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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. And a man who despite having no brain managed to embarrass the "highly intelligent" child protection authorities. Probably got more money than you too
  2. The common denominator being the BBC Don't forget Huw Edwards,
  3. In my experience the postal service is far more efficient than any of the courier services, and they know where your house is , so no need for several phone calls seeking directions
  4. So during dinner you "observed" its genitalia?
  5. Oh gawd, is Trump now going to join the red bull kid in the "people who must be mentioned in every thread" club Let it go and move on
  6. I doubt they "cream up " very well when fingered, Come to think of it neither did my ex-missis towards the end.....$h1t its started me thinking now
  7. As I understand it most victims are diddled by people known to them. predominantly family members
  8. I think a sense of proportion is required so what sentence would you suggest for 200 grams 20x 200 =4000 years I think that's a bit unrealistic. Regardless of the UK's drug classification system, the effects of ecstasy are far less troublesome than the effects of alcohol.it is not a "hard" drug by any stretch of the imagination. Except in the minds of those who have never tried it, and have been educated by the tabloid press
  9. I'm sure that's a major concern for them .....not
  10. And any pothead with any sense knew not to bother bringing any "souvenirs" back from a trip there due to heightened customs scrutiny
  11. Best of luck with that in the UK, What is it now for a pack of 20? must be £12 or around 500 baht and then you have to find somewhere where you can smoke in peace. without breaking the law or attracting the unwanted attention of the anti smoking nazis
  12. I read an article that theorised that many diddlers are attracted to the" celibate" catholic religion thinking it will put them out of the reach of temptation. A flawed logic as they are actually joining the largest and longest established organised pedo ring in the world.
  13. The difference is that the catholics when caught are duly punished, the only ones trying to cover up their crimes are their fellow catholics, Muzzers on the other hand appear to be treated totally differently, even the authorities turn a blind eye, hence we end up with situations like that in Rotherham. A national disgrace in my opinion
  14. Tommy Robinson being a very good example . Welcome to the UK where even kiddie fiddling or the reporting of it is subject to the newly established two tier justice system. Unbelievable !
  15. You appear obsessed about how much Indians spend here whilst on holiday What concern is it of yours ? They are generally well behaved and the few that are not are no worse than any other bad boys. You should learn to live and let live
  16. Perhaps this belongs in another thread, why not start one yourself
  17. Ridiculous comment ! How many assassination attempts were made on harris or biden or any other of his opponents ? none ! Trump and his supporters have no need to assassinate anybody,
  18. The Catholic clergy don't stand up to criticism very well either
  19. So everybody who voted for him is a "poor runt"? 70+ million of them? As opposed to the "enlightened minority" who voted for loser Harris
  20. I think assassination is a genuine possibility, the fury of the tolerant libtards knows no bounds.
  21. from any distance
  22. Deserves to have his office burnt down, but I doubt he has one . Probably no landline either, enough said
  23. Nothing easy about smuggling drugs into the UK, If you want "easy" smuggle people, that's where the smart money is
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