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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. now you are talking lol. But out of interest did you never consider a male masseur in the interests of diversity?
  2. The dumbing down of populations is nothing new, Pol pot simply executed anybody who even looked clever, Importing morons is simply a more "acceptable " method. Stupid governments are fearful of an educated electorate
  3. my mrs must be the exception that makes the rule
  4. well to be honest the entire human race would be extinct if it wasn't for women, would it not?
  5. And in my experience they are also better at ironing shirts, but not much use at changing a punctured tyre.
  6. Just wondering if one can successfully take cuttings from auto flowering plants, and grow them to maturity, or will they start flowering when they reach the same age as the "mother" plant
  7. No straws required, she lost , thankfully.
  8. I agree with what you say but I think Thailand will fare better than you think. They have their own issues but so far seem to have avoided the DEI virus
  9. She herself was a diversity hire thats worrying enough
  10. fortunately there will always be a man present on the flight deck "just in case" and they are never expected to park up unsupervised
  11. as opposed to who? Kamala Harris now that would be really scary
  12. those things are indeed important to most people who live the in the real world However, to the advocates of this DEI insanity who either live in the protected environment of low quality "universities" or who are "employed" in non-jobs funded by the taxpayer or who simply live off benefits, none of the things you mention have any meaning whatsoever
  13. If that were true there would be no issues, but theres more to it in reality. Two guys apply to me for a job one black, one white , both identically qualified and experienced. However there is "something" about the white guy i just don't like , so I give the job to the black guy , No problem and the white guy has no recourse to complain. On the other hand if i just don't like the black guy and employ the white man, the black guy has many ways to complain and I have left myself open to a whole load of problems
  14. I was thinking more along the lines of a early term blood test and appropriate termination
  15. "considered" sure that's perfectly ok but not given or guaranteed a job because they are "special" at the expense of a more capable "normal " person. If I was running a business I would expect to employ who ever I wanted without explaining myself to somebody like you
  16. Presumably you are, or were, running some sort of business ? I have never heard of any retiree being visited by the tax people, ever, in 30 years. Stop scaremongering
  17. for gods sake this is Thailand , not England ! "above board and proper" and other such phrases have no relevance here.
  18. There will be a cure for that soon hopefully,
  19. lol no no no what? DEI is contrary to nature and as such it is unsustainable. How happy would you be on an aircraft if you knew the pilot only qualified because people with down's syndrome were currently under represented as commercial airline pilots?
  20. So a tourist gets assaulted by a Thai thug I read that bit but nothing in the OP about chaos on the beach or drunk tourist except in very general terms.
  21. booze of course, ganga has little to do with it, infact without ganga it would be worse, bad behaviour when drunk is not unique to caucasians, many stories on here about Indians (and their women) being involved in "incidents" Caucasians only feature more often because there are many more of them, its not rocket science.
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