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Everything posted by VBF

  1. I shall check that out - thanks. 👍 Your description suggests that it might even be the same lady as used to be on 2nd Road - I'm keen to find out! 😊
  2. Thanks for contributing but since when has Pattaya Beer Garden had live music? It's always been videos displayed on multiple screens. Is PBar still hosting live acts - are you sure? Irish Wolfhound - thats on Soi 4 Pratumnak, right?
  3. Agreed - as I mentioned earlier, Filipinos / Filipinas do much better than Thais with Western singing. One of the best used to be on 2nd Rd, late night nearly opposite Mike's Store. She was superb - she could sound just like Tina Turner. not seen her since 2020.
  4. As you asked a direct question...... "It would depend upon who I was "Valentineing" that particular year. 🙄😆😆 As to the rest of your post - valid points 👍
  5. Fine, your choice. Enjoy wherever you go
  6. Yes! I was pleasantly surprised when a friend took me there last year. Without that I would have simply walked past, just as I do the restaurants in Walking St. There were quite a few Thai people eating there if it it interests you.
  7. You've specified seafood, rather than simply fish, but for the latter, there's an enormous place on Pattaya Beach Road, near Klang I don't know its name, but from Klang, walk south along BR and it's less than 200 metres. It has tanks outside containing fish, lobster and crab, you go up some steps and it opens out into a big, cavernous area, with a fish pond inside. They offer free all you can eat salad bar when you order your meal, the service was very friendly and not too expensive IMO
  8. Maybe for ordinary taxi drivers it makes sense to talk to tell the tourists where to go and pay extra. I like that most of the Bolt drivers don't say anything. Get it the car, confirm it's the correct driver and destination. Relax. Get out. Done. Everybody who uses a riding app knows where they want to go. And that is the service which the drivers provide. Not more, not less. And I am pretty sure some drivers talk to nice passengers... @CanadaSam It takes a good driver to sense what sort of interaction is appropriate. It's a fine line - sometimes I've been in a taxi and chatted with the driver the whole trip; sometimes, if I'm tired and the driver talks, I give a monosyllabic reply whilst thinking "I do wish he'd shut up" and nodding politely. @OneMoreFarang I think you've got it but if both sides feel like chatting, then good...if not so be it. One can glean some useful information from taxi drivers if the personalities "click"
  9. Took me a few seconds to get that! Cynical, but true 👍😆
  10. All true but dependent on location of course. Hopefully, a good rocking band will drown out external sounds 🎸🎸🎸 For listening to live bands, I'm sort of "focussed" on the music and sound quality thereof. (See my earlier comments about pub gigs in London - not comfortable but I'll put up with that if the music is good enough.) If it isn't, then I won't stay anyway - if I'm in a place with a live band I don't like, that becomes more irritating than anything else, so time to move on.
  11. Doesn't bother me - I would always rather be too hot than too cold! But if they allow smoking, THEN I appreciate the A/C
  12. Thanks - on the list to try 👍
  13. Been past there, didn't rate the band then, but given my OP, certainly worth trying again and a very short walk from M's Mojito mentioned above 👍 There could be a plan here.......
  14. cheap Charlies ? If referring to Pattaya, the area around Cheap Charlies (which establishment I would strenuously avoid) being the Sois Buakhau, Lengke, Diana, LK Metro have many UK-style restaurants. You could walk around that area for 10 minutes and be spoilt for choice - really. Just Soi Lengke alone, there's Kungs and The Devonshire both visible from the Buakhau junction - that was as of April '24 - there may be more now. From CC, head north or south and just glance around you.
  15. Thank you...I'm going to try that! Where exactly is PP Night Plaza?? Is it known by another name?
  16. I think the answer to that may be that historically Thailand was seen as the "wild west" for all sorts of crimes. You've been around a while - think back to Thailand, say 30 years ago, and what was ignored then as compared to now - the ease of doing perpetual "border hops" comes to mind. I remember certain establishments in Bangkok changing Western cash at advantageous rates - transactions in back rooms with no paperwork issued. The notes were just checked visually - no scanning. This guy might have heard about those days and assumed the same conditions still applied - his bad if that's the case! Just FWIW, I bring British £50 notes with me (so vaguely related); I get them from a High St bank (so they go through my account) and carry the receipts both to show Customs and against the possibility of questions being asked in Thailand. One never knows!
  17. That sounds well worth a try. 👍👍 I believe it's right near a huge fish restaurant which is good but pricey (for Pattaya) I think I've walked past it on the way to the restaurant and seen band equipment all covered up. Presumably my timing was out.
  18. Reminds me of a former neighbour who had a one-man company maintaining woodblock floors. His company name was "Last Man Sanding"
  19. Thanks 👍 - Matador already mentioned - my initial description was wrong. Rock Factory - that's the other one almost opposite LK I believe. Very sort of "Goth" in appearance? I didn't mention that because the bands on there play the real heavy stuff - Judas Priest for example which is not to my taste.
  20. I know what you mean - I used to go to gigs in London during the "Pub Rock" days of the late seventies and eighties, also when Punk surfaced. Being pressed up against the stage watching NEW artists like The Jam or Ian Dury or Elvis Costello or Sex Pistols (all for free!!!) was brilliant - even when you got beer spilled over you and came out reeking of cigarette smoke. Having said that, The Rolling Stones or Status Quo at Wembley were brilliant too - but in their own way. I'm actually quite looking forward to checking out Las Vegas - as I say it'll be new to me.
  21. Thank you. 👍 No, I didn't check Las Vegas on Diana - when I was last in Patts it wasn't quite open. I shall check it very soon. And...that senility's having a fine time today... when I said "There was also a large place on Soi Bukhau, nearly opposite LK Metro...began with a "B"" I did in fact mean Matador - where are you Nurse? 😩😩😩 See - you answer my question and I provide you with entertainment - fair exchange? Tuk Tuk is completely new to me - another one to try. And thanks for the warning - too hot doesn't usually bother me....we shall see.
  22. You're absolutely right - thanks. And its just around the corner from where I stay. 😆 And it's on "Soi Pothole" where I've been known to spend the odd hour or 5!! Cant think why I didn't include it - must be my premature senility! 😞
  23. Excellent post - totally agree 👍 And I think we should remember that a society is only as "civilized" as its members allow it to be
  24. VBF

    Road rage

  25. When you say "The term "Holocaust" is widely recognized as referring to the Nazi genocide of Jews........" you are correct of course, BUT I contend that it's wrong to use it that way, despite the fact that it's become accepted. When people mention The Holocaust, I'm always tempted to ask "Which one?" I submit that Pol Pot's atrocities in Cambodia are no less horrific and deserving of the epithet - if one visits the Killing Fields and looks at the piles of skulls displayed, it's very similar to what is displayed at Dachau. I visited the Killing Fields, and also Toul Sleng (the torture prison) and as much as I thought this to be fanciful, I did feel a chill as I walked around - similar to what a Jewish friend experienced on visiting Belson. IMO, the race preyed upon is irrelevant - it's the actions of the aggressors that are so critically important. By the way, the BBC have been broadcasting interviews with some of the very few survivors, "lest we forget" https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/collection/m0027dxz To return to the OP, Holocaust deniers are ignorant, unthinking MORONS.
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