly higher than the surrounding land which obviously helps. The conceting stone you used is generally referred to as being 20mm nominal size. So the "surface dressing " you have applied ontop of the plastic sheet at around one "stone" thick has no structural significance it might help stop your wheels spinning when the ground is wet , and it stops you getting your shoes caked in mud but other than that its purpose is purely aesthetic
  6. looking at that picture from the the OP there is no way simply "sprinkling" 3 cm of any sort of stone on that track would provide a substantial foundation, no matter how well compacted , with or without a weed mat Once the heavy rain starts it would only be useable by a tractor . if he intends building a property at the end of it, then in reality Its not really just a driveway he is constructing, it is more like an access road. wagons delivering concrete and other construction materials would soon render it impassable in the rainy season . and the last thing he wants is a wagon full of concrete bogged down up to its axles as its load starts to harden rapidly in the heat of the sun. I wouldn't really like to guess what depth of stone is needed until I had actually seen what kind of material the existing land consists of and how it the surrounding area is affected by rainfall and grounwater. I would be thinking along the lines of removing any topsoil and civilising the ground off to some sort of level , then rolling out some sort of "terram" type material or the nearest available equivalent. Following that I would be looking for some (generally cheaper ) slightly larger stone maybe around 75mm nominal size ( back in the UK we used to use demolition rubble or "hardcore") which would compacted in two layers to give a thickness of around 200mm Then I would use graded roadstone (40mm or thereabouts to dust) which I think is what the OP is referring to as "hin klook" to give a 100mm thick final layer. Ideally with a bit of cross fall to help shed any rain water The additional expense of the graded stone is worth it in my opinion as the different sized particles bind together under compaction providing a tightly knit running surface which is resistant to rutting and if compcted properly is almost akin to concrete. I would avioid single sized 20mm concrete aggregate stone like the plague, in this situation as it doesn't bind together , tends to rut very easily and ultimately ends upscattered all over the place Its also not very nice trying to ride a motorcycle on it Although I'm sure its ok as a surface dressing in lightly trafficked domestic diveway situations
  7. good idea, why not have a word with the guy who drives the grader too , they do a better job than a backhoe and a lot quicker as well
  8. My mistake , I should have written " nothing written by any AN Forum members on this subject is anything other than opinion "
  9. Braggers beware !! It would appear that it is unwise to make exaggerated claims regarding ones own wealth when bigging oneself up on social media. Better to say nothing I seriously hope non of the TRD read any of the tax related threads on this forum , The rubbish being spewed out by a few self appointed tax experts might give them some ideas. Why can't these people just keep their fears and ideas to themselves instead of broadcasting scaremongering rubbish which they claim to be facts? Again, better to say nothing
  10. I'm not hiding behind anybody and have never been under the impression that I have the same rights as Thais, I seriously doubt anybody thinks they will be treated equally . yet you seem obesssed that people might feel that way, you have mentioned it repeatedly twice in the post above. The rest of your post appears to be the work of somebody with an over active imagination . I am not a one year tourist "like the rest of you" nether do I have a retirement visa / extension I have no idea what you were referring to when you when you wrote "happy to hear what you can do on a retirement visa that they can't do on a visa exemption stamp" as I have never mentioned "retirement visas" or "exemption stamps" so can't refer to anything I have written, are you becomming more "confused" Any money I remit to Thailand this year will not be taxed in 2025, I can certainly guarantee that You really should stop posting rubbish based on innacurate assunptions. When one pays tax NOTHING "becomes more expensive" the price of everthing stays exactly the same .
  11. I bet you are the life and sole of every party, are you free next friday? they are planning a party at our local hospice and are looking for a cheap comedian , I'll advise them not to pay you in cash as you will probably declare it and report them
  12. millions of salaried people have their tax deducted at source and never need to file a tax return, do you understand that ? y/n You use a bargirl and a corrupt gov official as typical examples of people buying million baht cars yet only mention their assumed occupations later agreed y/n You claim to know all the details of the "cash economy" despite it being by nature rather secretive y/n Tellingly, in another of your increasingly bizarre posts, which you have now edited out , you claimed to be ex SAS enough said. You are full of it pal
  13. Nowhere in your example did you imply that the Thai customer was either a bar girl with 5 sponsors , or a corrupt government official paying with the proceeds of corruption. Do you agree ? yes or no I have no Idea how many Thais live in the cash economy and neither do you, Was the car in your example being paid for in cash ? or have you not made that bit up yet?
  14. As has been discussed many times on this forum over the years, the legality of many things in Thailand is a very subjective issue.
  15. Whilst what you say is true ,Its certainly not that simple Just because they have mirrors, and even if you can see their mirrors, it does not necessarily mean that they are actually using them , So its unwise to assume that they have seen you. Sometimes you can't see their mirrors because they don't actually have any
  16. What sort of vehicle would survive a high speed head on collision with bus ? , There would be little chance of somebody driving an armoured car surviving such an accident . Its not these vehicles that are inherently dangerous, but the same cannot be said for many of the people who drive them.
  17. Airline pricing policies are one of the great unexplained mysteries of life, There is not a huge difference between the distances from Khonkaen and Udon to Chiang Mai so the difference in price might well be related to how many people are expected to travel on those routes. Either that or Udon is at a much lower altitude which requires the planes to fly "uphill" resulting in higher fuel costs
  18. Good luck with finding a roller, the only ones I ever see are on large highway / construction projects, Smaller contractors are unlikely to posses one and would probably be reluctant to hire one in. They may have a vibrating plate compactor which would be better than nothing ( but only just) To be honest all the fill under the proposed driveway should have been compacted as it was being spread out ( not just the stone on top) 300mm of stone will be fine, spread it in layers as thin as possible and compact it as best you can with whatever is available, Backhoe, Tractor and even the wagons delivering the stone will all provide some compaction but obviously a roller is the best option. Depending on how heavily the driveway is trafficked some wheel track ruts may develop over time but that would probably happen to some degree no matter how well you compacted it. Any such ruts can simply be filled with a sprinkling of a little more stone if required It would be a different story if you planned to lay concrete over the stone as any settlement due to poor compaction might result in the concrete cracking, but assuming you don't intend to do that then no need to worry about it
  19. I keep mentioning what ? You appear to be confused , I mentioned people feeling uncomfortble once , just once , and that was in response to a comment you had made, You said ....". If that sort of extrapolation of information leaves some people feeling uncomfortable I have to wonder why. I said ..... "People being told by others that they are going to suffer either a heavy tax bill or some draconian punishment are feeling uncomfortable , and you have to wonder why ? Do you often find yourself prone to exaggeration ?
  20. The very mention of the word "hash" for me brings back sad miserable memories of the 70's and 80's back in the uk. Some of the hash that people were smoking in those days was pretty low quality, often tainted with the smell of diesel, oil , or rubber I lost count of the number of Tshirts , sofas, and Duvet covers that I ruined with burns from the white hot particles that were prone to fall out of spliffs, I even burnt the cat once . There was occaisionally some better quality stuff floating around but it was the exception rather than the norm I was lucky, my best mate at school was a jamaican lad and he had 2 older brothers who were quite well connected, so I had access to decent grass and was mostly able to avoid smoking the hash. Once the skunk type stuff found its way over to us in the early 90's there was no way I would ever go back to hash. I even tried it a couple of times on trips to Amsterdam but never really liked it, even in a bong
  21. nobody here is able to help him, despite what any of the self appointed experts say or think, nobody yet knows how this will play out. The OP invited people to share their experiences and opinions, well its too early for any experiences to have been reported, , so in reality , all he is going to get is opinions, I really can't see what use any persons opinion would be to the OP unless the person giving the opinion was a senior player in the Thai revenue department, and even then, it would still only be an opinion
  22. No need to apologise I didn't request your assistance, you must be confusing me with somebody else,
  23. People being told by others that they are going to suffer either a heavy tax bill or some draconian punishment are feeling uncomfortable , and you have to wonder why ? I would have thought it was glaringly obvious Again most of what has been said by the various posters on this subject over the past 9 months has been totally irrelevant ,
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