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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. The use of the word "crackdown " these days seems to imply that the authorities concerned are merely doing their jobs,
  2. You would not believe how many snakes, scorpions and nasty centipedes are living very close to your house, your worries are not unfounded
  3. 5 sad emojis in response to my cat eating a few lizards, what is wrong with these people ? That is what cats do, he killed quite a few rats too are you also going to cry about that? No doubt these are the sort of people who have their cats declawed and try to feed them vegan food !
  4. Yeah right ! multiculturalism has really improved the UK. and everywhere else I don't think "They need, they need , they need" they don't actually "need" to do anything least of all become a clone of any western or so called 1st world country Why this obsession by some on here with people "abusing" the immigration system , do you work for immigration ? your concerns seem to be at odds with your desire for multiculturalism The current system works for them, if it did not they would change it, as indeed they have in the past and no doubt will do in the future if they so wish. Nobody is "abusing" anything, there are shortcuts that are meant to be taken and there are rules that are applied subjectively, for the benefit of all concerned, that's how things work here generally and not just in immigration matters If I want to see an example of failed immigration policies I simply look to my home country The UK. where members of the indigenous population are quickly becoming 2nd class citizens. I hope that never happens here and I am confident that it never will
  5. I share the concerns expressed by the OP Things will change over time , that is the nature of the world and of life in general, Thailand's governments have never proactively sought or attempted to improve the lot of expats ( why would or why should they?) Many governments seeking to garner support from the electorate , or in an attempt to hide their incompetence will often resort to nationalism, as a way to appeal to people's baser instincts or as a way direct attention away from their own failings, and that will, in essence, rarely produce any benefits for foreigners living here or any other country I don't understand why so many people seem to think that this new political party is going to herald the beginning of a total change in culture and propel Thailand into a carbon copy of singapore (god forbid) or anywhere else for that matter. Since when have politicians anywhere ever fulfilled any of their promises ( except Anutin lol) It is quite bizarre that so many people on this forum seem to believe all the predictable pre election promises from the MFP and appear to discount the strong possibility that Pita is just another wealthy Thai looking to get his nose in the trough at any cost The same as all the rest of them The promises and rhetoric are only intended to attract voters, once elected, the pre election pledges are invariably forgotten about, in my opinion very little will change In the unlikely event that there are any significant changes, the likelihood is that they will by nature have a negative impact on foreigners, certainly any improvements in this developing country's economy are unlikely to be matched by similar improvements in our home countries economies, which are all pretty much in decline, and will invariably result in a higher cost of living and no doubt higher financial requirements regarding long term visas etc Any improvement at all will be very unlikely and purely an unintended consequence As far as I'm concerned it's always been a case of "better the devil you know" and I can't think of anything Prayuth's administration did that has caused major problems for me personally . People should be careful what they wish for.
  6. I have had 2 flat screen TV's suffer a similar fate, ended up binning them Have had issues with car headlight lenses "yellowing" vigorous buffing with toothpaste provided some improvement, never failed the annual check here though, but in the UK yellowed lights will not pass the annual MOT check
  7. Addiction to Viagra produces even harder side effects, although they can normally be "shaken off" without too much effort All this hand wringing and pearl clutching about "doctors prescriptions" being required reminds me of the predictable response from the media and others when Viagra was first launched Immediately it was "only to be issued under strict medical supervision" " suitable only for people suffering for example from the side effects of prostate cancer surge " should never be used "recreationally" " carries a serious potential for abuse" " serious side effects" ( that a prescription that would miraculously negate of course) All seems to have gone quite now that the initial hysteria has subsided Personally I only use "Viagra Light" minimal effects in a bedroom situation but helps improve ones "look" when wearing a pair of speedos
  8. Its a common occurrence by some people, one does not need to be "a family therapist" (whatever one of those is), to know such things. Its general knowledge
  9. Sound advice wherever one decides to live , not just applicable to Thailand
  10. But but but... There are people that are adversely affected by peanuts, should we require everybody to take an allergy test before they are issued peanuts under prescription from a doctor?
  11. I heard there was a levy of about 30% of the electricity bill
  12. out of interest how does the use of air conditioning affect the ranges quoted for Ev's
  13. Sounds like a potential solution, but surely there would be a be a need to drill into the tile to provide an injection point if the void to be filled did not extend to the edge of the tile?
  14. lol you got me I totally forgot about that one, although in my defence I was busy doing the ironing having just finished the washing up.
  15. Oh dear, it looks like you may have been unlucky in love, and probably not only in Thailand. I'm genuinely curious as to how you have established that "No Thai woman has ever really wanted to be with a farang." could you provide a link to back this up? I have also heard this from several other jaded / jilted foreigners who I knew personally, interestingly I noticed that all of them shared some common traits I am more inclined to think that no Thai woman could really enjoy life with any foreigner who exhibits more than say 2 of the following common traits. 1) They spoke no Thai whatsoever 2) They had no Thai friends at all 3) They regularly drank to excess 4) The only Thai food they could eat was fried rice 5) They treated their poor wives worse than dogs How many of the above traits apply to you? I'm guessing just 4 as you would need to have found one willing to marry you before the 5th one could apply
  16. You touched on some good points ( or rather very bad points) the issues regarding the WHO and the UN (don't forget the WEF too) that you highlighted are indeed very very worrying. We can certainly expect a lot more "fear" to be directed at us along with a good deal of deflection and distraction,and of course the silencing of any body with views that contradict the "narrative"no matter how valid those views maybe. This is already well underway,anybody who has not noticed is either blind or has already succumbed
  17. Do you honestly think he ever gets invited to any parties , or anywhere else for that matter
  18. Bad luck indeed, and I fully understand your frustration regarding the inability to criticise. I tend to do as much as I can myself, and only hire in assistance when absolutely necessary. The need to walk around as if on eggshells for fear of hurting somebody's feelings is very difficult for me to accept, especially regarding sub-standard workmanship. A Thai or god forbid a chinese Thai, employing a builder would not exercise any such restraint. it seems to be a peculiar trait common to the wives of farangs
  19. There will be no significant difference, who ever ends up in power, all their promises will disappear once they get a sniff of the trough. Its the same everywhere
  20. You are unlucky to have had problems , most Thai builders are pretty good tilers
  21. The op could consider buying a small bag of premixed tile adhesive it contains sand , cement and some sort of glue , just add water its commonly called "poon gao" and crocodile is one of the popular brands less than 300 baht a bag last time I bought some
  22. worth a try but its not guaranteed to work if the void is surrounded by hardened mortar
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