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Everything posted by VBF

  1. Fair points. It would still be good to hear from anyone else who has applied via the website in UK over the past (say) 2 months whether successfully or not. My last application was in January this year (2023) and was successful - that was for a SETV.
  2. They do BUT most Americans do not seem to understand satire, irony or sarcasm. As a Brit, I like some American humour but much of it seems very obvious to me - verging on verbal "slapstick" . Having said that, 2 of my favourite stand-up comedians are Rich Hall and Reginald D Hunter both of whom spend a lot of time in England.
  3. Has anyone else on AN applied for a Tourist Visa in UK recently? If so did they experience any problems of the type experienced by @ewelve? If not, i have a feeling that your device(s) might be infected by a "worm" or keylogger @ewelve This might cause diversion of your activities. Have you checked?
  4. All that you say is true, but remember former US President Truman's motto "The buck stops here"
  5. .... is like a fish without a bicycle. Sorry...PURPOSE! ???? And this post is supposed to remind everyone not to take life seriously ????
  6. One of my favourite lines - well done ????????????
  7. Well the older one gets, the less point there is in saving.......anything!
  8. And then there was "Captain Hugh Jampton" of course. Possibly served with Major Dennis Bloodnok.... bloodnok-dishonoured-again (curried eggs).mp3 (Now lets see how many people under the age of 60 fail to get that.....)
  9. You can't get the wood, you know!!!!
  10. Be careful you don't get it too soon - I believe there is a limit on how long you can hold the visa before travelling.
  11. No you missed my point! I was replying to your "very sad" that someone was "comfortable being treated as a tool to empty my balls..." There's nothing sad about people's personal decisions that only affect them and not others.
  12. Only sad if one party wants a different arrangement. If 2 consenting adults are happy with a purely physical / financial relationship who are you or me to criticise?
  13. Wherever you go......there you are! Think about it.
  14. Or, for some of us, don't marry at all. I've learned, sometimes the hard way, that the best way to ruin a good friendship is to "settle down" with the person. And that's not just in Thailand btw. I'm actually both happier and more contented (different things) as an honest "butterfly" than trying to assume the mantle of husband. As ever...YMMV!
  15. I suppose someone has to post this....... allow me ????
  16. And therein lies the rub. Show me any system in any country that contains loopholes and someone is or will be exploiting it!
  17. Theoretically (!!!) we Brits don't vote for PM either. We vote for the Party, who has in turn voted for and elected a leader who becomes PM In practice, given an opportunity, people tend to vote for the Party whose leader they "like" the most. However, that system has allowed us to have several PMs whom few members of the public would ever have wanted had there been an election with them as the leader. (Yes you, Liz Truss). However anachronistic the House of Lords is, it does serve in some way to force "checks and balances"
  18. According to the Playwright John Mortimer "There is no pleasure worth forgoing just for an extra three years in the geriatric ward." (I think someone on AN uses that in his profile)
  19. Contradiction in terms ????
  20. As i said, Apple are fine engineering but to address your points - I never need to use a laptop for 18 hours if I'm away from a power point, and I will strongly disagree that listening to anything serious via laptop speakers is a good experience. It doesn't matter if it's a PC / laptop or a Mac - speakers of that size are just incapable of giving a good listening experience. I either use external speakers (wired or bluetooth) or headphones same as i do with my phone / tablet both of which are Android. I'm not saying that Apple kit is bad, just the opposite, but I cannot justify the price premium over Windows / Unix systems. I could offer more reasons but that would be for this post.
  21. When I lived in the USA, many places used to have signs "No shoes, no shirt, no service" a sentiment with which I actually agreed. It's reasonable, IMO, to think that anyone walking down a city street is likely to want to visit a shop, store, restaurant or whatever at some point. I tend to think it shows something unpleasant about the attitude of someone who does this and I personally tend to avoid them. Having said that, on a beach road, my stance is "up to you" but it still says "something" about the person. I personally feel uncomfortable going shirtless in the street but sometimes I walk the beach (say Pattaya Dolphin to Walking St) and I'll take my shirt off, but put it back on when i return to the street. UPDATE - Cross-posted with @jippytum above
  22. Sadly, not enough! ????
  23. I misunderstood your earlier email and thought that you'd managed to get the SCB App working whilst you are in UK. In fact you just needed to check your account itself was in order. You did explain it - my bad. ????
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